Chapter Thirty-Three: Those Kind of Talks

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"You're suffocating me," I choke out, flailing my arms as Presley hugs me. I almost died because she was crazy enough to jump on my back, then throw her arms around my neck and squeeze tightly.
She finally lets go and hops down with a laugh, allowing me to finally breathe. I turn around to face her with a unamused look on my face, "Are you kidding me!?"
"Consider it your punishment for leaving without telling me," Presley smiles cheekily and I pull her into a normal hug. "I'm just glad you're okay," she sighs, looking at me. "You are okay right?"
I nod-a little too quickly, "I'm fine. I just need to have a talk with him."
"SISSY!" I hear a familiar voice shout and I look away from her to see Harry running over with three other boys hot on his heels.
Without saying anything, he grabs me, lifting me up into the biggest hug ever. After my feet are back on the ground, he furrows his eyebrows, "Don't ever leave again."
I chuckle, "Okay Harry."
Louis is immediately next, doing the same as the Chesire boy. "Guys it's only been a day or two, what's with all the love?" I mumble out when my face is against Liam's shirt.
"It's because we missed you," Zayn states in an obvious tone. "And because after you left, all hell broke loose," he whispers in my ear. A giggle escapes my lips after our hug ends, before I'm in another embrace.
"Hey girls!" I say cheerfully once I recognize them by Dani's hair and El's stylish clothes.
"My god we have so much to tell you," El bursts, as if she's been waiting a million years.
"I think it can wait till we at least get to your house though," Dani adds and I nod my head, but my eyes flicker upward when I feel an extra presence.
There he is. He stands there with his hair messily spiked up in some joggers and a graphic navy tee, while his hands are shoved in his pockets and his blue eyes are trained on the floor.
Should I ignore him? I mean, I'm going to have to talk to him sooner or later. Maybe I could just run up and hug him? Nah, that'd be awkward...and confusing.
I stand there frozen until somehow my legs begin working, my brain not having any control. I said I didn't want to hug him!
Niall is like a magnet as my heart pulls me towards him. Oh, screw it. I've missed him and I saw his apology. Good enough for me.
He doesn't expect it and jumps when I wrap my arms around his neck, standing on my tiptoes to reach him. I feel him exhale deeply as his arms squeeze my waist tightly. "Just because I might've been upset, doesn't mean I didn't miss you," I whisper softly in his ear and his grip tightens. He smoothly turns in a small circle, as I bury my face in the crook of his neck. My brown eyes stay closed as tears threaten to spill over but I know my heart made the right choice.
No words are spoken between us until he finally decides to let me go, but not fully. His hands stay on the sides of my waist and I finally find enough inner strength to look him in the eye.
Transparent tears peak from the corner of his eyes, making his blue eyes look hollow and empty. He sniffles, gently tracing down a finger down my cheek before his chapped lips lightly kiss my forehead. "I'm so sorry," his voice cracks, and since we're so close all I have to do is slightly look up to be staring at him. Our noses nearly touch as his breathing turns ragged but I quickly hush him as I press my lips to a cheek where a tear fell.
"Can we talk?" I murmur and he nods. All physical contact is broken as I turn to look at the others who are acting 'natural.' By the whistles and the no eye contact I can tell they were eavesdropping. Talk about an awkward silence.
"Niall and I are going to get coffee," I say, even though they probably already knew that. That's where Niall and I go just to chat and stuff.
"Okay!" Harry replies, his pitch higher than normal.
I roll my eyes, "Pres can one of them give you a ride?"
"We will," Liam answers and I smile gratefully at him.
"See you guys later," I say, and turn to Niall. We both begin walking through the airport and out to my car in silence. Normally, we'd be joking and laughing around like our normal idiotic selves but I had a feeling just like me, he didn't know what to say. Our hands awkwardly dangled by our sides, occasionally brushing each other like we weren't as close as we are.
I clear my throat, wanting to speak for the first time after we arrive at Simply Sweet, sitting in our normal booth with our usual drinks. "So," I start not sure of where I was going with this, "How's the weather?" I mentally curse myself as I know that couldn't have sounded any less ridiculous.
I glance at Niall to see him secretly smiling at his cup, and I smirk. Found our entrance point for the conversation. "Niall Horan," I say his name and he looks up at me confused, "Are you laughing at me?"
A wide grin spreads across his lips, "I would never, HayBear."
"Well you try to start this conversation," I argue back, trying to stay serious but fail when the last part ends in giggles. The smile disappears from his face and his gaze falls.
I sigh, "Niall?"
"Stop it."
He furrows his eyebrows, "Stop what?"
"Stop that," I motion to him. "You're acting like a student who's afraid to talk during a test." A low chuckle starts but abruptly stops. "See!?"
"I just don't want to say or do anything wrong," he admits, sneaking a glance at me nervously. "I've already messed up."
"But you made up for it," I add. "Louis sent me the video."
"What video?" I tilt my head when I see he has no idea what I'm talking about.
"The one of you yelling at Barbara," I reply and his jaw slightly drops.
"He recorded that?"
I nod with my lips in a firm line, "Yes he did. If it helps, what you said was very sweet and I care about you a lot too."
"Well you're my best friend, I have to protect you," he states but breathes out. "And I'm sorry I didn't do a good job, from Barbara or from myself."
"I also saw a video of you singing," I say and his head shoots up.
"What did you think?" He interrupts before I can say anything else.
A small laugh bubbles from my chest, "You didn't let me finish. I thought it was lovely, the best I've ever heard you sing before. But you didn't have to tell the whole world about our fight."
"I did too," he insists, "I needed the fans to know that I let some stupid girl get between my best friend and I, and I promise that that will never happen again. Everything she said to you Hayleigh, isn't true. You aren't what she said, you are Hayleigh Rose; a beautiful girl inside and out and who I can proudly call my best friend."
My cheeks heat up as I suddenly find the patterns in my cocoa interesting. "The world should also know what a sweet boy I have for a best friend," I speak after a few seconds of silence. "You didn't have to do that, but you did. You don't even have to explain or whatever because I had already forgiven you when I saw Louis' video."
"I guess I owe the Sass Master a thank you," he smiles, showing his silver braces and I laugh whole heartedly.
"Can I get a hug from my Nialler?" I ask after we both calm down from his lame joke.
"Only if I'll get a hug from my Hay-Bale," he replies before standing up. I do the same and place my hands around his torso. Placing my head on his chest, I close my eyes and he gently starts swaying us from side to side.
"You're wearing my shirt," he smiles and I look down in his arms to see he's right. I was wearing his blue, red, and white baseball tee.
I grin up at him, "I didn't even notice."
When we let go, he hums. "That was a lovely hug, bestie."
I chortle before matching his posh accent, "Indeed it was fellow bestie. Shall we go home to enjoy some brownie soup?"
His eyes light up brighter than the sun, "Really!?"
I nod, a wide grin spreading across my face reaching my cheeks. Brownie soup is a thing Niall and I discovered together a few months ago, and since then it's been our go to snack.
It's basically brownies but you only cook them half way. It sounds gross yet it's surprisingly appetizing.
He links our arms together and pulls me out of the café, barely giving me time to grab the remainder of my drink. "Niall slow down!" I laugh but he doesn't listen.
"Walk faster, I'm starving!" He whines childishly.
"When you are not?" I retort and he stops and gives me a fake glare before pulling on the car door, even though it was locked.
"This is the life," Niall sighs happily, scooping a spoonful of brownie batter into his mouth.
"Preach," I nod in agreement, leaning back against the couch contently.
"What movie is this?" He asks and I focus in on the main character before giving up and eating more batter.
"I honestly have no idea."
He chuckles, "Can we watch something else?"
"OOH!" I shout making him almost dump the glass container of chocolate goodness. "Can we watch Brave!?"
"Isn't that the new Disney movie?" He questions and I nod excitedly. "Is it even on DVD yet?"
"One of my friend's dad from California works at Disney," I explain. "She got a few copies and sent one to me because we were close back in high school."
"Fine with me," he agrees and I let out a tiny squeal before running upstairs to retrieve it.
It feels good to have my best friend back.
A/N: Hey guys! How are y'all? I'm sick of high school. I'm done. I'm only a freshman, but I'm going to die. I freaking hate Geometry and my Social studies teacher is a racist jerk face.
School sucks.
Anyways, I hope you guys are doing well and enjoyed the chapter. THEY MADE UP. AWWW. I KNOW IT DIDNT LAST LONG BUT I HATE SEEING THEM FIGHT. NAYLEIGH ROCKS.
Anyways, the witch is gone too...or is she? Hehehe.
Come back next week for a skip into the future a little bit!
Stay Beautiful:)

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