Chapter Five: Rollerskating And Goats

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After we finished eating, Riley brought us the check and the boys paid. I protested with Presley but of course they outnumbered us. I offered to exchange phone numbers with Riley, because she looks like a friend that I shouldn't let go. She had happily agreed and told me to text her later, after she gets off work at six. All seven of us wanted to hang out more instead of just leaving, so right now we are standing in the freezing Ruby Tuesday parking lot, trying to decide what to do that won't make us feel sick due to us just eating. "Bowling?" Liam suggested with a sniffle.
I shake my head, "The closest bowling alley isn't one I'd recommend."
Presley agrees with me, "Yeah, we went there once and I swore I was never going back."
"What happened?" Zayn questions and I bite back a laugh as my mind flashes back to that memory.
"I don't want to talk about it," Presley grumbles and I can't help but giggle a little.
"For some reason," I start explaining with a smile despite Presley's complaints, "the owners had a goat. Pres was about to take her turn, w-when t-the g-go, g-goat..." I try but I couldn't stop laughing.
"Are you okay?" Niall asks me with his cheeks bright red from the cold.
"Don't tell them!!" Presley yells as I continue to not being able to breathe.
"Why not?" I choke out, holding my stomach.
"It's embarrassing!" she complains.
"What did the goat do?" Liam asks, and I lose it again.
"Despite," Presley speaks sharply, "what the goat may or may not have done, I'm never going there again." Breathe in, breathe out, I tell myself. After a few seconds, I can breathe normally but I still feel tears on my cheeks.
"Okay!" I announce, "I'm good now, but I'm also freezing my butt off. Can someone just decide already!?" Suddenly, Niall's face brightens and he looks at us. "What about rollerskating?" He asks. I smile and give him a pat on the back.
"Great idea, Nialler!" I hop from one foot to the other to try to stay warm. Stupid November London weather.
"I like it, too," Presley agrees, "There's no goats there, and we haven't been in a while." The other boys nod their heads to agree, but Niall leans over to me.
"What did the goat do?" He whispers into my ear and I start chuckling again.
"Niall!!" Presley screams. He puts his hands up in surrender and I laugh. When Pres gets mad, she's scary. I've learned to not be affected. Sometimes.
"Okay," Harry starts, "When we came, we were kind of squished because we only have Louis' car. Can two of us go with you guys?"
"Sure," Presley replies for both of us, "We have room."
"Great!" Zayn cheers, "I was about to die from being squished by Niall and Harry!"
"Hey!" Niall defends, "We're not that bad!!"
"Yeah!" Harry crosses his arms, and I roll my eyes but smile a little.
"Come on, you weirdos!" I say, pulling Niall's arm. He stumbles which causes me to laugh. "Harry!" I yell, "I'm cold, let's go!"
"Don't get your panties in a twist!" Harry grumbles which causes Liam, Zayn and Louis to laugh a bit.
"Excuse you, Curly!" I sass, "I don't think I'm the only one cold! Now get your sorry butt in my car if you want to have fun with us or I swear I'll leave you out here!" He stops, but nods his head in agreement after a few seconds.
"We'll meet you there?" Louis asks, opening his car door. I nod and follow Presley over to ours.
"I'll sit in the back," I tell the two boys, "One of you can sit by Presley." They look at each other, before looking at me.
"I'll sit in the back too," Niall opens the car door. Harry climbs in the front and I sit in the back with Niall.
"So," Presley starts awkwardly, and no one responds. Tick tock. Tick tock, goes the clock.
"That's it!" I say after a moment, "No more awkwardness. If we want to be friends, then let's talk and get to know each other."
"I agree!" Niall nods his head with a smile.
"Hey Harry, turn on the radio please," I instruct as Presley backs out of her parking space. He doesn't respond vocally but he turns the dial and the Christmas carols fill our car once again. "Thank you," I sigh and lean back against the seat.
"So what's your guy's favorite color?" Presley asks.
"Light purple," I immediately respond and I see Pres roll her eyes in the rear view mirror.
"Not you, Leigh. I meant the boys," she gestures towards them, while her other hand holds the steering wheel.
"Mine has to either be pink or orange," Harry says and I stifle back a laugh.
"You're really manly, Harold," I tease him and Niall chuckles from beside me.
"Real men wear pink," he defends and turns in his seat, "How did you know my real name was Harold?"
"I didn't," I shrug and my gaze falls on Nialler.
"Mine's blue," he responds and I smile proudly then yawn.
"I already knew that," I grin at Presley and she rolls her eyes again.
"Well I didn't," she thinks for a moment, "Favorite food?"
"My mum's spicy chicken wings," Niall says as I lean my head on his shoulder and yawn again.
"I'd have to say Gemma's apple tarts," Harry picks.
"Who's Gemma?" I mumble tiredly from Niall's very comfortable shoulder.
"She's my sister," he answers but I'm already gone.
"Wake her up Niall," Presley tells me nicely and I nod. I gently shake her, but she won't budge. Stubborn Hayleigh.
"Hayleigh," I whisper and she shifts but doesn't fully wake up. I shake her again gently and Harry laughs. "Hay-Bale," I say loudly.
"Try tickling her on her stomach," Presley suggests and I do what she said. That seemed to do the trick since Hayleigh bolts up and slaps my hand.
"Never tickle me," she warns and I smirk slightly but nod. At least now I know how to wake her up.
"Come on, Hayleigh," I chuckle as she tries to fix her hair, "The others are waiting on us." She groans but follows me out of the car.
When we get inside, the others are already lacing up their skates while Hay and I head to the counter. Liam had already paid so that's good for us. "Seven please," Hayleigh smiles warmly. The guy turns to me with a bored look on his face.
"Eight," I tell him and ruffle Hayleigh's hair. She glares at me and slaps my arm. I don't even flinch because this time she didn't hit me hard. I've only known her for two days yet I already know a ton about how to stay strong. As I sit on a chair, I start untying my shoes and Hayleigh slips off her boots. She walks over to the counter, thanks the man and walks back with our weird shoes. "Thank you," I salute to her with a smile and she laughs. I quickly lace up my skates and use the chair to slowly stand. I help Hayleigh get up and she wobbled but steadies herself.
"Ready?" She asks me and I nod my head.
"Let's go!" I say happily and she chuckles again. I grab her hand and intertwine our fingers. "Guess what?"
She looks at me, her brown eyes twinkling. "What, Irish?" I snort as we start skating around the rink.
"You're my best friend," I reply in a teasing tone and she raises her eyebrows as we turn the corner and Demi Lovato's voice fills the area.
"That's too bad," she smirks and I look at her confused, "I already have Presley..." Hayleigh motions to Presley who is skating in circles around Louis and Liam, and they look unbalanced and nervous. I slump my shoulders in fake hurt but she continues, "but I guess you can be my best-guy-friend." My face breaks out into a grin and I kiss her forehead.
"I feel so honored," I say sarcastically and she laughs. "So one thing yesterday we forgot to talk about one thing," I pull her over to the railing.
"What?" She asks me as we watch Zayn fall on his butt again.
A/N: Ooo, I wonder who does Hayleigh have a crush on!? And our little Nialler??? Haha. I love teasing y'all. This chapter is dedicated to ClaryFairchild23 because she was my first vote!!!
I have a question. Do you guys like how I back tracked it all the way to 2011? I kind of do just to understand their friendship, but I need other people's opinions. What do you think? Comment:)
Stay Amazing:) Xx

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