Chapter Twenty-Two: Problems With Falling

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"Pfft no," Harry denies, "Why would you say that?"
"Because you just said you'll miss her?" Louis restates what we just heard.
"So? I meant like I'll miss her because she's like my sister," he lies through his teeth and bites his lip.
"Harry we know you're lying," Zayn points out and the Chesire boy sighs.
"Fine. I like Presley, okay?" Harry admits and I grin.
"I thought you liked Riley?" Liam questions, making Haz shake his head.
"No I do not."
"But then why did you take her home from the party?" I continue for Li.
Harry explains, "I knew she was supposed to ride home with Presley and Hayleigh but when they already left, Riley asked me to take her home. On the way to her apartment, she confronted me about my crush on Presley and wanted to talk to me about it."
"That makes sense," Louis nods and Harry smiles.
"Thank you."
"Are you going to ask her out?" Zayn interrogates.
"No," he replies and runs his hand through his curly mess he calls hair.
"Why not?" My curiosity gets the better of me.
"She told me the other day that she was thinking about getting back with her ex, Conner."
"That's rough, man," Liam pats his back supportively.
"As long as she's happy," Haz gives a weak smile. "It's just a crush; I'm sure I'll get over it."
I raise an eyebrow but don't question him any further. The lads and I get into a discussion about tour, and soon enough we're all fast asleep on the couches.
"Do you guys want to have a girl's night?" Eleanor asks us all when the tour bus goes out of sight.
"Sure," I say first and Presley nods.
"I'm in."
"What time should we come over?" Perrie answers with a question.
"Around six," El tells us. "Dani can you come?"
"Yeah but I might be a little late," She says as she checks her schedule from her phone.
"Great!" Eleanor claps her hands with an excited smile. "I'll see you guys later then. Bring clothes, movies, candy, whatever. We're going to have fun tonight."
I almost laugh at her determination but realize that would be rude. "We'll see you tonight," Presley promises and I smile as she tries to push me inside.
They laugh but wave goodbye before driving off.
I turn to her once she closes the door behind her, "What's with you?"
She looks panicked and my worry grows. "Presley," I say slowly, "What's wrong?"
"I think I have a crush on Harry," she mumbles so soft I almost didn't hear it.
"Wait what?!" I don't believe my ears.
"Please don't tell anybody," she begs and runs over to me. "I can't like him, Hayleigh. I just can't."
Even though I have no idea what just happened, I hug her close to me trying to calm her down. "Shh," I soothe but she just sobs harder. "Presley I don't understand."
"I can't like him," she repeats again. "It'll ruin everything."
"Presley come down, girlie." I wipe away her tears that were falling down her cheeks. I lead her to the couch, "Explain."
"When we were hugging goodbye," she pauses to sniffle, "we almost kissed! I wanted to kiss him but I feel horrible because the other day I went on a date with Conner. Harry's perfect! He's sweet, funny, and genuine.There's not a lot of guys like that anymore."
I'm starting to realize what's happening so I motion for her to continue.
"Then there's Connor. He's adorable and he knows who I am because we have history! I don't know what to do," she cries and buries her head in my shoulder.
"Pres," I say softly and she looks up at me.
"What?" Her voice cracks and I rub her back as a comfort.
"It's okay."
"How is it okay!?" Her breathing becomes short and ragged and I grab her shoulders. "I'm liking two guys at the same time!"
"Sweetie breathe," I instruct her and she nods, listening. I smile at her, "It's okay to like two boys at the same time. It's not like you're getting married to one of them. It's okay to have a crush on Harry and it's okay to date Connor. It's just a crush." I say the last part slowly as she absorbs the information.
"You sure?"
"I'm sure," I smile encouragingly at her.
"Thank you Hayleigh," she tells me honestly and I give her a side hug.
"You're welcome, Pres."
"So why exactly are we baking cupcakes?" I ask as Eleanor cracks some eggs into the mixture and I start whisking.
"Cake is comfort food," Eleanor statuses making all of us laugh, "and I think we all need some comfort."
"Amen!" Presley raises her hands above her head with a laugh.
"I have a question," Perrie speaks up after sneaking a spoon in the cake batter, despite El's protests. "Ow!"
Eleanor smirks, "That's what you get for eating our batter."
"It's not like it's not going in our stomachs," Perrie rolls her eyes.
"Your question Perrie?" Dani reminds her.
"Oh yeah. Hayleigh, are you and Niall dating?"
My eyes widen, "What!? Of course not."
"Are you sure?" Dani raises an eyebrow, "You guys act like a couple."
"Cause we're best friends," I roll my eyes and fold my arms over my chest.
"I wish you two would get together," Eleanor speaks up and I grow alarmed.
"What. Why!?"
"Cause you two are adorable," she states the obvious and points the spoon she's holding in my direction, flinging white batter across the kitchen and onto my face.
"Really El?" I complain and wipe it off.
"Yes really," she laughs. "You guys are perfect for each other."
"Prove it," I smirk at her and she rolls her eyes.
"You are both insane," Pres says from beside me and I glare at her.
"We are not," I disagree and Dani giggles.
"Yeah right. You guys almost broke his washing machine when you all added too much soap. It took a few days to get it all cleaned up!"
"But that was fun," I whine childishly. "We had a big bubble fight."
"Then there's the time Niall and you went to a barbecue place and ticked off a waitress."
"Now that was awesome!" I defend, "The girl got so mad when Niall and I had a mini food fight." I laugh as I think of the memory.
"Don't forget the time you guys started laughing for no reason for about a full hour."
"That doesn't count. We've done that lots of times," I point out.
"Exactly," Perrie says next making me confused.
"It's like you guys laugh at the same things and know what's going on in each other's minds."
"Because we're close."
"He has a crush on Barbara Palvin, anyway," Presley speaks up and my brown eyes widen.
"How do you know that? He's never told anybody but me."
"Because I heard him when you two were talking at the skating rink." I nod in understanding but still feel uneasy.
"You guys act like you've known each other for ages," El says as she places the cupcakes in the oven and Dani sets the timer.
"I thought they had when I met her," Dani tells them and I smile.
"It's just because we tell each other everything and we know everything about one another."
"See?" Eleanor waves her hands frantically. "ADORABLE!"
"Remember last night when they started wrestling for the last marshmallow?" Presley laughs.
"It was World War three," Perrie agrees and I nod in agreement.
"He's just lucky Liam brought out another bag or I would've snapped his neck," I move my hands as I speak, making a visual representation.
They all laugh and giggle before Dani holds up five runs of icing.
"Who's ready to decorate?"
"Why are all Disney movie so sad?" I ask with a sniffle as Carl sits on the step of the church after the funeral service for Ellie.
"This is way better than Twilight," Presley says and shoves a spoonful of cookie dough in her mouth.
The other three shush us and I pretend to act offended. "Well," I mutter jokingly.
Suddenly, I feel a buzz in my pocket so I take out my phone.
From Nialler:
Call me? Xx.
I smile and get up from the couch, excusing myself. "I'll be right back," I tell them.
"No one cares," Perrie says, her eyes not moving from the screen. I stick my tongue out at her before walking out and calling Ni.
"HayBear!" I hear his voice and I smile unconsciously.
"Hey Nialler, what're you up to?"
"Nothing much," he answers, "We're still in the road."
"So why'd you call?" I ask with a laugh.
"Because I miss my best friend," he announces making my smile widen.
"Oi!" Harry yells in the background, "I'm right here, Ni. No need to miss me."
Niall mutters and I picture him rolling his blue eyes, making me giggle.
"You're best friend misses you too," I tell him, happiness in my tone.
"Guess what I found out?!" His excitement makes me want to laugh again.
"Barbara is going to be at the award show we're going to next week! Isn't that great!?"
"Yes Niall, it's fabulous," I tell him. "Are you going to make a move on her?"
"Not yet, Hay. I'm going to talk to her like I did at the party and see what'll happen from there."
"Cool," I say. "Hey Ni? I've gotta go. All of us are having a girl's night."
"Okay. I miss and love you," he answers and I smile.
"I miss and love you too," I say the truth and we say goodbye. I drop the phone from my ear and just stare at it in my hand before I hear someone behind me.
"Why'd you hang up?" Presley complains, "We wanted to hear more."
"You little twits," I glare at them and they just smirk.
I'm really pumped because I got back from Diabetic camp yesterday and had the best time EVER. I hope you enjoyed the chapter; I'll admit it's not my best.
What do think is in store for Nayleigh?? Hmmmmm.
Guess you'll have to find out next week haha. Love you all!!
Stay Flawless:)

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