Chapter Twelve: Going Home

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Thursday, December 29, 2011:
"Hayleigh let's go!" Ashton yells up the stairs. I roll my eyes and quickly put the back of my earring on my ear.
"I'm coming, I'm coming," I mutter and shut my door behind me but stop to fix my shoe. I fly down the wooden steps and catch my breath when I reach the bottom.
"I can't believe you're leaving tomorrow," Ash admits and fakes a sniffle.
"I know right?" I ignore his sarcasm and take a seat on the couch.
"We're going to miss you so much," Mom says as she enters the room, looking lovely in a nice purple dress.
"Awe," I get up to hug her, "I'm going to miss you guys too but tonight isn't going to be sad and mushy. It's going to be loud and great like a normal family dinner."
"Where are we going?" Michael asks with a cute smile on his face.
"Rosalind's," Ashton informs out little brother.
"Ah yes," my father speaks up as he walks down the steps and snaps on his watch, "the best Italian restaurant in New York."
"Yes it is," I agree and pick up Michael and rest him on my hip. "Since we're ready, let's go because this teenager needs some pesto-rubbed chicken!"
"Can I get a cannoli after?" Michael brings up dessert which causes my stomach to start grumbling.
"Maybe," I tell him and his light brown eyes twinkle with excitement. "However," I drag it out to face the rest of my family, "we'll never know because no one is moving! Come on slow pokes, come on! Hay and MJ are hungry!"
"Chill," Ashton grins and I respond by pushing him out the door with my free hand.
Friday, December 30, 2011:
"Stay safe, okay?" Dad smiles but you can see tints of nervousness of letting me go in his eyes.
"Of course," I promise and wrap my arms around him, giving my signature bear hug. "I'll be back for Mother's Day."
"You realize that's a few months right?" Ashton questions as he hugs me as well.
"Yeah, but this way I'll be able to stay longer for Michael's birthday on the eighteenth," I reason and he nods and lets me go before standing by Natalie.
I squat down to get eye-level with my baby brother, who looks like he's about to cry. "Awe, buddy," I whisper and open my arms. He runs into them and I squeeze him tightly, while running my fingers through his hair to calm him down.
"I'm going to miss you," he cries and my heart breaks.
"I'm going to miss you more," I tell him honestly and he buries his head deeper into the fabric of my shirt. "Hey," I comment softly and he looks at me. "If you be a good boy, maybe you can visit before I come back. Okay?" He nods and hugs me again. I sigh. "Only if you promise you'll be good?" I stick out my pinky with a small smile and he giggles.
He intertwines our small fingers, signaling his promise.
"I love you, Sissy."
"I love you too, bud." I hear my flight being called and I stand up. I give final hugs all around, even to Presley's folks. I watch as my best friend hugs my little bro, whispering something in his ear causing Michael to grin widely. "Come on, Pres."
We turn to our family and say in synch, "We love you all."
"We love you guys too," my mom smiles warmly.
"Hurry up now," Presley's mom, Lillian, urges us. "You don't want to miss your plane."
We wave goodbye once more before turning our backs and walking proudly with our suitcases dragging behind us, not daring to look back. If we do, we know we would cry.
We quickly hand the flight attendant our tickets and then board the aircraft. Once we get comfortable, I turn to Presley. "Are you ready to leave home?"
"Not this one, no," she responds but then takes a deep sigh, "but I'm excited to go back to our other home." I smile and lean against the white seat. I put in my earbuds and shuffle my music on my iPod. Soon, Ed Sheeran's voice fills my ears and I close my eyes. Might as well get some shut eye, I mean it's a long flight.
"Home Sweet Home!" Presley yells before dropping her suitcases by the door and collapsing on the couch. I grunt as I drag mine up the steps, while probably ruining the hardwood floor. I squeal with delight as I leap on to my bed and stare up at the ceiling, catching my breath.
After about five minutes, I get up and walk downstairs to see Pres completely passed out. I slap her shoulder and she bolts awake. "I didn't do it!"
I raise my eyebrows, "What exactly didn't you do?"
"Oh it's you," she rubs her eyes before blinking twice, "What do you want?"
"Wow I feel so loved," I reply with my voice dripping with sarcasm. "I was wondering if you wanted to grab some dinner. I forgot that we didn't go shopping before we left."
She stands and stretched her arms above her head. "Sounds good to me."
"What do you want?" I ask as I fix my hair in the hallway mirror.
"Hmm," Presley ponders for a second while her finger gently taps against her chin. "What about Panera Bread?"
"Yes!" I cheer and grab my purse, "I have a gift card too!"
"Prefect," she smiles and then suddenly sprints out of the door, nearly running me over.
"Someone's excited," I mutter under my breath as I shut and lock the door behind me.
I look up to see her patiently waiting by the passenger side door, her hand gripping the handle. I roll my eyes and unlock it. I open the drivers side and climb in. Presley takes the keys from me. "Hey!" I protest as she turns the engine on. "What was that for?"
"Oh chill," she shrugs it off and fiddles with the radio.
"Dude, pick one before I go insane," I grit my teeth as I back out of the driveway.
"Geez, grumpy pants,"she grumbles before grinning widely and leaving the station on. I smile too as I hear our friends sing.
"You got it wrong;
To prove I'm right, I put it in a so-song," Zayn sings before Harry comes in.
"Everyone else in the room can see it,
Everyone else but you," I share a glance with Pres, and suddenly we burst out the chorus.
"Baby, you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed," Presley dramatically flips her black hair over her shoulder and I laugh.
"And when you smile at the ground, it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know-o-oh! You don't know you're beautiful!!" The song continues as we continue looking like idiots. The people driving by us, probably might think we're drunk. That's how bad our dancing was.
We pull into Panera and I ask Presley a very critical question, "Do you want drive-thru or actually walking in?"
"Let's go in," she decides and we make our way inside. There was a short line, so it didn't take us long to order. I always get the same thing, a tomato and mozzarella panini with iced tea. Presley on the other hand, always switches it up. One day, she'll get broccoli and cheese soup in a bread bowl, the next she'll order one of their gigantic cinnamon rolls. Today, keeping up her tradition, she asked for something called chicken caesar on three cheese. Not really sure what it is, but it looks delicious.
"You know what tomorrow is right?" Presley questions as she takes a sip from her Coca-Cola.
"Yep!" I put it simply before taking a huge chunk out of my panini, capturing all the different flavors springing against my tastebuds. Best. Café. Ever.
"You realize who's coming back?" She raises her eyebrows at my response. I smile happily and nod my head.
"My best friend."
"Should I feel replaced?" She takes a bite of her salad with a small smirk.
"Of course not," I assure her, "You're my best girl friend while Ni is my best guy friend. Get it?" Presley looks at me unsurely but nods her head.
"I can't wait for tomorrow!" I comment, making her laugh at my expression.
"I'm sure he's probably bouncing to see you," she disgustingly picks out an onion from her salad. She absolutely despises onions. Presley can't even look at them.
"It's only one more day," I remind her and myself.
"I'm sure you can wait," she says and I scoff.
"Yeah right."
One more day.
A/N: Sup!!!!! I don't know when everyone's spring break is but mine has officially started!!! I'm so pumped! No school for a week just makes me want to bounce off of the walls.
This chapter is just a filler, so sorry if you're disappointed. Can you believe it's April? Geez, where did this year go?
Anyone out there have a spring birthday? I do, in May.
Anyways, I hope you liked it and please feel free to tell me what I need to improve on. I noticed in the last chapter a few mistakes so I'm going to go fix them soon. Don't be shy! I don't bite, I really want to hear people's opinions! (Good or bad)
What's your favorite about spring break?
Hope you guys have a great break!
Stay Beautiful:)

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