Chapter Twenty-Five: Summer Vacation

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Sunday, July 8, 2012:
"I can't believe," I start but don't finish because I'm too amazed at our surroundings.
"That we're in Hawaii?" Presley finishes and laughs as I nod my head with a wide grin.
"Well believe it bestie," Niall joins us and lazily throws an arm around me, gently squeezing my shoulders.
"Why did your management let you do this again?" Danielle asks from Liam's side.
"We just finished a tour," Harry raises an eyebrow.
"No dip," the curly-haired brunette rolls her eyes at the Chesire boy.
"We kind of begged them too," Louis says sheepishly, holding El's hand.
"After we promised to work on some songs for the next album," Liam says next. "Some people are meeting us here to help us."
"It's so cool!" Barbara squeals and I hold back from rolling my eyes.
You see, we haven't exactly been the best of friends since Ni and her started dating. Believe me, I tried because I love making friends and at the New Years party she seemed very sweet.
She's been nothing but rude to me though and I don't know why. Presley told me she's jealous but I don't know why she would be.
I've given up and just accepted the cold shoulder. Everyone has haters, including me, and I can deal with that. If she doesn't want to be friends, fine with me.
Niall abandons my side to go over to her, placing a kiss on her temple. I hold back a frown and just continue talking and walking with Presley.
"When are our rooms going to be ready?" Barbara complains ten minutes  later and I glance at her.
"Don't worry, Liam's on his way back," I say and she scoffs at me. I bite my lip and Pres sets her hand on my shoulder.
"Don't let it get to you," she whispers and I take a deep breath, nodding at her.
Liam wears a grin when he comes back over with our many room keys in his hands. "Okay guys, there's enough rooms for all of us but one has to have three people."
I look at Harry and Presley since we were the single people and Connor isn't here. I'm still confused whether or not Pres is officially dating him yet but I'll count her single for now. "You two want to room with me?"
They both look at each other before shrugging. "Why not?" Harry grins and I walk over to Liam.
"We'll take the three person room, Li," I tell him and he gives me a grateful smile before handing it to me. "Let's go Harsleigh!" I shout as I grab my suitcase handle.
"What the hell?" Harry says and I give a slight laugh.
"It's our names combined," Presley tells him, and we begin our journey down the hallway after promising to meet everybody in the lobby in twenty.
"It's the best I could do under such short notice," I shrug and watch as Harry chuckles. I glance at the keycard to see we're in the deluxe suite.
"Thank you Liam," I mumble under my breath before approaching our door. I hear Harry yell profanities as Presley runs over his foot accidentally with her big pink suitcase.
"Sorry Harbear," Presley apologizes and he gives a forced smile.
"It's fine," he says but I know he's lying.
"Come on weirdos," I say, unlocking the door and rushing in. Dibs is very important in this situation.
There's a small couch with a TV and cabinets with a full size fridge and a kitchen. I see a room to the right and I run over to it, my navy suitcase dragging behind me. My brown eyes scan my surroundings before spotting a bed near a window.
I grin and dash over to it, then jumping on top of it. You know why? Because I can. Harsley comes in a few seconds later and frown when they see me on the bed. "No fair," Pres whines, "You've got the best view."
"Not really," Harry comments, placing his things on the middle bed. "You get a view of me, babe." He winks, making her roll her eyes but I smirk when I see a faint blush appear on her cheeks.
I get up from where I was laying to go explore while they bicker. My eyes widen when I see our room has a balcony.
"Guys come here!" I motion them over after stepping out on to it. I take a deep breath before resting my arms on the railing, balancing my weight against it. I sigh happily when I spot the crystal clear blue water crashing against the white sandy beaches while the gentle breeze causes the bright green palm trees to sway.
"It's so beautiful," Presley comments and stands next to me, copying my position but places her head on her arms. Harry joins us, taking a glance around as well but stays by Presley's side.
"Yeah it is," Harry agrees with her comment from earlier but I take note that he's staring at her and not the ocean. Awe.
"Let me grab my camera," I say suddenly and run in the room quickly to retrieve it. My two friends move to the side as I snap a few pictures before taking out my phone. "Photo time!" I smile and they join me in the photos with beautiful Hawaii as our background.
"Guys we should start heading to the lobby," Harry says a few minutes later while my eyes stay trained on a couple on the beach. Their hands were intertwined as they stroll before the guy suddenly turns, and kisses her. I smile unconsciously at the sight and my heart pangs in my chest. I place my hand over it, sighing. I want a relationship like that.
"Okay," I agree after a few seconds of silence and Presley slowly nods before we exit our room.
"Glad you guys could join us," Louis jokes as the three of us approach everyone else.
"Sorry," Presley smiles sheepishly and I mimic her expression.
"We got up with the view from our balcony," I run a hand through my brown hair- a habit of mine I need to break.
"You guys got a balcony?" Eleanor's ears perk and Harry nods.
"Yeah it's gorgeous up there." Again his green eyes dart to my best friend who nods in agreement with him.
"Lucky," she pouts and Louis chuckles, wrapping his arm around her petite waist.
I could tell he wanted to say something but was rudely interrupted. "Are we going to stand here all day?" Barbara snaps and I grit my teeth together.
"Babe, calm down," Niall tells her. "We're in Hawaii for ten days. I'm sure the beach won't disappear." Barbara crosses her arms over her chest before getting a glint in her eye. Out of the blue she reaches up and slams her lips against Niall's. He stays shocked before closing his blue eyes and kissing her back hungrily, placing his arms at her waist.
I turn my head away and Presley automatically notices my discomfort. It's not like I care that they're making out; I mean, they are a couple. But do they really have to do it in front of everyone else? "While they do...that," Presley scrunches up her nose in disgust, "who wants to join Leigh and I at the beach?" Harry, Elounor, Zayn, and Payzer raise their hands and I nod. It's settled.
"We can meet in ten outside the back doors," I inform them, pointing to them just in case. Everyone rushes off and I follow them back but not before glancing back over my shoulder. The couple has just pulled away and Niall looks at me with confusion in his eyes. I bite my lip and just shake my head, running after the others.
"Zayn please?" I beg again but the stubborn Bradford boy shakes his head. I groan, adjusting my tankini, before giving him the puppy eyes. "I promise you won't drown."
"You don't know that," he protests and I sigh.
"Suit yourself." I wade with Liam, Dani, and Louis back in the water while Eleanor, Presley, and Harry lay on the beach. Zayn just gets out his shades and places them over his eyes before joining them.
"You guys want to throw the frisbee?" Liam suggests, holding it up and we all nod simultaneously. He throws it softly to Dani, who glides it over to Lou. I don't think he's ever thrown a frisbee before because it sails right over me, landing in the middle of some guys and girls who look my age.
"Sorry Hayleigh!" He calls but I just smile.
"It's okay. I'll get it," I trudge through the water before reaching for it. At the same time though, another hand does the same and I look up to see a pair of sparkling brown eyes.
A/N: Hey guys! How've you been? I know this has been a tough past week for all the rumors that have been floating around constantly.
I mean, for real. That one Twitter account, Wellington? Yeah that's a load of bull. Like the boys would ever attack a family. One of the tweets the account posted was that Louis was holding a knife to the girl's grandma's throat.
Yeah right.
Besides that, the 5 year anniversary is coming up!!!! I can't believe it's been five years.
It feels like just yesterday I start loving them and watching all the old videos.
If you're curious, I started loving them probably in late 2010. I'm American but I found out about them pretty quickly.
I'm a Liam girl; but I couldn't imagine my life without the five boys. They've made my life amazing.
I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter! Hayleigh's gonna meet somebody, ooooo.
About the whole Barbara thing, I have nothing against her. It's just for the story.
You know how they started making PDA? I'm like Hay, I can't stand when people do it. Yuck.
ANOTHER THING: WHY ISNT #LiamAppreciationDay trending anymore!?!?
Go on Twitter right now, directioners. If you want you can follow me too;D @1DforLife0

Stay Beautiful:)

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