Chapter Forty-Five: Alright

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Wednesday, May 15, 2013:
I groan, moving my body closer to Hayleigh as I hear a phone begin to ring. "Who is it?" I question under my breath, digging my face in her hair.
"It's only seven-thirty," I hear Presley grumble from the floor and I open my eyes to see a small Hayleigh in pigtails smiling proudly at the video camera as her dad laughs in the background on the TV. Curious, I sit up carefully, trying to avoid waking Hayleigh. Presley props herself up on her elbow as she watches the screen.
My best friend's contagious little giggle fills my ears and a smile slips on my lips unconsciously as she starts twirling around in a princess dress with a miniature Presley. "It was my sixth birthday party," Hayleigh speaks up and I turn my head to stare at her. She sits up fully and Presley does too, all three of us staring at the TV silently.
Her dad follows the two girls into the living room where a younger Ashton- maybe ten or eleven- was shoving his mouth full of cookies and Hayleigh's mom was trying to calm three or four small children that must've been Hayleigh's friends.
However, Presley and Hayleigh head past their friends to a small toddler that had short brown hair and sparkling brown eyes that resemble her older sister's. It was Gracie.
Hayleigh smiles softly as her younger self begins playing pat-a-cake with her baby sister. "Who was on the phone?" I turn away from the screen to ask.
Her eyes widen slightly as she grabs her phone from the coffee table and curses when she sees it was Georgia. She immediately re-dials and holds the phone to her ear anxiously while biting her lip. "I'm sorry I didn't answer sooner, Georgia," Hay apologizes and nods her head along with the conversation.
"Yeah we'll be there soon," she answers, already standing and gives a motion to tell us to get ready to leave. "Okay, thank you for calling me. Bye."
I look at her nervously, "So?"
A grin spreads across her face, "Becca moved her hand."

"So what did the doctor say?" Hayleigh asks Georgia when the three of us arrive.
"Nothing bad, luckily," Georgia smiles, which is definitely a good sign. "She said it was one step closer to her fully waking up. One of her suggestions was to talk to her and that maybe that will help."
I nod along with Hay and we all take a seat around Becca's hospital bed. "I'm going to the cafeteria for a bit," Georgia explains from the doorway. "The kids have been down there a while for breakfast. I think I might join them."
Presley smiles, even though I know her mind is still wandering over the thoughts about Harry. "Don't worry Georgia," Hayleigh assures. "We'll text you if there's any changes."
The older woman gives her a thankful glance before closing the heavy door softly behind her. "She looks better," I comment after a few minutes, looking at Becca. Her once pale skin looked rosier and the scratch that ran along her face was fading but you could tell it is going to stay.
"She does," Hay agrees and grabs Becca's hand that was laying on her side.
"Maybe we should talk to her," Presley suggests. "Nothing too important, just like what's been going on in our lives."
"I'll start," I volunteer and clear my throat. "Becca if you can here us, we're glad you can. I'm still on tour but took a break to check up on you. The boys are praying for you and have been on my arse about giving updates on your condition...."
All three of us do that, just talk about random things and soon we're all feeling a little bit better. "She squeezed my hand," Hayleigh says suddenly, leaning forward. "Guys she squeezed my hand!" My eyes widen and Presley gasps and I tell them to keep talking to her while I get a nurse.
"Excuse me," I interrupt the first two doctors I see. "Becca Davidson is in a comma but she just squeezed my friend's hand and I was wondering who I..." I don't even get to finish as they rush to where I left the room. Well that was rude.
I blink before going back where I came from, walking in on the nurses talking to the two girls. Hayleigh is nodding and grinning while Presley just smiles.
Out of nowhere, Becca suddenly arches her back and a large beeping noise fills the room as worried looks take over our faces. "She's spiking!" One doctor yells. "Get me a sedative!" The situation that we thought was good, escalated into something we were terrified of.
The smiles that were on our faces faded completely and tears brim the girls' eyes. "What's going on?" Hayleigh tries to ask, beginning to panic. I wrap her in my arms when they ignore her and keep her back even though she tries to scramble away as a team surrounds the teenager.
I bite my lip anxiously, watching the scene as the nurses/ doctors yell before all three of us are ushered out. "Wait!" Hayleigh screams, finally getting out of my grip, but not getting to the door in time as it closes. She pounds on the door, anxiety rising from her core. "What's going on?!" Presley starts wiping away her tears as we stand clueless in the hallway.
"Hayleigh," I speak softly as she hits the door again and again, breaking down, and the hospital staff begins staring. "Hayleigh!" I say louder, stopping her arm from beating the wood and whirling her to face me.
A shaky sob escapes her lips as she buries her head in my shoulder. I close my eyes, putting one hand on the back of her head while the other stays around her waist. "I'm going to get Georgia," Presley's voice cracks and I just nod, gripping tighter on Hayleigh's shirt.
It seems like a million years pass when a doctor finally steps out of the room, clipboard in hand as he begins to walk over to all of us, who were sitting against the hospital wall. Hayleigh, Presley, and I let Becca's family get the closest to him, but close enough so we can hear. The brunette beside me begins biting on her fingernail nervously as Dr. Walker adjusts his glasses.
"She's stable," he says first and all seven of us breathe a sigh of relief simultaneously. "She's a fighter but we gave her a sedative to calm her down. She will be awake in a few hours." Georgia thanks the man over and over until he holds up his hand with a small smile. "No need to thank me, your daughter is one of the the toughest teens to come through here."
"But still, we really appreciate all you've done," Hayleigh tells him gratefully. He smiles with a nod before walking away with clipboard in hand.
"I guess now we just have to wait," Georgia sighs, and ushers us all into the hospital room.
The three hours felt like days as all of us stayed silent, either playing on our phones or falling asleep to pass the time. However, all of us sit up straighter with our eyes widened when we hear a familiar voice croak, "Mom?"
Georgia tears up slightly as she grasps her daughter in a hug, being careful as Becca was hooked up to an IV and other things. "Oh honey," she sighs, as Becca begins crying into her arms. "You're okay," Georgia soothes, rubbing her back. When the teen spots her dad, Justin, and Sophia, a wide smile crosses over her face with tears in her eyes. They share one of the most heart-warming family hugs I have ever seen as Hayleigh rests her head on my shoulder. The family's chatter begins to die down as Robert stands from the bed, carefully with his ribs and all, and states that he's going to tell Dr. Walker the good news.
When Becca finally spots us in the back corner of the room, her eyes widen and a gasp escapes her lips. "Hayleigh? Presley? Niall?" We all walk over to her together, letting Hay embrace her first. "What are you guys doing here?"
"We're here for you," I smile with a slight chuckle.
Her eyebrows furrow as she process this, "What about Take Me Home?"
"I actually have a concert tomorrow evening," I explain. "But when I heard about you, I had to come and make sure you were okay."
"You guys didn't have to do that," Becca tells us before looking at Hayleigh. "I know how much that trip to visit him meant to you."
"You forgot you also mean a lot to me," Hayleigh replies, giving her a side hug. "You're like a little sister to me, Bec."
Becca smiles, before asking an awkward question. "Are you guys dating yet?"
"Nah, Presley likes Harry," Hayleigh jokes making us all laugh while Pres blushes.
"I actually am still dating Connor," Pres shoots a glare at her best friend. "But Harry is a close friend."
"Don't get defensive, Pres," Becca giggles. "I wasn't even talking about you. I meant Niall and Hayleigh."
A beat passes before I understand what she means. "Ohhhh," all three of us say together.
"No we're not," Hayleigh and I speak at the same time before looking at each other and laughing. Becca doesn't look convinced and shoots me a glance before her mom shares a look with her.
"Okaayyyyy," Becca drags out. "When do you have to leave, Niall?"
"Tomorrow morning," I answer, noticing Hayleigh's frown.
"Is Hayleigh going with you?" Becca asks and I shake my head.
"Well I kind of asked her to but she never gave me answer."
"Hayleigh!" Becca complains, "Why didn't you give him an answer?"
"Because I can't," Hayleigh holds her hands up in defense. "I have a job you know, teaching you stuff."
"You have an assistant," Becca deadpans. "AKA me."
"You just got out of a bloody coma!" Hayleigh defends.
"But I'm alive," Becca grins cheekily. "I just have to have crutches for a while."
The two go back and forth for a while before Hay looks to Georgia has been watching the argument with amusement.
"Georgia tell her she can't because she's crippled!"
"I am not crippled!" Becca replies, sticking her tongue out. "I have a broken leg and like two ribs. I'll live."
"I'll admit," Georgia starts, turning all attention to her, "Hayleigh should go with Niall, Bec, but you cannot take over."
"Mom, I am sixteen years old dealing with twelve year-olds," Becca reasons. "I'll be fine. Plus when Dr. Walker comes in I bet I'll be released tonight."
"How about tomorrow morning?" The doctor's voice turns our heads to the doorway where he and Robert walk in.
"That's great," Becca smiles. "Mr. Doctor sir, please tell my mother and this girl over here that on Monday, when work starts I'll be able to take Hayleigh's place."
"You'll still have a cast," Dr. Walker looks through some papers, "and you'll still be on crutches. But since you've been out, your ribs have been healing nicely. You should get the wrap off on Monday morning. You'll just not be able to do too much exercise."
"So," Becca grins. "You're saying I could?"
He adjusts his glasses before nodding, "If you are careful, yes." She starts cheering and points her finger at Hayleigh.
"In your face! You're going with Niall."
"No buts," Becca yawns, suddenly tired. "Mom, he said it's fine so can I?"
Georgia looks unsure and looks from her daughter to Hayleigh to Dr. Walker before slowly nodding. "I guess so, if I can be there to help."
"Deal," Becca nods. "You can be my assistant until Hayleigh comes back."
"Does anyone care what Hayleigh has to say!?" Hayleigh shouts, making everyone look at her.
Presley places her hand on her best friend's shoulder. "Hayleigh, you've been stressing yourself over Becca and she's perfectly fine." The teen on the bed nods tiredly to prove it. "You deserve a break."
Hay sighs before looking at Becca. "Promise me you'll be careful?"
"I promise," she yawns once more and I glance at Hay hopefully.
"So you're coming?"
"I guess I am."
"We should leave Ms. Davidson to rest," Dr. Walker advises. "She's had a long day." We all nod simultaneously and Hay kisses her head.
"I'll see you tomorrow before we leave."
"Have fun," Becca smiles in her light sleep as we all shuffle out of the room, happy and relieved that she is okay.
Hey guys! Sorry it's been ages, I've just been busy. Can you believe how fast 2016 is going? I mean, Harry is turning 22 tomorrow!!
I love Pillow Talk but wasn't a fan of the video (just my opinion)
Anyways, I hope you all are having amazing lives as you deserve it. I hope you enjoyed the filler too and i promise I'll update sooner.
Love you all,

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