Chapter Thirteen: Reunited (Sort of)

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Saturday, December 31, 2011:
"I'm going to miss you, mum," I tell as I give her a huge hug. One thing I hate is leaving my family.
"I'm going to miss you too, Niall," I feel my shirt get wet and I immediately want to stay and comfort her. Dad comes on over, and wraps her in his arms before slowly making her walk away. Luckily, he already hugged me goodbye. Now is Greg and his girlfriend, Denise.
He gives me a good pat on the back before looking at me sternly, "Take care of yourself, okay?"
I nod and give Denise a hug as well. "I want to hear more about this Hayleigh," she smirks and to hide my red cheeks I just laugh but agree with her.
"Of course."
"You better head to the airport," my older brother checks his watch before glancing at me sadly.
"Please watch over Mum," I beg and he smiles.
"You bet I will," he replies and wraps an arms around Denise's waist. I look at my parents one more time, before giving one final wave and climbing into the cheesy yellow cab.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and sigh, why did goodbye hurt so much?
I quickly get through everything before taking a seat on the plane. All of a sudden, I'm bubbling with excitement as I realize I get to see Hayleigh in just a few hours. Falling asleep seemed impossible with my jitters; I even try listening to my music but that just wound up more. I tap my fingers impatiently against the arm rest as the pilot says we're landing.
My eyes scan the crowd after I get off but then I spot her.

"Presley," I grab her hand, "I'm nervous."
"What if he found a new best friend? What if he's sick of me?" I let my nerves get the better of me as I begin a rant. Pres grabs my shoulders and I take a deep breath.
"Girl, calm down," she gently squeezes my shoulders, "You and Niall have a one of a kind bond, no one could replace you."
"You're right," I try to assure myself and release the breath I was holding. "I'm just para-" I freeze as I see a familiar Irish boy walking out of the door. I squeal, and start running towards him. He smiles widely and drops his bags. Just in time too. I jump into his arms, giving him the biggest hug ever. He catches me, and wraps his arms around my waist tightly. "I've missed you so much!"
"I've missed you too, Hay-Bale," I can feel him grinning as he uses my nickname.

We stand there hugging and just express joy until Presley walks over to us with a smirk on her lips. "Hey, Niall!"
My best friend releases from our hug and smiles at her, "Hey, Presley."
"How was Ireland?" I question as I pick up one of his shoulder bags and he grabs the rest.

"Absolutely wonderful," he comments and we start walking out the door. "I didn't realize how much I missed home."

"We know how that feels," Presley nods and I agree.

"Michael was so upset," I frown as I remember his face.

"You'll see him soon," Niall assures me as we put his stuff in the trunk of car. "Thanks for picking me up."
"No problem," I brush it off, "When are we going to see everyone else?"
"I think around seven," Niall thinks out loud and I nod my head.
"Did Riley ever reply to you, Hay?" Presley asks and I smile.
"Yeah, I gave her the party invite through text."
"Isn't Riley the girl from Ruby Tuesday?" Niall speaks up as we start driving out of the parking lot.
"Yeah, she's really sweet," I compliment her, "Presley and I went shopping with her yesterday afternoon."
"Cool, she was nice when we met her," Niall responds.

When we get to Niall's flat, we drop him off with a promise to meet him here at six thirty. I didn't want to let him go since he just got back, but he assured me we'll hang out later.
Right now-even though it's only like four- Presley insists on us starting our process to dress, early. I argued with her a little bit, but she wouldn't budge.
"Come on, Pres," I complain and dig my feet into the floor as she tries to pull me upstairs. "We still have forever!"
She rolls her eyes and with a sudden burst of strength, pulls on my arm causing me to fall face first into the steps. Did I mention they're wooden? I hear her laugh and I frown. I blow my hair out of my eyes and face her from down below.
"What?" She seems confused and I glare at her.
"Was that necessary!?"
"Of course," Presley answers and I inwardly smirk as I think of a plan.
"Whatever, just help me up." I hold out my hand and she takes it. Instead of getting up, I yank her down and she yelps. I clap my hands together and stand happily.
"What was that?!" Pres sounds offended and I show her my facial expression.
"Revenge," I say before running upstairs before she can catch me. I slam my door and lock it just to be safe. I actually want to be conscious at tonight's party. And with Presley, well. You never really know.
Luckily, Liam planned this so it wasn't at a club like Harry and Louis wanted. It's going to be held on the roof of the boys' building. I know that all five lads are going, Presley, me, Riley, and Niall said they are inviting some of their friends.
I dig through all of my clothes, but don't find anything. They're all either too plain, too dressy, or just plain old. I rub my temple as I think. A light bulb goes off, and I lift my arms to the top shelf of my closet to reach an old-and dusty-brown box. I walk over to me bed and sit down before unfolding the flaps. I smile as I pull out items from my childhood: photographs, little old trinkets, tickets from when I saw MercyMe in concert, and finally...a dress.
It was my prom dress. I remember packing it because I never thought I'd wear it again but it seems perfect for this occasion. The top is a white sweetheart neckline with a gold pattern over it and a flowy white skirt. 

Once I put it on, a little smile peaks out from the corners of my mouth as I twirl around. I'm just glad it still fits. I walk out of my room barefoot and into Presley's. She's sitting in her bed, on her phone with a very pretty light lilac dress on. She looks gorgeous and she hasn't even done her hair or makeup.
"Awe, Hay," she sighs happily as she looks up at me. "You look beautiful."
"As do you," I respond as my cheeks get hot. "I was wondering if you could do my hair?"
My best friend waves her hand and gets up. "Of course, darling!" She does that weird accent again and I walk over to her vanity and take a seat. "Do you have any ideas of what you want?"
"Not really no," I shrug and she tsks me. "Surprise me."
Her eyes light up and she grabs a brush.
"Girl, you are going to look absolutely amazing."

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