Chapter Twenty-Six: Evan Line

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"Thanks for inviting us guys," I comment sarcastically as Barbara and I approach them on the beach. All of them were laying on the sand, with their shades on.
"You were a little busy," Presley comments and I roll my eyes.
"Why are you just sitting here?" My girlfriend questions and crosses her arms over her chest.
"Well, since you're curious," Lou starts sassily, "Some of us were playing frisbee but then I threw it too far and Hayleigh went to get it and never came back." My eyes widen and I look down guiltily; I didn't even realize Hayleigh was missing.
"She's over there talking to some guy," Dani points to the right and I follow her finger to see my best friend shyly smiling at a guy about my age with brown hair.
"I'm so happy for her," El squeals and Dani gives her a smile. "Hayleigh deserves a nice boyfriend."
"Boyfriend?" I blurt out and Pres raises an eyebrow.
"Maybe," she replies. "She's been single for awhile and deserves someone who won't leave her out of anything." I gulp at the last part and she smirks.
I glance at Hay to see her walking away with the guy towards a snow cone stand. He was leading her with his hand intertwined with hers and my jaw drops slightly.
"Who cares Nialler?" Barbara snaps me out of my thoughts and I divert my eyes to her. "Let her play with her boy toy."
"Oh no you didn't," Pres growls and I cautiously take a step back as she stands up. "First of all, Barb do not ever insult my best friend like that ever again if you want to live." Her brown eyes narrow but Barbara doesn't back away. I don't have a good feeling about this. "Second of all, no one is allowed to call Niall that unless it's a girl named Hayleigh who is his best friend."
Before anything else happens I step in, "Presley, Barbara is allowed me whatever she wants. She's my girlfriend."
Liam looks at me like I'm a wild animal that escaped from the zoo, "Are you serious? You won't even let us call you that."
"Hey guys!" Speaking of Hayleigh, I turn around to see her grinning...with the guy she was talking to. The smile slowly fades as she looks at all of us. "What's going on?"
Presley and I speak at the same time but the black haired girl's glare makes me shrink back. "As I was saying," Pres starts again with her eyes narrowed before giving a fake smile at Hay, "We just had a little...disagreement."
"Is everyone okay?" Hayleigh asks slowly before her eyes land on me. "Niall?"
"Everything is just peachy," Barbara lies through her teeth and wraps her arm around my bicep tightly. "Who's your friend?"
Hayleigh grins again, "This is Evan. It turns out he's from New York as well; I met him a few minutes ago."
"It's been over thirty," El giggles and Hay's beautiful brown eyes widen.
Everyone nods and a slight blush appears on her cheeks. "It's nice to meet you all," Evan speaks for the first time and I finally get a good look at him. He is probably the same height as Louis so that makes me a little taller but not by much. I guess if I was a girl I'd find him attractive but not really. He has an inch or two on Hayleigh but I don't get a good vibe on him.
He seems...fishy.
"This is Presley-my best friend, Harry, Liam, Danielle, Eleanor, Zayn, and Louis," she introduces, skipping me and Barbara.
"I'm Niall," I speak up and his eyes land on me. He holds out his hand but I just cross my arms and stare him down. He awkwardly puts it by his side and Hayleigh gives me a look.
"I'm happy to meet all of you," he grins and I capture the thumbs up Hayleigh receives from Eleanor and Dani.
"Evan, why don't you stay here and get acquainted with everyone while I have a little talk with Niall," Hay grits her teeth and grabs my arm. I wince as she drags me away, not giving anyone a chance to say anything.
"What the hell?" I complain, rubbing the spot where she grabbed me after she lets go behind a palm tree.
"I should be saying that to you," she retorts and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
"Wait, what did I do?"
"Are you freaking kidding me?" A look of surprise crosses over her face before anger takes over. "You're being so rude to Evan."
"I don't like him," I defend and she shakes her head.
"You don't even know him. How can you judge him so quickly?"
"He's like all the other guys that have hit on you in the past; they're douche bags."
"He isn't like any of those guys!" Hayleigh shouts then lowers her voice to stop people from looking. "I hate when you're like this, Niall. Every time some guy wants to be my friend you get all overprotective and scare them off. I'm not yours."
"I just want what's best for you," I tell her honestly and she sighs before giving me a small smile.
"Then give him a chance," she answers and I look in her brown eyes. She's practically begging now. "Tell me tonight if you still don't like him or not; if so, I won't go out with him."
I raise my eyebrow, "Promise?"
She breathes quickly, "I can't believe I just said that. Fine, this time I'll agree. But if you are rude to him or anyone else in the future, I will not speak to you for a week."
"That's harsh," I pout and she rolls her eyes.
"We've done it before," Hayleigh replies, "Plus it's only if you continue to be a jerk face."
"Fair enough," I say and relief washes through her features. "You know I love you, Hayleigh."
"I know," she runs her hand through her hair before wrapping her arms around my torso. I kiss her head before returning the hug. "I love you too but give him a chance. I actually kind of like him."
I sigh before looking at her. A smile peeks at her pink lips and I know I can't disagree. "Okay."
*Later That Day*
"Everything's going well, huh?" I whisper to Hayleigh as Evan hangs out with all the boys by the pool table.
"Sort of," she leans closer to me so no one else listens. El and Dani are chatting away over a new clothing line while Barbara-Brat snobbishly talks on her phone, chomping loudly on her gum. "Niall and I got into a fight earlier because he didn't like Evan at first glance so we made a deal. If he doesn't like him by the end of the night, I won't go out with him."
I furrow my eyebrows, "That's not fair, Leigh."
"I know," she groans and pulls on her hair gently. "I just hate fighting with him."
"I don't see why he's overreacting," I roll my eyes, "You didn't do this to that b-"
"Pres," She warns, stopping me.
"Hey it's true!" I defend as she bites back a smile.
"Okay then," she taps her thighs before standing off of the couch. "I'm going to get a water."
"I'll go with you," Barbara peppily states, getting up as well. I raise an eyebrow; that's suspicious.
"Okay?" Hayleigh replies, confused.
"Great!" Brat chirps before gripping Hay's wrist and dragging her away.
I watch them for a second before deciding to follow them; I do not trust that...thing alone with my best friend. I slowly walk and hide behind a bush when the two arrive at the vending machine.
Hayleigh puts in her change, "Barbara is there anything I can help you with?"
"Yeah actually there is," she says politely before her voice goes hard as stone. She grits her teeth like a baboon, "Stay away from Niall."
A/N: Oh snap. Barbara is a freaking brat in Pres's words huh? Do you think that Niall is being to harsh on Evan? Evan seems like a nice guy, but that deal was soo unfair.
I hope you enjoyed the chapter; I know It's pretty bad and rushed. I literally stayed up all night writing this so I apologize severely and greatly. I PROMISE I'll do better.
Thanks for sticking through this mess!
Stay Beautiful:)

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