Chapter Fifty-One: Distractions

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"Why am I even here?" I groan, burying my head in Niall's pillow later, just like I promised.

"Because I need your help," Niall replies loudly, as he was in his closet while I sit up against the headboard of his bed. I play with my fingers, bored, until he walks out with two shirts in each hand. "Which one?"

I tilt my head as I think before deciding, "Definitely blue, it'll bring out your eyes more." He lets out an embarrassed chuckle, making me smile softly. He takes off his white T-shirt, leaving him shirtless. I'm not ashamed to say my eyes wandered down his chest as he changed into the light blue button up, but it's not like I haven't done it before. He plays with his hair in the mirror, making it turn different ways before I speak up. "Leave it down, Ni."

I see him shoot me a confused look through the reflection, "Why?"

"It looks better," I reason. "Plus you haven't worn it down in ages. She'll never expect it." He bites his lip as he stares at his face before nodding.

"Yeah you're right. Down it is," he shoots me a smile which I return. He exhales before turning around from the mirror to face me. "How do I look?"

"Like a million bucks," I state with a cheesy grin, making him laugh.

"Thank you, I guess." Niall walks over to where I was laying and hops into the bed with me.

"Be careful," I playfully warn. "Zoe might not like you having on a wrinkled shirt." He rolls his eyes, scooting closer to me anyways. I sit up and subconsciously lean my body towards his, and he begins playing with my hair which has grown about an inch or two since Lou cut it. I feel him beginning to braid it, and start to pull away.

"You are not braiding my hair again," I say with a small chuckle, "Not after last time."

"But I've improved!" He protests, his lips curling upwards, making me point at him.

"Liar!" I accuse jokingly, bursting into giggles. I grab my hair and bring it close to my chin, brushing it with my fingers. "You're never playing with it again." That's probably a lie; every time we are sitting next to each other, it has become a habit of his to tug on it gently, or twirl it in his hands.

Niall juts out his bottom lip in a pout, "Please, Hay-bale?"

I roll my eyes, "I thought we abolished that nickname."

"I've been calling you that since I met you," he remarks. "I'm not going to stop now." I stare at him blankly but he just gives me that goofy grin, making my heart melt.

On the outside, I simply smile, "Just because you said that, doesn't mean you can play with my hair."

"Maybe I'll just play with Zoe's hair." I know it was supposed to be a joke but my jealousy gets the better of me as I don't respond. Don't react, I remind myself.

"You do that," I finally shoot back as he checks his phone.

His blue eyes widen, "Oh crap! I've got to pick her up!" And just like that, my window of attention from him closes as he rushes around his room, spritzing some cologne on his neck and scrambling to put on his white Keds. "I can't find my phone!" Niall shouts, looking everywhere but the obvious place; his hands.

"Niall," I call as he yells, not paying attention. "NIALL!" He freezes to look at me and I quietly point at the cellular device in his hands.

His cheeks flush, "I knew that." I stand up as well, following him towards the front of his apartment. He shrugs on a light jacket that I offer him and hold out his keys in my palm.

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