Chapter Twenty-Eight: Plan In Action

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012:
"Have you noticed anything strange?" I ask from the chair I was sitting in by the pool.
Niall looks at me, "Like what?"
"I don't know," I shrug before biting my lip. "Like, that anyone has changed drastically these past few weeks?"
"Hayleigh Rose," his Irish accent chuckles, "what the heck are you trying to say?"
I sigh, "Never mind, Ni." I guess you could say I'm still slightly mad at him for allowing Barbara to call him Nialler and basically allowing her to insult me these past few days but I've kept it together for the plan.
"What's going on here?" A voice asks and I roll my eyes; speak of the she-devil.
"We're just enjoying the sun," I fake a smile and Barbara shoots me a glare before giving a 'seductive look' to my best friend.
She takes a seat on Niall's lap even though there's an empty seat right next to him and begins kissing him roughly.
I cover my mouth to keep from barfing as I stand quickly and dash over to everyone else.
"This is never going to work," Eleanor groans and Harry sighs.
"I just don't get why we can't show Niall the video of her attacking you," he shakes his head.
"The only reason you lot saw it was because number one, Presley shoved it in your face," I pause to glance at her and she smiles sheepishly, "and two, you kind of forced me to since you heard our whole conversation!"
"Guys chill," Liam speaks up, "I'm sure we'll think of something." Everyone takes a second to look at the couple making out and half of us shudder while the others hold back breakfast.
"I hope so," I say and watch as Niall pulls away and caresses her cheek. He really likes her. "Niall needs to realize she's not who she says she is before someone gets hurt."
"Someone did get hurt," Zayn reminds us before pointing to me. "That someone being you Hay."
"I got it!" Dani shouts suddenly, making me jump slightly. "We should make him jealous!"
"Like that's gonna work," Louis rolls his eyes.
"He's right," I agree, "Niall hasn't been spending any time with me at all, unless you count the five minutes of peace from a few seconds ago. I doubt he'd care if I found a new best friend."
"I'm not talking about replacement," Dan replies. "I'm talking about you getting a boyfriend."
I take a step back, alarmed. "Excuse me?"
"That might work," Presley pipes up from beside me while her fingers tap her chin. "He gets really overprotective over you, Hayleigh. It's worth a shot."
"I'm telling you it's not going to work," I say, pushing it a little farther but it looks like they all agree with Dani and Presley. "Niall hasn't even been defending me against Barbara. She literally called me trash and he didn't say anything."
"I swear I'm going to push her off of a cliff," Zayn growls and Eleanor nods her head firmly.
"Well if this is the only idea we have, were using it," she states and I sigh before nodding along with everyone else.
"Who's going to be my 'boyfriend?'" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest as we walk over to the smoothie stand.
Liam snaps his fingers, "Evan!"
"I guess that could work," I say unsurely. "We have a date tonight but I feel horrible using him like that. I actually like him."
"Kill two birds with one stone," Danielle smirks and I give her a confusing look. "You're technically not using him since you like him and he asked you out. Plus, this is great! You actually get to go out with a guy you like while you're getting revenge on your horrible excuse of a best friend."
"Hey! It's not Niall's fault," I defend and Harry raises an eyebrow. "It's the witch. He's under her spell."
"You know there's no such thing as magic right?"
"I know," I comment before giving a glare in her direction. "But there is a thing called good and evil and she is definitely evil."
"Why are you defending him?" Eleanor asks and I shuffle my feet.
"I don't really know," I say honestly.
"Seriously Hayleigh," Louis adds, "We're his brothers and yet, we think he's a douche bag."
"I guess even though we're going through a rough patch, I still defend him because he's my best friend and I don't like him upset. I'd rather have a Happy Niall then-"
"Jerky Niall?" Presley suggests and I give a small laugh.
"That's not what I was going to say but yes, that's right."
"He doesn't deserve you as a friend," Dani smiles warmly at me. "You are so loyal and trustworthy."
I feel my cheeks heat up slightly as I look them in the eye, "If anything I don't deserve him. He just doesn't know any better. This is his first serious girlfriend."
Thursday, July 12, 2012(Evening):
"You look beautiful," Evan tells me with a smile as we walk away from my hotel room.
I look at the floor shyly, "Thank you. You look handsome as well."
It's true. His brown hair was spiked up while he sports a nice dark pair of jeans and a simple black T-shirt with some Vans.
I was wearing a pair of capris that go just above my knee and a flowy navy shirt with little white anchors on it. My white sandals were on my feet and my brown hair was down naturally with little white studs in my ears. My guitar pick was around my neck-hidden under my shirt since it didn't really match.
"So where are we going?" I ask him curiously after we step outside.
"There's this lovely little festival going on about five minutes from here," he informs me, "I remember you told me you loved Ferris Wheels so I thought it was perfect for you." Awe, he remembers things I say.
A smile spreads across my lips as I look up at him, "It is perfect, thank you Evan."
"My pleasure Hayleigh," he returns it and nervously places my hand in his. I intertwine out fingers as we start to walk through the beautiful state of Hawaii, enjoying the slight breeze that's making my hair fall behind my shoulders.
"So what's your favorite place in New York?" He asks, starting a conversation.
I bite my lip, thinking. "Hmm, probably Trafalgar Square."
"I love walking through there," Evan comments. "My sister is a photographer and she loves going there and taking pictures."
My ears perk, "Your sister's a photographer?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I absolutely love photography," I gush and he smiles. "I teach middle kids about it at the center I work at."
"That's amazing," he says as we approach the entrance for the festival. "Two tickets please," Evan tells the nice looking man sitting down next to an older woman.
"That'll be ten dollars," she smiles sweetly and I give Evan a five but he hands it right back to me.
"There's no way I'm letting you pay," he says and I raise my eyebrows before he finishes, "My mom taught me to never let the pretty girl pay." I smile at the ground and I hear the woman awe.
"But I feel guilty," I try to give it to him again but he's already handing me my ticket.
"Next time you can if you really want to," he tells me and my grin widens. Next time?
"Enjoy your night," the man says and we nod politely before entering. Kids are squealing with glee as their moms buys them cotton candy while teenagers are in lines for the roller coasters and games.
"So what would you like to do first?" Evan questions, a small smile resting on his lips.
"How about some ice cream?" I suggest and we walk over to stand behind two teenage girls. "Is there anything you want to go on besides the Ferris Wheel?"
"I've actually never been to a carnival before," he admits, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. Suddenly Niall pops into my mind but I push the thought of the jerk away.
"Yea," he confirms. "I've always wanted to go with my older sister when we were little but we never had the time."
"That's a shame," I say before giving him a goofy smile. "I'm honored that I get to accompany you to your first time at one of these. They're very fun."
We move up and order, me getting peppermint while he orders a classic strawberry. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a familiar couple enter the carnival and I grin at the coincidence. I pretend to fix my earring but really try to get in contact with El.
She's been talking now in my ear this whole time but now I actually have a chance to respond.
"Will you excuse me for a sec?" I ask Evan who's waiting on our cones.
He nods, but looks at me unsurely. I quickly lean up to peck his cheek, "I promise I'll be right back."
A/N: HEY GUYS. So school started last Wednesday and I have to say, I hate high school. It's just rubbish. Complete rubbish.
I hope all of you are doing well and are using your smiles around the world!! I love you all and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! See you next week!!
Stay Beautiful:)

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