Chapter Twenty-Four: Little Kendall Nicole

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"She's adorable," I gush by Niall's side as we stand in front of Mom's bed.
"Would you like to hold her?" Mom asks and I give a small gasp.
A smile spreads across my face, "Really?"
"Of course, Hayleigh," she assures before handing me the little one.
"Hey beautiful," I coo and giggle when she starts moving her hands around, snuggling into the blanket. "I promise I won't let anything happen to you," I whisper under my breath so no one hears.
"Have you decided on a name?" Niall asks, peering over my shoulder with a grin when he sees my baby sister.
"I'm happy to tell you two we have," Dad states, intertwining his fingers with Mom's from the other side of the bed as he takes a seat in a chair.
"What is it?" I tear my gaze away from the angel before looking around the room, everyone wanting to know.
"This is Kendall Nicole," as soon as the words come out I freeze with excitement and a feeling of proudness washes over me.
"You chose our names?" I ask, not believing it and Niall looks dumbfounded too.
"They were just too pretty to let go of," Mom smiles warmly at the two of us, making Niall and I share a glance at each other.
"Can I hold sissy?" Michael asks from the recliner and I carefully walk over to him.
"Can you promise me to be careful?" I ask and I squat down to him slowly. He nods, his eyes sparkling as he looks at his little sister.
"Hold still buddy," Ashton tells him from Natalie's side. I gently place Ken in his arms and watch with awe as he wraps his arms around the blanket and smiles down at her.
I quickly take my camera Niall holds out to me-I swear he can read my mind-and share a smile with Presley before taking a picture right when Michael leans down to kiss her forehead.
Suddenly my phone beeps and I pull it out to see Louis texted.
Hey, Hayleigh! I was just curious about your new sibling :D I told Lottie and Fizzie and they won't stop bugging me about what her name is.
I chuckle before replying. "Who was it?" Niall asks.
"Louis," I tell him, my fingers still typing.
Tell them I said hi!! And your just in time. Her name is Kendall Nicole.
"Hayleigh take a picture of Niall holding her," I hear my mom say and I look up from my phone to see my best friend cooing at my new baby sister.
I smile slightly at the sight and do as my mom instructed. One with my camera and one with my phone before quickly sending it to Lou.
Are you okay?
I'm fine *sniffles* The sight is just 2 Cute.
I laugh a little before slipping my phone back in my pocket and paying attention to everyone and the new addition to our family.
"Where are you taking me?" I laugh as Hayleigh pulls on my arm.
"I want to show you someone important to me," she answers and I furrow my eyebrows. A pain starts in my gut as I think of all the possibilities.
Does she mean like a friend from her old school? An old boyfriend? A new boyfriend? I mean, I guess that's okay since I haven't told her about-
"Here we are!" The pretty girl from beside me announces and I look up to see a stable.
"Why are we at a stable?" I ask, confused and we continue walking until Hayleigh runs to a middle-aged woman walking a mare.
"Margaret!" She calls and the woman lights up.
"Hayleigh, darling!" The lady's accent has slight country twang to it and Hay grins at me after hugging her. "What are you doing in New York?"
"My baby sister was born today," she explains with a smile on her face.
"So why aren't you with her?" Margaret questions with an eyebrow raised.
"I though my parents needed some time with her," she shrugs before glancing at me. "I was wondering if I could go riding today."
"Well of course!" Margaret answers immediately with a grin, "Hazel has been missing you."
"Who's Hazel?" I ask, not really following the conversation.
"She's my horse," Hay giggles and I smile at her.
"Would this lad like to ride too?" Margaret asks, motioning to me.
I shake my head when Hayleigh and I answer together.
"If think he'd mighty fine on Trigger," Margaret tells her, making Hayleigh light up.
"Thank you!"
"Can you two tack them up?" The woman asks and Hay nods.
"Of course. I think I'm going to take him to the field."
"Go right ahead, I have to wash Trixie here."
Hayleigh gives her one more hug before taking my hand and dragging me in the barn. "Have you ever ridden before?"
"No," I say honestly, "How long have you been riding horses?"
"Since I could walk," she giggles again and I chuckle. "Dad used to take me on trips here with...oh never mind."
I raise my eyebrows but don't push her. "When did you get Hazel?"
"When I was ten," Hayleigh sides happily. "Those were the good ole days."
"Did you ever go with Presley?"
"Sometimes," she shrugs before we stop in front of a stable holding a pretty dapple gray.
Before she speaks, I remember something. "At least now I have a reason to call you Hay-Bale."
She laughs, "I guess you do." We stay silent as we observe the animal. "Here she is." The horse walks forward as we slowly approach it. Hay holds out her hand and Hazel nudges it with her nose. Hayleigh then takes this as a sign to gently scratch her fur between her big eyes. "Hey girl," she whispers and Hazel huffs before sniffing her long brown hair. Hayleigh's contagious laughter rings out, making me smile.
"Where's Trigger?" I ask and she jumps, forgetting I was here.
"Right next door," she tells me and I take a few steps before I'm faced with a solid brown horse with a diamond between his eyes.
I hold out my hand like Hayleigh did but the horse is more patient than Hazel was. More lenient I guess you could say.
"Tack up," I hear Hayleigh say and I furrow my eyebrows.
"Excuse me?"
"Don't you just love this?" Hay sighs, leaning forward to pet Hazel's mane. I glance at her before returning my attention to the forest down below.
"It's definitely more peaceful," I agree before remembering the important information. "Hayleigh I have to tell you something."
Her brown eyes flicker to me, "What is it?"
I take a deep breath before looking her straight in the eye. "I asked Barbara to be my girlfriend." Silence. Not even a peep from Trigger or Hazel.
Hayleigh clears her throat before a small smile appears on her face. "That's great Ni."
I sigh with relief and open my mouth to speak but Hayleigh kicks up her heels, making Hazel fly down the hill at full speed.
I call out her name, knowing she can hear me, but she just keeps on going. I mimic her actions and suddenly Trigger bolts, making me grip the reins tighter in fear. "Oh god, I'm going to die," I mumble under my breath, trying to keep Hayleigh in sight as she takes down a forest trail. I lean forward a bit, turning Trigger to the right to follow my best friend. I lose sight of her so I slow down, upset.
I groan until I hear her voice. I slowly put Trigger into a walk and follow it.
I release a breath I didn't know I was holding when I spot her talking to Hazel against a tree, near a small pond. I quietly climb off the horse, taking a few seconds to regain my balance before tiptoeing forward.
"I just wish he would've told me sooner," I hear Hay sniffle and Hazel neighs making my girl slightly laugh. "Yeah you're right, girl. He is stupid."
"I know I am," I speak up and she jumps, startled but relaxes when she sees me walking closer.
"Oh it's just you," she rolls her brown eyes and I lean against the tree, watching her kiss her horse on the nose.
"I wanted to tell you earlier," I start to explain but she either doesn't want to hear it or doesn't hear. I'm going with the latter. "I just didn't know how to bring it up."
"How long?"
"About a week?" I rub the back of my neck awkwardly.
"I don't see why you kept this from me," Hay sighs and I cautiously take a step closer.
"I didn't know how to tell you."
"I wouldn't have cared about how you presented the information. It just hurts to know that you don't trust me enough to tell me when you start dating someone. I thought we were best friends."
"We are," I insist and she scoffs.
"Well I feel like we haven't been acting like it recently."
I ignore her last comment and force her to look me in the eyes, "Hayleigh Rose, I trust you with my life. I would tell you anything in a heartbeat."
"Then why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I didn't want you to be mad like you are now. I thought I could avoid it."
"I'm not mad," Hayleigh start softly petting Hazel and I bring Trigger closer to us. "Just upset."
"I'm sorry," I tell her and she smiles slightly.
"I know you are."
"Does this mean I get a hug?" I wiggle my eyebrows and open my arms, making her giggle.
"I guess so, Horan," she laughs and I pull her into my arms and kiss her hair.
"So why'd you name your horse Hazel?"
"It was the color of," she pauses and I look down at her curiously before she sighs, looking up with me with a smile. "I just thought the name fit her."
A/N: So Niall is officially dating Barbara.......who saw that coming?
Haha, yeah. I hope you guys enjoyed meeting little Kendall! She's just a little Ken-doll isn't she? Haha budoom shh! <- that's the noise right? Oh well.
Why do you think Hayleigh keeps pausing? Hmm. You'll find out in the future.
I really hope you guys liked it so I'll see you next Monday:)
Stay Beautiful:)

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