Chapter Fifty-Two: Old Friends

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Thursday, August 22, 2013:

"You're lying to me."
"I am not! Presley this is serious!"
"I don't believe you."
"For crying out loud," I groan, opening my messages on my phone before thrusting it in her face. "See? Evan is in London!"

"I didn't even know you had his number," She expresses, taking my device in her hands and rereading the message a couple of times. I roll my eyes.
"Of course I have his number, we're friends. That's what we decided on after that whole Barbara incident and he had to leave, remember? Evan gave Zayn his number to give to me."
"You guys were cute together on your date," Presley grins and I let out a sigh.
"Evan was adorable. Should I ask if we should meet up?"

"Duh!" Pres slaps the back of my head, making me laugh slightly. "He wouldn't have told you that he was here if he didn't want to meet up! Plus, you guys never even got to finish your date."

"But what about Niall?" I ask, needing to know what to do. I haven't seen Evan in a long time, and I just recently discovered my feelings for my best friend.
"God, I am going to sound like the most hypocritical worst best friend ever," she mumbles under her breath before giving me a sad smile. "I want you to be happy, Hayleigh."
"I'd be concerned if you didn't want that," I joke making her face crack before it goes all serious.
"I know Niall and how happy you are just being around him, but I also don't like the fact how sad you get when he turns into a jerk. Ignore the fact that he doesn't exactly know he's being one right now, as he hasn't done anything wrong on purpose. Anyways, you of all people deserve a happy ending, so right now, just live in the moment. Go hang out with Evan and have a good time."

"Awe," I give her a hug, thanking her. "You are the best person ever."
"I know," she brags, before pushing me out of the kitchen. "Go text him and get ready."
I plant my feet on the floor, stopping her from pushing me anymore. "What about you?"

"I am hanging with Connor," she replies with a smile making me frown.
"Because today is our anniversary," Presley reminds me, as she said last night. I must've not been listening.
"Be careful, please," I beg her. "I know you said he's a good guy, but I've only met him like twice. If anything goes wrong, call me or Harry."
"Why Harry?" she questions, and I roll my eyes again.
"You know why, he's your closest to him out of all our friends." She shrugs, knowing this is true. My face brightens when I realize I'm going out today, "Okay, let me text Evan."

To: Evan:)
OMG I can't believe you're actually here! You wanna hang out today?
In seconds I get a response, Pres reading over my shoulder.
From: Evan:)
That would make my day Xx

"Awww," Presley coos, "He totally still has a crush on you."
"Shut up," I playfully elbow her, a slight blush on my cheeks.

To: Evan:)
Yay:) Where do you want to meet up?

From: Evan:)
How about in front of Big Ben? It'll be the cheesiest reunion ever;)

"He is so adorable!" Presley squeals, squeezing my shoulder.
"I know."

To: Evan:)
You've got yourself a deal, Meet me there at 12:30? We can grab lunch

From: Evan:)
Definitely, see you soon Hayleigh Xx

"Okay," I look at my best friend. "I need to get ready. When are you leaving?"
"Probably around one or two," she informs me with a grin.
We both finish eating pretty quickly before rushing to our rooms. Another thought comes to mind, so I lock both of my doors so Pres can't interrupt. "What's up, Hayleigh?" His deep voice greets happily and I smile.
"Hey, Harry. I just needed to tell you something."
Harry asks with concern, "Is everything alright?"
"Totally, it's just Presley is hanging out with Connor today for their anniversary-"
He interrupts me with a sigh, "Why are you telling me this?"
"Because I need you to keep your phone on in case she needs you," I reply sharply. "You know I don't exactly approve of her boyfriend and I'm just getting a bad feeling. Please Harry?"
A minute passes before he gives in, "Fine, I'll keep my phone on. Why me though?"
"Because I'm going to be hanging out with a friend today, and there's the fact that you are the next best person to be there when she needs someone," I explain.

Happily (Niall Horan)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें