Chapter Fifty-Five: Story of My Life

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Saturday, October 26, 2013:

"This place is so cool!" Presley squeals as her eyes wander around the dome.
I nod my head, kind of amazed as I watch many crew members adjust photos along the strings.

"I'm glad they chose this song for a music video," I state, walking in the direction of four out of the five boys when we see them. "It's definitely my favorite off of the album."

"It's not even released yet, Leigh," Presley laughs and I smile with a shrug.

"Oh well, this song touches your heart and it's meaningful." She hums an agreement before a wide grin takes over her face as she makes eye contact with Harry. She picks up her pace, making me take longer strides to keep up. They embrace each other in a hug; her head nuzzling in the crook of his neck as his arms snake their way around her waist.

It's been a few weeks since we've seen the boys. They had been so busy with finishing last minute details for Midnight Memories that they haven't had any free time- not even enough to send a text apparently. That's why they invited us to the music video.

I'm not going to lie; I really miss Niall. Harry would call Presley if he had free time, as they're becoming closer and closer every single day. Yet my phone wouldn't even beep with a text from Ni. One time I had answered Pres' phone because she was in the bathroom, and talked to H for a bit. My curiosity had gotten the better of me as my mouth asked where my best friend was.

Harry hadn't been excited to tell me anything, and I wasn't thrilled to hear it. Every time he saw Niall not working, was spent on his phone calling or texting Zoe. I know I shouldn't be jealous because I'm the friend and I have a wonderful boyfriend of my own, yet I am.

My feelings haven't died down, but I'm mostly hurt because I was watching our friendship slip all over again.

I blink; focusing back to where I was. I walk away from the chattering dark brunettes, over to Zayn, Louis, and Liam who were in some old looking clothes, looking at photos. "Hey guys!" I say cheerfully and they turn around with big smiles.

"Hayleigh!" They wrap me in a group hug, all beginning to talk at once. I couldn't help but laugh; it was so good to see them again.

"How are you and Evan?" Liam asks politely after the "I'm good, what about you?"

"We're great, thanks for asking. He's still in New York," I answer. "He's been working a lot but we still talk as much as we can."

"If he ever does anything, let him know he has to deal with us," Louis informs me, flexing his arms. I giggle but nod my head.

"I love your clothes," I say, looking at Zayn's outfit. "Are you supposed to be photographers?"

The Bradford lad grins, "Yes we are. We figured since it's Story of My Life, we should be photographers reminiscing memories."

"That sounds so cool!"

"It was Ben's idea," he points to the man with dark hair and a beard. He looks up as he hears his name from some papers and waves to me before continuing to chat with a camera man.

I notice an Irishman missing and question my friends. "He's on the phone," Zayn appeases me. "We're on a short break before we begin filming again. We were just looking at the photos."

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