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Okay, lovelies. This promises to be one of the hardest rants I'll ever have to write, but it feels necessary.


And I'm talking those of the "fat" to "skinny" variety.

Until recently no one knew, but for the last few years I've been struggling with an eating disorder that I'm not going to go into too much detail about, because I'm not here for sympathy or attention.

I see these girls in these stories that say they're "fat" and that they get made fun of and that they can't stand it. So they go on these weight loss journeys with a personal trainer, a dietitian, and even an entire wardrobe crew and support system and I can't help but be outrageously angry at them.

Yes. Pretty much everyone struggles with body image. And yes, they have every right to be comfortable in their own skin.

But what kills me is how inaccurate these stories are and I really just wish people would stop writing them.

The girls in these stories have it so good. They eat the organic, healthy foods prepared by someone that knows the difference between good and bad calories. They have trainers that know what areas of muscles to work and just how much and what kinds of foods are needed in order to prevent injury.

And I think it just really pisses me off seeing that these stories portray weight loss as such an easy, fun, worthy thing. But really, very few people have the means to be able to afford such a weight loss regimen. And, unfortunately, if you don't know what you're doing, you can very easily lose control.

In the end the girls in these stories end up with happy little lives, with the boy they've been dreaming about dating since chapter one (even though he used to bully them), and everyone thinks they're so hot and so beautiful and so desirable.

But what everyone forgets to tell you is that when you go through so much trouble to lose weight, it becomes an obsession that you can't shake. In reality, at the end of eating disorders you either go through hell or die.

And once you get so far gone you're not even the same person anymore. I lived with my disorder for over two years and no one knew anything about it, because I lied and I lied and I hid the truth from everyone. I even had my best friend fooled, which is one of my greatest and most depressing accomplishments to date. The guy knows everything about me (literally) and yet he only became aware of it after nearly three years.

Fortunately I got help. Lots of girls aren't that lucky.

None of the authors of these stories show the dangers of a young girl losing so much weight, because their characters have help from trained professionals.

But so many girls out there take losing weight into their own hands and that's so incredibly dangerous. I wish losing tons of weight would stop being portrayed as glamorous, because unless you're obese and it's a serious health hazard to yourself, obsessing over weight is a really bad thing.

I'm tired of these characters having it all so easy, when in reality, without the proper help you can end up dead before you even have a chance to realize what's happening.

I've been so blessed to have a best friend with the audacity to confront me and tell me I was going to kill myself. He gave me the courage to ask for help before things got too unbelievably bad, and a lot of girls don't get that chance.

Don't give me your pity or sympathy. That's not why I'm finally being open and honest about my mistake. We're extremely naïve to think that every mental disorder is the exact same for everyone. It's not. That's the scary part. It's just not.

I'm telling you guys this because these stories are wrong and I want them to stop. I have no suggestions to "fix" them, because what they do is break girls down.

It's like the depression thing. Everyone acts like it's cool for characters because it's dramatic and it's the same for everyone. But no one realizes that when you deal with the mind, it's not the same for everyone. It's not cool. It's serious as shit.

Just stop with the dramatic weight loss that makes the main character the most popular kid in town.

Healthy is pretty. People are pretty. Smiles are Pretty. Laughs are pretty.

That needs to be portrayed more.

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