Chapter Eighteen: Gettin Ready For It

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Thursday, January 19, 2012:
"So I was wondering if you could come to my workshop today?" I ask Niall through my phone. It's been a few weeks since the New Years party and the last time I saw Niall was at Zayn's birthday party.
I hear him sigh, "Unfortunately I can't. The boys and I have another concert tonight. I'm sorry, Hay."
"It's okay, Ni," I tell him, "We can hang out any other day."
"Will it make you feel better if I say I miss you?" He replies, making me smile. "Because I do miss you...a lot."
"I miss you too," I say honestly and an idea pops into my head. "Hey, could Presley and I potentially come to your concert?"
I hear a slap before he speaks, "That's a great idea! Why didn't I think of that?" I laugh before he continues. "I'll tell security that you're coming, so they won't stop you from visiting backstage."
"Okay, I'll see you there then," I smile, my mood instantly lifted.
"Yes! Love you, HayHay!"
"I love you too, Ni."
"Is Niall coming Hayleigh?" Grace questions when I start class and I sadly shake my head.
"Not today, sweetie. He's really busy because he's about to go on tour but I promise he'll visit soon." She nods her head with a smile and I clear my throat to get everyone else's attention.
"Okay guys, today I have a fun idea of what we can do. I was thinking that each of you make a collage. You take all the photos that we've printed and that you've taken this year and you make a big picture with all of them. Or if you want, it doesn't even have to be your pictures. We can make a giant one all together. Which one do you want to do?" They all begin chattering and I hold up my hand, causing them to quiet down again. "Let's vote, then."
"Whoever wants individual collages raise your hand." Strangely, no one does and I raise my eyebrows. "Everyone wants to do one?" They cheer and I smile. "Okay, then. Go ahead and collect all of your pictures while I find a poster board."
I notice Becca doesn't start moving around with the other kids as she just stares into space. "Hayleigh?" I hear her ask and I face her.
"Can I come with you?"
I smile warmly, "Of course." I wait for her by the door and we walk out of the room. "Is everything okay?"
I must've said something wrong because all of a sudden tears are streaming down her face. I crouch down a little and pull her into a hug. I rub her back, trying to soothe her.
"Becca what's wrong?"
She responds after a minute, stuttering, "M-my b-b-brother h-h-he..." That's all she got through before Becca burst into tears again. I hug her tightly as she cries and soon she's back to sniffling.
"Take a deep breath," I instruct her and Becca listens as she begins to calm down. "Now tell me what's the matter."
She looks up at me with her brown eyes and sniffles, "My brother tried to commit suicide last night."
To say I was shocked, was an understatement. I gave her a hug and told her he'd be alright soon after she informed me that he'd be going to rehab and to see a therapist. I could tell she was really scared and I tried to comfort her the best I could.
I definitely noticed she wasn't that as bubbly in the workshop today but I tried to cheer her up- after all that kind of news can hurt for a long while.
I give her one last hug before she goes, whispering, "Stay strong, Bec."
Becca gives me a small smile before walking over to her car and climbing in. I sigh and head back inside to collect my things.
Presley pokes her head in my door, "Hey, I just got a text from Harry saying that he can't wait to see us tonight? What's that all about?"
I slap my forehead, "I forgot to tell you. Niall invited us to go to their concert tonight; well more like I invited us but he said we could come."
She nods her head, "That sounds better than what I planned for tonight."
"What was that?"
Niall texted me as I was leaving the building to be there by seven and the security will let me through if I show them a photo of him and me. I had agreed and texted him back saying I couldn't wait.
Right now, Presley and I are talking in my room while I try to find something to wear. "So you didn't even think about going after it?" I ask with a smile and she just shrugs.
"Hey, I say let it be free." I laugh and continue my search.
"Do you know what we should do?" Presley speaks up as she lays back onto my bed, tossing a rubber ball in the air then catching it.
"We should dress up like those super fans that I've seen at other concerts. They look ridiculous but it's a good laugh to have," she says and sits up.
"That's a great idea," I smirk slyly and she quirks up an eyebrow.
"It is?"
"Yep," I say with a wide grin, "We can use our gag gifts from Christmas."

Pres hops up from my bed and jumps on over to me. "That, my friend, is a brilliant idea!"

The next hour we spent putting on all the things the boys got us, including all the jewelry and face stuff. I brush through my hair, then straighten it quickly. I then take my bandana and tie it around my head tightly. I nod in approval then head to Presley's room to check on her.
She's just finishing putting on her necklace once I walk in. "Hey are you ready to go?"
"Yes," Presley replies with a grin as she runs a hand through her hair.
"Then let us experience what a One Direction concert will be like!!" I yell happily and she laughs. We link arms before we hop down the stairs.
I grab my camera that was laying on the couch. "Come on slow poke!" I hear Pres call and I chuckle.
"I'm coming, I'm coming. Hey, do you want to listen to Up All Night on the way?"
"You know it!"
"Tell me I'm a screwed up mess,
That I never listen, listen
Tell me you don't want my kiss,
And that you need your distance, distance.
Tell me anything but don't you say he's
What you're missing, baby.
If he's the reason that you're leaving tonight,
Spare me what you're think and tell me a lie," Presley strikes a pose as the song comes to a close and we pull into the parking lot of the venue. I laugh and turn off the car. I take notice that even since the concert doesn't start till eight, so many people are already here and waiting outside.
"Where do we go from here?" Presley asks, climbing out of the car.
I shrug, "Don't really know. We are a little bit late but I guess we should try the side entrance."
She nods and we start walking towards a big burly man and I pull out my phone. "No ones getting in," his gruff voice comments and I just smile nicely.
"I'm sorry but I'm Niall's best friend."
"Sure you are," he rolls his eyes and I bite my tongue.

"HAY-BALE YOU'RE HERE!" I hear a familiar Irish voice yell and I look past the guard to see Niall running over.
I smile kindly at the guard before hugging Niall.
"Hey, Nialler!" His arms snake around my waist as he slightly lifts me in the air from his hug. "Glad to see I was missed," My voice gets muffled by his shirt.
"I told you I missed you," He informs me with his signature smile. I smile back and he slings his arm around my shoulder. Niall doesn't pay attention to the guard as we walk past him and into the venue.
"Thanks for saying hi Ni," Presley sarcastically states and I chuckle.
"My bad," he apologized then screams, "HI PRESLEY!!!"
She scoffs then we walk into his dressing room to see the other lads.
"THEY'RE HERE!!" Louis screams just like Niall did before and I scrunch up my face at the loudness.
Harry wraps me in a hug, "How are you Hayleigh?"
"I'm good HarBear," I laugh and he ruffles my hair.
"Good to know little sis."
"You realize I'm older than you right?" I raise my eyebrows.
"Soon it'll be my birthday then we'll be the same age," he smirks but I roll my eyes.
"But I'll still be older by a few months," I say knowingly and he pouts.
"Oh well."

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