Chapter Forty-Six: Back On Tour

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Thursday, May 16, 2016:
"It'll only be a second, Hayleigh," Becca groans and I chuckle as she tries to get my best friend to leave. "I just want to tell him something!"
"Why can't you tell him with me in the room?" Hay smartly inquires, making the teen roll her eyes.
"Because it's important and doesn't involve you."
"I feel offended," Hayleigh mutters under her breath as she leaves the room. Becca turns to me as the door closes with a stern look on her face.
"Okay, Niall. This is very important."
"You said that already," I reply, trying to get a giggle out of her but she doesn't even flinch in her hospital bed.
"However, it does involve Hayleigh," she continues as if I hadn't said a word. "Now, I've known you for a while, yes? You mean very much to my dear Hay and she means the world to you. Please stop me if I'm wrong."
I shake my head with a forced laugh, Where is she going with this? "You're not wrong yet, Bec."
"I just have one request as you two gallop around the world, you singing your heart out, okay?"
I give her a weird glance with my eyebrows furrowed and my eyes squinted. "What are you talking about, Becca? We're not galloping ar-"
She cuts me off, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. "Don't hurt her."
Her short three-word statement stuns me and I can't help but feel a little off that she would think I would ever do something like that.
I'm still processing what she's saying but she goes on. "I know a lot about your relationship with her. You might call it something else but I call it based on what I see. I know about Barbara, and Evan, the fights you guys have had-"
"How?" I interrupt her and she blinks.
"How do you know?" I repeat.
"She's told me," Becca responds simply. "As you know I have an older brother and a younger sister but I don't have an older sister. I consider Hayleigh to be the older sis I don't have. She means a lot to me."
Her voice is hard as stone and I can't believe I'm talking to Becca, who cried when meeting the rest of the band. "I also know that you two have one of the best friendships- possibly ever to exist- and I want you to know that you should not let her go."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I shove my hands in my pockets.
"It's impossible for you to see the way you look at her, with so much love in your eyes. She looks at you the same way, Niall."
"I don't have feelings for Hayleigh," I protest, throwing up my hands slightly before the fall against my jeans. "Why does everyone keep saying that?"
"Because you do," Becca insists, even when I give her the crazy face. "You may not think you love her in that way right now but you will."
I sigh, not even wanting to put up an argument. "Whatever, Bec."
"Take care of her while she's with you," she instructs and I give her a two-finger salute.
"I will," I promise as we hear a slight knock on the door. Becca tiredly comments a come in, and Hayleigh pops her head through the door.
"Sorry to interrupt, but Niall and I need to go to my house to get my things." She fully walks in, rubbing her eyes as it was only nine in the morning. "I just wanted to say bye before we leave."
Hayleigh goes to the side of the bed I am at, leaning down to hug Becca. They wrap their arms around each other tightly, Becca squeezing her eyes shut. "Take care of yourself," Hayleigh whispers to her.
"I'll do you one better," Becca sniffles with a smile. "I'll take care of everyone at the center."
When it's my turn to hug her, she buries her head in my shoulder and gently talks in my ear so Hayleigh doesn't hear. "Please watch over her."
I pull away and give a small grin, "Take it easy, Becca."
"Will do."
"When do you get to leave?" Hayleigh asks, folding her arms across her chest.
"Around five tonight," Becca answers, "but it really depends on how I hold up today."
There's a brief silence as Becca studies the two of us, thinking hard. "I'm going to miss you too," she finally states.
"I'm going to miss you too," Hayleigh replies with a soft smile.
"Our plane leaves in an hour and a half," I check my watch, giving my best friend a look that tells her we need to leave. She nods and gives Becca another hug.
"I'll be back in a few weeks," Hayleigh informs her and wipes a stray tear from her eye.
"Have fun," Becca suggests and we slowly exit the room as Hayleigh gives her one last wave before closing the heavy hospital door. I stay silent as she hugs Georgia and the rest of Becca's family goodbye. However I am surprised when Georgia walks over and gives me a hug too.
"Thank you for being friends with Becca," she tells me with a genuine smile. "She adores you and Hayleigh."
"We adore her," I reply, my eyes locked on my best friend who is having small talk with Becca's dad.
I clear my throat before walking over, placing my hand on her shoulder which makes her look up at me.
We finally make it to the car a few minutes later, driving to her house in silence, even with Presley in the front seat. When Hayleigh comes down the few steps with her suitcase lugging behind her, I stand from my place on the couch.
"You ready?"
I don't get a direct response but a sniffle instead. Presley runs over to her and they share an embrace.  "Skype and text everyday?"
"Deal," Presley nods before sharing a look with the two of us when Hayleigh moves to stand by me. "Can you also keep me updated on Harry? We might be in a fight right now but he is really important to me."
"Why can't you just come with us?" I ask and the the darker brunette sighs.
"I wish I could but I am getting my kids at the center ready for a huge art gallery in a few weeks."
"Which I will be back for," Hayleigh reminds her, flinging her short hair over her shoulder.
"I know you will," Presley replies, a small smile on her lips. "Have fun guys, and tell me everything when you get back."
"We will," I say as we begin walking out the door. The two share a hug as I load our suitcases in the car and give Pres a quick hug as well.
Presley waves until we can't see her anymore and I look over at Hayleigh who was staring out the window while her knee bounces along to the radio. "You excited?"
"You kidding?" Hayleigh raises an eyebrow before a happy grin comes on her face. "We're going to Zurich, Switzerland and you're performing at Hallenstadion tonight! This is so cool!"
A laugh escaped my throat at her excitement and give her hand a small squeeze. "Hayleigh this is only the beginning."
"You're back!!!" We hear a chorus of shouts when we enter the stadium to backstage. I'm suddenly in the air as Liam and Zayn wrap me in a- slightly sweaty- hug.
"Do I want to know why you're sweaty?" I giggle out as I finally get put back on the floor.
"We've been exercising," Liam shrugs, holding up his wrapped hands.
"HAYLEIGH!" I turn at my name being called to see Louis running full speed, knocking me into a big hug. Laughter bubbles from the pit of my stomach as he twirls me around.
"I guess no one missed Nialler," Niall pouts which make his three older brothers start playfully punching him and messing up his spiked hair.
I realize one member of One Direction was missing so I look around before asking, "Guys, where's Harry?"
"He's shaking hands with all the workers," Louis explains. "He does it every night whether we're in a new place or its just a custodian. We appreciate all their help."
I bite back a smile, leaning my head against Niall's shoulder. "That's sweet. Harry is such a gentleman."
"We did it too!" Zayn protests as Niall wraps his arms from behind around my stomach.
Niall rolls his eyes, "I'm sure you did."
The three boys look offended and I laugh slightly.
"How about we do it again then?" I suggest. "That way Niall and I can do it too."
"Sure," Louis shrugs. "But we better hurry because Preston and Paul were looking for me and I really don't want to do push-ups."
That's exactly what we do. We travel around the whole place, shaking hands with everyone while thanking them for working tonight. Once we got to the front, we continued to do so but faster since the fans could possibly spot us from the outside.
By the time we finished, we found Harry in the dressing room playing on his phone while Lou begins scurrying around, trying to get her supplies ready. "YOU'RE BACK!" He shouts when he sees Niall and me walk in. He slaps Ni a fist bump and a bro hug before squeezing me too.
"Glad to see you too, Harold," Niall jokes, ruffling the younger boy's hair.
"I feel like every time I see you, you're taller," I comment, looking up at him. Niall was 5'8 as was Louis with Liam and Zayn being one or two inches up above them. I'm standing at 5'6 or 5'7 I believe and used to come up to Harry's shoulders. Now he's definitely taller.
Harry straightens his back with a smirk, "Because I'm growing, Hayleigh."
"But you're nineteen," I respond. "You should be done growing. I've known you guys for a while and in 2011, you used to be the same height as Louis. You guys are turning into giants."
"Should we be offended?" I take a seat on the couch as Lou begins fixing Louis' hair.
I shrug my shoulders, running a hand through my short hair, "Take it as you will but as group, you all are intimidating."
Niall plops down beside me, his mouth full with one or two Oreos. He grabs some of my hair gently and begins tying it in knots or something. I wince but ask him kindly, "Niall?"
"Yeah, Haybear?"
"What are you doing?"
"Braiding your hair," he answers contently.
I hear Zayn scoff and he passes behind the couch, "Bro that's not a braid."
"Yeah it is!" If Niall is protesting, I probably should stop him before my scalp becomes bald. I carefully twist my head and give him a friendly smile.
"Niall I love you," when I say this he returns the smile with rosy cheeks, "but let go of my hair." His jaw drops in disbelief as he dramatically slaps his hand against his chest.
"Fine then," he whips his head in the other direction as Zayn rolls his eyes. I hold back my laughter by placing my hand over my mouth and watch him strut away. Zayn comes behind me and starts unknotting my hair and redoing it.
"Thank you, Z," I say, looking at him through the mirror. He waves it off and furrows his eyebrows as he begins weaving strands of my brown hair.
"Great job, Zayn!" I exclaim, staring at the picture he took after he finished.
He grins, "Thank you." Niall walks back over and looks over my shoulder at the picture before shrugging.
"It's not better than mine." I stifle a laugh as he starts bickering with Zayn.
"Boys shut up!" Lou slaps them both upside the head, making the remaining three start chuckling. "Harry! Keep your head still!"
Harry immediately shuts up, as Lou begins to touch up his curls.

About six hours later, five sweaty boys come running off of the stage, hyped from the performance. "Man that was sick!" Zayn exclaims, all the others nodding in agreement.
"Definitely the loudest crowd so far," Liam comments and Niall laughs.
"Li, you say that about every concert," he states.
The built brunette shrugs, taking out his ear piece. "Well it's true!"
"Come on lads!" Paul calls. "We've gotta get on the road! You're performing in Germany tomorrow!"
Louis rolls his eyes, but Liam pushes his back as Louis digs his feet in the concrete. "Liam!!"
"He's right, Louis," Liam replies. "We've got to leave now."
The boys and I help carry stuff to the buses before finally crashing on some couches. As the bus begins to move, we relax, glad to rest after a nonstop day. "God I am so tired," Niall groans, hearing mumbles of agreement and digs his head in my shoulder. I rest my head on top of his, closing my eyes  for a second as he wraps his arms around me.
"Be ready to do it tomorrow," I yawn, seeing Zayn passed out on the floor, Liam falling asleep against Louis, who was resting his head on his arm. Harry had already went to his bunk.
As we drift off into unconsciousness, I whisper goodnight, hearing an I love you from Niall before I finally fall asleep.
This is probably the worst chapter ever but I needed to write something for you all. I hope you like it and I promise I'm trying to write more.
You are all amazing for dealing with this nightmare for so long. I want to end it but I have ideas that I need to finish before I do so. Love you all!

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