Chapter Sixty: 1D Day

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Saturday, November 23, 2013:
"Presley," I rub my slightly swollen eyes tiredly as we walk into a zone where men and women hustle around with headsets, barking orders. "Why are we here? I told you I didn't feel good."

"Did you eat breakfast?" she asks instead, her brown eyes scanning the room.

"Of course I did," I lie, insecurely wrapping my arms around my stomach. "I had some toast because of my stomach ache."

"Oh there's Harry!" She grins widely like she does every time she sees him, eyes lighting up like a wildfire. "Haz!"

The curly- haired lad whips his body around, ears perked at the sound of a familiar voice. His smile matches hers as his bright eyes land on her, walking away from whatever conversation he was involved in. Their bodies intertwine as they hug, him burying his head in her neck as they begin talking. "I'm so glad you guys came," he was saying when I walk over to join them. "It really means a lot to us." I notice he doesn't let go of her hand, making me smile slightly despite how I was feeling.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world," Pres assures him, me nodding in agreement.

"Hay, are you okay?" Harry questions with his eyebrows raised. "You don't look too well."

I force a cough, "I'm fine; just a little sick."

"Hey you're here!" I hear an Irish voice proclaim, making me turn quickly. My heart skips a beat when I see him, his signature smile lighting up the whole room. His blue eyes see me, but quickly leave to glance at Presley. He doesn't even look at me again, giving her a side hug and starts talking to the two brunettes as if I was invisible.

A burning sensation hits my stomach, as if I had just been punched a thousand times. I go to say something to him, anything but nothing comes out, due to last night's crying, as he stands there. What did I do to him?

I stand quietly instead, my eyes glued to the floor while the other lads quickly come over to join the conversation. "Hayleigh?" I look up, seeing ten eyes staring back at me expectantly.

"Sorry what?"

"We asked you to go out with us when we're done here," Louis grins, but I don't smile back.

"I'd love to," I start, glancing at everyone but holding it longer at Niall. He bites his lip as we make eye-contact, then awkwardly shoves his hands in his pocket and looks away. "Unfortunately, I am not feeling too well so I'm probably going to stay home."

"Awe I'm sorry," Zayn pouts, giving me a hug. "What's wrong, love?"

"She's been throwing up since last night," Presley explains for me. "Just a cold I'm sure."

Niall furrows his eyebrows, eyes laced with concern as he stares at me again. Liam sends me a small smile, before shouting, "Group hug!" Suddenly, I'm thrust in the middle of all of them as they squeeze me tightly. I giggle as Liam shouts for Niall to join in, but am hurt when he says no.

"I, uh, need to talk to Zoe. I have a missed call from her." He hurriedly walks away, towards the stage as they all release me.

"We start in five!" A stage hand yells, ushering towards the boys and showing Pres and I where to watch.

The next seven hours consist of laughter, questions, singing, ninjas, lucky fans, dyed hair, weird food and special guests.

In the middle of it, a text allows me to go the dressing room while Niall and Harry talk to James Corden. Face time me ASAP, it read from Evan. Puzzled, I ring him quickly and smile softly when his face appears. "Hey," I greet him and he shoots me a nervous look. "What's up?"

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