Chapter Fourty-One: A Little Excited

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Saturday, May 11 2013:
"Hey Paul," I greet, happy as I hug the bodyguard.
"Good to see you again Hayleigh," he replies, taking my suitcase. I thank him and we make small talk on the way to the van.
"So he doesn't know anything?" I clarify and he nods.
"He's expecting you tomorrow afternoon," Paul grins. "I told him that I was picking up donuts."
I chuckle but raise an eyebrow, "Did you get donuts?"
"They're sitting in the front seat," he assures. "I swear I'm so glad you're here, Niall won't shut up about you visiting."
My cheeks slightly burn but I laugh the warmth away as we arrive at the mobile. He places my suitcase in the back and I take a seat with my camera and purse in the shotgun seat.
"How's your hand doing?" He asks, opening his car door and fumbling with the keys.
I look down at the brace covering my wrist and shrug. "I'm just glad the cast is off to be honest. I have to wear the brace for a few more days though."
My eyes stay trained on the donut box as he gets in and starts the van. Paul glances at me as he pulls out of the airport. "You can have one if you want?"
"Don't mind if I do," I smile and pick up a chocolate glazed. "The food on the plane was horrible."
"Okay right now the boys are doing a sound check," Paul informs me as he pulls into the arena.
I clap my hands, getting excited. "Great! So what's the plan?"
"We're going to sneak you in to the dressing room."
Puzzled, I ask why. "Lou wants to see you," he answers. "And Lux of course."
I smile, "Then I can't wait. Do you think she could um...fix my appearance?"
"If you want her to I bet she would," Paul tells me and we get out of the vehicle, him urging me to walk quickly.
Since the fans know who I am, I keep my head down with my hands blocking my face and soon we're inside.
He leads me to the dressing room and when I walk inside I see Lou, Caroline and Lux. The two adults look up when they see me and a little squeal escapes Lou's mouth.
"Hey girls!" I walk quickly over to them and pull them in a big hug. "How are you two ladies?"
"We're great," Caroline smiles kindly. "How are you Hayleigh?"
"I'm very excited," I speak honestly, not bothering to try to hold it in.
"Niall hasn't shut up about you girlie," Louise chuckles and I bite my lip to keep from laughing.
"That's what I've heard," I reply, failing to try to stop it. "Lux!" I remember the toddler and scoop her into my arms. She giggles madly as I kiss her cheeks and starts playing with my brown hair.
"I was wondering if you two could dress me up a bit before I see Ni?" I ask them, bringing my attention away from the little one.
Lou grins, "Of course! I've been dying to style a girl's hair again."
"And since Niall told us you'd visit, we got some clothes for you as well," Caroline pipes up and I slightly frown.
"You guys didn't have to do that."
"Trust me we wanted to," Lou assures and I follow them to the clothes rack. "When we went shopping Niall wouldn't stop sending us texts of what you're into and what your style is," Caroline explains and I laugh.
My brown eyes scan the clothes and a smile spreads across my lips. "These clothes are gorgeous."
Lou claps her hands. "Try some on then!" I hand her her child and accept the hangers from Caroline before going behind a curtain hanging up.
"Here's the first one," I call and walk out, feeling shy.
It was a simple black skirt with a neon top tucked in with matching high tops. "You look amazing!" Caroline explains and I blush, playing with the fabric of the skirt.
"Here's the next one!" Lou says excitedly, handing me clothes on a hanger.
When I come out in the second one, a very wide grin was in my face and it wasn't coming off.
It was a simple dress, the top being a creme color and the bottom having this pretty flowered pattern that matches the green army jacket I'm wearing on top of it. For the shoes it was creme sneakers that coordinates perfectly with the whole outfit.
I do a little twirl as the two ladies gush. "You're wearing this now," Lou tells me and I smile widely at her.
"Good because I don't plan on taking it off," I joke, making them laugh.
"Let me do your hair," she replies and pulls me over to her chair. "Your hair is so long," Lou comments and I nod slightly as she starts brushing through it.
"I've been thinking about getting a haircut," I say honestly. "It goes all the way down to my belly button."
"I could do it for you," she offers and my eyes widen.
"Totally," she nods with a smile. "How short do you want it?"
"I've been looking in magazines and stuff and I think I want it to about here," I lift my finger to about two to three inches below my shoulders.
"That will be a good length for you," she agrees. "I have a good style in mind as well. You sure about this?"
As I look at myself in the mirror, I run my fingers through my hair, having a mental debate. "Yes," I decide after a minute and smile at the two ladies behind me.
They squeal and Lou starts getting all her supplies ready after turning me away from the mirror, so I will be completely surprised.
"And," Lou pauses, adding the final touches before beaming at me, "You're done, girlie."
"I'm nervous," I admit, bouncing my knee out of habit. All I know is my hair is curled and braided somewhere but not completely.
Without giving me a warning, she whirls me around to face the mirror. "Oh my god," are the words that escape my mouth. A simper spreads across my lips and I stand up, enclosing Lou in a tight hug. "I love it!! Thank you so much Lou!"
She laughs, hugging me back. "You're welcome! Now go stand by that wall and pose; Caroline and I want pictures."
I flash her a thumbs up with a toothy grin, "You got it."
   For the next ten minutes, the two ladies snap picture after picture until Paul comes in the dressing room after knocking with his hand over his eyes. "Everyone decent?"
I snort slightly, "We're good, Pauly." He sighs and opens his eyes, which widen when he sees my new appearance. "Niall is going to flip out," he says and I smile. "I'm going to take you into the lounge, where the boys are right now. Hopefully you can sneak up on him or something."
"I like that plan," I nod, an idea forming in my mind.
He leads me out of the dressing room and down the hallway, taking a left then a right before we arrive at an open door. "He's all yours," Paul whispers and I bite my lip, holding back a giggle. I settle for another nod before peaking my head around the corner, seeing Louis, Zayn, and Niall having an important-looking conversation on the couch while Harry and Liam were chatting by the food table, sneaking a crisp or two.
The three lads don't notice me as I cautiously walk in, but the other two look shocked. I simply put a finger to my lips, and their eyes widen but they smirk. I carefully sit down beside my best friend, who was too involved talking to notice.
"Gee Niall I thought you'd be a little excited to see me," I finally speak and he jumps a little before twisting his body around to face me.
"HAYBEAR!" He yells and attacks me in a hug. A wave of Axe hits me as his arms wrap around me but I cling to him, laughing. "What are you doing here?" He asks, pulling away only a little with his hands resting on my hips. Niall's blue eyes widen slightly, "And what did you to with all your hair?"
"I got it cut," I say with a laugh and that's all I can do before he hugs me again.
"I have missed you so much, you won't even believe," he replies in my ear to which I respond with a remark about the stories I've heard about him whining.
His cheeks burn a light pink, "It's not my fault I love and have missed you."
I stand up to hug the lads, telling each how glad I am to see them.
"Did Presley come with you?" Harry asks eagerly and I give him a sympathetic smile.
"Sorry Harry, she went home to visit her family." His face drops and I give his arm a squeeze.
"She has told me how much she misses you though," I say and he gives me a dopey grin. I really wish those two would go out already; but for that to happen Pres would have to break up with Connor. They've been off and on even though I don't understand why Pres keeps going back. Connor doesn't treat her right and Harry is a better fit in my opinion.
All five of them jump into stories about what I've missed, every one containing something hilarious. Soon I'm laughing so hard, I cover my mouth with my hand and bury my head in Niall's chest.
"How was your mission trip?" Liam asks and I smile.
"Jamaica was absolutely incredible. We met a lot of wonderful people, who with our group, we taught about the Bible and prayer."
"That sounds cool," Zayn comments and I nod.
"It was, I have a video on my phone of them singing a song we taught them if you want to hear it," I offer and they crowd around Niall and I as I take my phone out of the jacket pocket.
I watch with a smile on my face while Niall wraps an arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer. I snuggle up to him, but still hold out my phone for other to see.
It's good to be back.
I MEAN it's been over three weeks and to tell you the truth I've been super busy. I barely have any free time between basketball, archery, school, Beta club, etc.
I know this is a bad chapter but it's only a filler. I also had writers block for a while but I know now exactly what I want to do.
Thanks for all the patience! Love you all!

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