Chapter Forty-Four: Just Have Fun

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"Niall where are you dragging me?" I ask tiredly, rubbing my eye with my free hand as Niall was holding my other as he drove. We left the hospital about ten minutes ago, and now Niall was supposedly taking me somewhere to eat.
"Somewhere," he says plainly, making me grow irritated.
"Come on, tell me," I poke his shoulder, and he glances at me with his lips turned up into a smile.
He turns into a parking lot and I turn my attention to the giant red and yellow M sign and my jaw drops. "You took me to McDonald's?"
After parking the car, he leans back in his seat and stares at me with an eyebrow raised. "And?" I close my mouth and just shake my head, forcing a small chuckle.
"Never mind. Let's get some food; I'm bloody starving."
Even after we ordered, sat down and began eating, I could think of nothing but Becca and her health. I stay silent, just chewing my chicken wrap as I stare at the wall but when Niall grabs my hand, I look at him with a frown. "Hayleigh," he whispers and I sigh.
"Have some faith," Ni says first. "You are thinking of the worst possibilities right now instead of hoping and believing that she will be okay."
"But what if she's not?" I question, looking at his crystal eyes. "What if-"
"Stop that," he orders and I sniffle, eating a few French fries to calm me down. "You can't base this situation by coming up with all these what-if's."
"I can't help it," I confess and he rubs his thumb over my hand before intertwining our fingers. "I'm just so scared that it's going to be the same as Gracie and I don't know if I can handle another loss, Niall. I can't handle that pain again." He gets up and moves over to the side of the booth that I'm sitting on and pulls me into his side.
After planting a kiss on my forehead, he states, "You need to stop overwhelming yourself, Hayleigh. I know Becca is hurt but you can't overwhelm yourself mentally about what might or what might not happen."
I nod into his shirt, wiping a few loose tears away before people start to stare and snuggle closer, "Thank you for always being here for me."
"Always," he replies. "I love you Hayleigh; I'm not going anywhere."
"I love you too," I say and we stay like that to finish our meals, him starting a random conversation to keep my mind off of Bec.
"I don't get why we're doing this," I say aloud, as I lace up my skates. "We haven't been here since last Christmas."
"Well you said you loved it," he waddles over to me like a cute penguin, holding on to the wall. He helps me stand, almost falling down himself in the process, before we carefully head towards the ice rink.
"I do love it," I agree, looking around at the small amount of people enjoying a relaxing Tuesday evening, as it was almost seven. "Do you know what would be cool?"
We enter the rink and begin gliding before Niall replies. "What?"
"If you guys filmed a music video here," I answer with a small smile.
"That would be cool," he grins at me and gives a chuckle. "The thing is, try to imagine Lou and Z on skates. To be honest I'm not so good myself."
A laugh escapes my lips when I picture Louis and Zayn flopping around on the ice, like fish out of water, making Niall smile proudly at making me happy. "Well what if it was only one of you?" I continue the conversation.
He tilts his head and swings our intertwined hands. "What do you mean?"
"Like a separate music video," I furrow my eyebrows, trying to put my thoughts into words. "Like, Harry is a good skater, yea?" Niall nods and I go on. "So his scene could be here, I don't know many details yet but you other four could each have a different scene."
His blue eyes light up and I know he understands now.
"I get it," he exclaims but then puts on his thinking face. "What song would that be for though?"
"I wouldn't do it now," I say, thinking how it's only their second album. "I would wait until your third or fourth, after you guys have grown up a bit."
"Hey, I'm grown up!" Niall protests but I giggle again.
"I didn't mean it like that," I squeeze his hand and smile. He looks down at me, his lips turned up as well.
We continue to skate, making mindless chatter and to be honest, I do feel a little better about Becca. I just have to have some faith. "We should head back to the hospital," Niall states, looking at his phone as we took a break by standing by the railing. "It's going on nine, and visiting hours may be over soon."
I nod and he looks at me carefully, "Are you doing okay?"
I nod again, not really trusting my mouth as my doubts start to grow once more from the pit of my stomach. He stays by my side, throughout the process of taking off our skates and returning all the way till we're knocking on Becca's door back in the hospital. "Come in," Georgia says quietly from the other side of the door and when we walk in, I can see why. She looks absolutely drained, with slight bags under her eyes as she gives us a tired smile. "Did you have fun?"
"I did actually," I reply honestly. "And I have more faith that she'll wake up soon."
"I'm glad you guys came back tonight," she tells us, but then gives us a sympathetic look. "Unfortunately, visiting hours are about to end. I'm sorry, Hayleigh. The only reason they're letting me stay is because I'm her mum."
I shake my head and give her a hug. "It's okay, I knew we were cutting it close. We'll be back tomorrow morning."
Niall gives her a supporting hug too and we wave goodbye, before shutting the door quietly. "I'm sleeping over," he mumbles with a yawn when we park in my driveway.
"I wasn't expecting you to leave," I say honestly. "Come on, let's go inside."
We separate to change into more comfortable clothes and meet again in the kitchen where I find him making popcorn, with a package of M&Ms and white chocolate. "Please tell me you're making what I think you're making."
He turns when I speak, hearing me, and smiles. "Christmas crack," he nods, laughing at the title. "I thought you needed some."
I walk over to him, stealing a few white chocolate chips and popping them into my mouth before resting my head on his shoulder. "What day are you leaving?"
I notice a sigh but he keeps his focus on mixing the candy with the unsalted popcorn. "I'm hoping she wakes up before this, but the next show is in Switzerland on the sixteenth."
"That's like, less than two days," I realize and he nods with a small frown.
"I know, but I promised the lads I wouldn't miss any shows. Plus, I'd feel awful since fans spend so much money on seeing all five of us."
After he finishes, I grab the bowl and we migrate to the living room where we cuddle together on the couch. "Though," his voice pierces the silence and I look up at him while eating some of the snack. "I might've bought another plane ticket."
I think for a second, taking in the news. However, before I can reply the door barges open and Presley walks in while wiping tears from her face. She seems startled when I rush over to her. "Oh hey guys, I didn't think you'd be home yet."
"Presley what happened?" I question, giving her a tight hug.
"Huh? Nothing, why do you ask?"
Niall and I exchange glances as we follow her into the kitchen again. "Because you came in with tears," Niall says slowly, confused as to why she's playing it off.
"That was nothing," she repeats herself, simply brushing it off. "Just a little argument I had."
"With who?" Niall and I sit at the table while we watch her prepare some ice cream.
"Harry," she states while scooping out some chocolate crunch and my eyes widen.
"What?" Niall speaks my mind and I point to him.
"What he said."
"I called him because Connor wouldn't hang tonight you know?" She begins to explain, taking a seat in front of us. "I mean, I consider Harry a very good friend and trust him to give me advice. I told him that I was getting suspicious of Connor's behavior because he's been blowing me off lately and he told me to just break up with him." Presley pauses to take a bite of the frozen treat and sniffles. "To be honest, I kind of wanted him to assure me that everything would be okay and I didn't expect that response, so I got a little aggravated and asked him why in the world I would do that. He started talking bad about Connor and I got defensive, making us go back and forth until he hung up." She lays her head down on the table, closing her eyes for a few seconds.
I grab her hand and give it a squeeze, "I'm sure he didn't mean those things, Presley. He's just looking out for you." Niall bumps my shoulder and gives me a look, saying I should be careful. Harry wouldn't want her to know about his crush, or love for her. "I hate fighting with him, he's really important to me," she mumbles and lets out a sigh. "Do you think he's right?"
"About what?" Niall inquires.
"That I should break up with him," she replies, staring at the wall aimlessly.
I bite my lip, thinking before I say, "We don't really have a right to tell you that, Pres. However, I do think you should think it over. If you are getting suspicious, investigate. Ask Connor even, if you're comfortable questioning him. The main thing is, do what you think is best for you.
If being with Connor is that much of a challenge, it's your decision as to whether he's worth it."
She nods, still laying against her elbow and Niall stretches his arms.
"I know what would cheer you up, home movies!" She raises her head with a concerned look.
"Are you sure? I thought you didn't like watching those because of Gr-" Presley  stops when she remembers Niall is here.
"I told him," I say and she sighs, relieved.
To be honest she was right but I don't like her being sad and these make her happy. "I do now," I lie and drag her to the living room, where I instruct her and Ni to sit while I get some out of my room.
It might be painful to watch but as long as I have Presley smiling and Niall by me, it'll be perfectly fine.
Happy new year guys!!! Xx I hope you guys have a wonderful 2016 and that's why I updated as soon as it is. It's not the best but I don't want this book to be over 100 chapters too.
I love you all and I'll see you soon:)

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