Chapter Sixteen: Nayleigh<3

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"What are you doing here?" I question and cross my arms over my chest since it was chilly.
"I came to apologize," Niall informs, making me raise my eyebrows.
"For what?"
He sighs, "For being a jerk. I completely blew you off when I told you we were going to hang out and it was wrong of me. I missed you so much, Hay-Bale; more than you can imagine." I smile slightly as he continues, "I also want to apologize for getting drunk. I know you don't like it when I drink; I don't like not remembering the night before. Harry told me what-"
Before he can go on, I wrap my arms around his torso and bury my head in his shoulder.
"I'm not saying for you to stop drinking, I could never do that. I guess I just thought you'd cut back since you got back and all."
"I'm sorry," he whispers.
"You have nothing to be sorry for," I reply as I inhale and I feel him kiss my hair, then wrap his arms around my waist. I pull away and look up at him. "What do you want to do today?"
"Can we get out of the cold first?" he asks, and I laugh.
"Of course, Ni."
I walk back inside with him following me into the living room. "Hey, Presley!" Niall greets her and she glares at him.
"Relax, Pres," I chuckle, "He's okay."
Presley still looks unsure and Niall awkwardly rocks back and forth on his heels. I give her a warning glance and she backs down. "I'm going to change," I tell Niall.
He smiles softly, "Okay, I'll wait here." I smile back at him before rushing upstairs. Luckily, I took a quick shower after opening my jar last night. I shuffle through my shirts before deciding on a red plaid shirt, with a white V-neck under it. I also slip on my gray infinity scarf with a matching beanie after brushing through my rat's nest I call hair. I slide on my dark skinny jeans and put on some cute black boots to tie the whole outfit together. My camera was laying on my bed, so I strap it around my neck. I apply some of my raspberry chapstick I always wear, and walk back downstairs.
"Ready to go?" I cheerfully ask as I re-enter the living room.
"Totally!" Niall scurries to stand and runs to the front door. Something tells me that Pres wasn't so relaxed.
"I'll be back later," I tell her and she smiles.
"Have fun but be safe!" She yells as we walk out the door. Wow, that sounds like something my mom would say.
"She sounds like my mum," Niall chuckles as we walk to my car.
I freeze and he stops to face me, "What?" He looks confused but I just smile a little.
"You read my mind, you creeper," I tease and we climb in.
"It's a gift," he jokes back causing me to laugh.
"So where are we going?" I question after I settle down, letting him drive.
"I was thinking of visiting Trafalgar Square?" Niall looks to me, and I smile with excitement.
"That's a great idea!" I cheer, "I've always wanted to just stroll through it with a cup of cocoa and my camera."
"Well then get ready to make some memories," Ni grins at me, and I clap my hands.
"How's your cocoa?" I ask as we walk on the sidewalk. We had parked Hayleigh's car next to a little café where we got our hot chocolate before walking down here. Speaking of the brunette, it's possible that she has taken over a hundred pictures.
"It's delicious, thank you," she smiles and grasps her plastic cup tighter, letting her camera hang loosely around her neck. I take her left hand that was just laying at her side and hold it. "It's so pretty," Hayleigh breathes and I stare at her.
"Yeah," I agree and watch as her lips twitch upwards, "It's beautiful."
"All the architecture is amazing here," Her brown eyes dart around, capturing every little detail. "Oh a fountain!" She squeals and runs forward, pulling me with her. I chuckle and follow, seeing that I have no choice.
"Do you have any pennies?" Hayleigh questions with excitement bubbling through her smile.
"I think so," I hand her my drink and dig through my pockets until I come across two little coins. "Ah, here we are." She grins and takes one into her palm. Hayleigh sets our cups on the side of the fountain and grabs my hand.
"Turn around," she instructs me and I listen to her with a chuckle.
"Why are we facing away from the fountain?"
"Oh, just trust me," she giggles. I glance at her with an eyebrow raised and her giggle turns into a laugh. "Shut up," she playfully shoves me. "Close your eyes," Hayleigh says and I scoff.
"No way," I fold my arms over my chest, "Not when I'm in front of a fountain and I'm standing next to you with my eyes closed."
Hayleigh rolls her eyes, "I'm closing my eyes too, idiot. We are going to make a wish by throwing our pennies over our backs."
"Why over our backs?" I question curiously.
"It's good luck," she shrugs. "Wait here." I watch as she approaches a teenage girl who might be a little older than me. They talk for a little bit, and Hayleigh motions to me. The stranger smiles and takes Hay's camera. They walk over to me and my best friend smiles. "She's going to take our picture," she informs me. "Ready?"
I nod, "Ready."
"One, two, three," Hayleigh says and on three we both lean back and throw the coins over our shoulders. Hay giggles and pulls me over to the girl. "Did you get it?"
She nods, "Yes I did, here you go. By the way, you guys are a really cute couple." Hayleigh is about to step up and say something but the girl waves and walks away. She turns to face me with her cheeks slightly red.
"Talk about awkward," she comments and I chuckle nervously. She fumbles with her device before smiling at the screen. "We do look happy though."
I look over her shoulder to see that she's right. The girl captured the picture perfectly; with both of our eyes closed and the widest grins on our faces.
"Shall we continue?" I ask to change subjects.
"Yeah," Hay coughs and I take her hand again before picking up my drink that's probably cold now. I toss it into the garbage bin and Hayleigh does the same.
"Where should we go now?"
Hayleigh looks up at me, her brown eyes sparkling. "It's up to you, Horan. Show me the best places in London."
"Wow," I state, completely amazed and captured by the view. "You weren't kidding when you said it was pretty," I mumble as I snap a photo.
Niall leans on the railing of the capsule, "I told you that the London Eye was beautiful."
"Yeah," I agree, mesmerized. Niall wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him. My back is against his chest as we stare down at the hustle and bustle of London.
"This is nice," Niall whispers and a smile appears on my lips and I look up at him.
"Yeah it is."

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