Chapter Eleven: Christmas

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Sunday, December 25, 2011:
"There's the sleepy head," Greg teases as I come downstairs.
"Shut up," I groan and rub my eyes. I look around the kitchen to see Mum at the stove cooking what smells like waffles. "Smells good," I comment.
"Thank you," she turns around and smiles. "It will be ready soon and after we can open up presents."
"Sweet," I smile at her and walk into the living room to see my Dad watching the morning news. "Morning," I greet him and take a seat in the comfortable leather recliner.
"Hey!" He smiles, "Did you sleep good?"
"Great! Ever since I've gotten back, I've slept like a baby," I chuckle and he laughs with me.
"I'm really glad you could come home ya' know? Your mother really appreciates it," he tells me and my heart drops a little at his next words. "She's been so happy since you told her you were coming home. This means the world to her."
"I'm glad I could come," I say honestly, "London is great but Mullingar will always be my home."
"That's great to hear," my older brother pipes up from the doorway. "How are the lads?"
"They're good," I answer, "Luckily everyone got to go home for Christmas."
"You got a girlfriend yet?" Mum calls from the kitchen and I laugh.
"No Mum," I yell to her, "I do have a new best friend though." Her figure appears in the doorway where Greg once was and she looks at me questionably.
"Her name is Hayleigh," I explain to all of them and Greg raises his eyebrows.
"So it is a girl," he smirks and I roll my eyes.
"Anyways, we met about a little over a month ago. She's really the nicest person ever. From teaching middle school kids photography, all the way to charity work with her best friend, Presley," I smile slightly as I remember the day we met.
"She sounds like a sweetheart," Dad grins at me and reaches over to pay my back.
"Is she pretty?" Greg asks and I scoff.
"Not pretty, absolutely gorgeous," I smile proudly, "She's just amazing."
"Well I want to meet her," Mum speaks up with a wide smile.
"Maybe later," I reassure her before she scurries back into the kitchen.
"Who wants breakfast?" She calls out and all of us men scramble up to follow her.
"How's your Christmas going?" I lean against the back of the chair I'm in front of and smile at Hayleigh.
"Surprisingly well," she replies with a light laugh and brushes a strand of hair out of her brown eyes. "Luckily Michael loved his new toy truck I got him and my mom was surprised when she saw the necklace. How's your family?"
That's Hayleigh for you right there.
She'll rush the topic off of her immediately and ask something she cares about. "They're great," I tell her and glance around my bedroom, "It's great to be home."
"Yeah," she agrees with me then I hear a muffled voice from behind the camera. Hayleigh lifts her head away from me, "Ash, that's who I'm talking to."
"Hey Ashton!" I say loudly to her brother. Suddenly, his head appears in front of the camera as he takes a seat by his little sister.
"Sup Niall!" He waves and I grin.
"Now that you guys have said hi, I was wondering if you opened your presents yet?" Hayleigh smiles at me.
"Indeed I have," I reply and grab the box across from me.
"What did ya get?" Ashton questions and moves his face closer.
"Dude!" Hayleigh protests then shoves him out of shot.
I laugh and pick up the first item, "This is from my mum." I rotate the pair of shoes around to show her.
"Nice!" Ashton comments, "I want a pair."
"You just got some new shoes today, genius," Hayleigh rolls her eyes playfully.
"Maybe, but not those," Ashton smirks and points to my new light green running shoes.
"What else?" Hayleigh asks, ignoring him.
"Candy, snapbacks, all kinds of stuff," I shuffle through the box then nod at her to confirm it. "What'd you get?"
"This one got me a new pair of Uggs," she jabs her finger in Ashton's shoulder. "My mom got me a new charm for my charm bracelet, with a gift card to Panera Bread. Then, my dad gave me a new camera!"
I smile slightly as I watch her show me everything, "That's amazing."
"Crap we got to go," Ashton glances at his watch with a worried expression. "We're supposed to go out for dinner with Mom and Dad."
"It it really almost time to go?" Hayleigh furrows her eyebrows before her brown eyes widen. "Fudge I only have ten minutes!"
I sigh and she turns back to me sadly, "Do you have to go so soon?"
"Unfortunately yes, we do," she tells me and plays with the guitar pick around her neck. "I'll talk to you later okay?" she promises.
"Okay," I agree before staring at her for a second, "I miss you."
"I miss you too but we'll be back soon. I'll be back in London by the thirtieth and you get in on the thirty first. Six days," she informs me.
"Hay, we got to go," Ashton tells her from the doorway. She sighs before turning back to me.
"Okay, Ash. I'll meet you downstairs. I love you Ni."
"I love you too," I smile warmly, "See you soon?"
"Definitely. Bye, Niall," she whispers before leaning forward and shutting off the camera.
"Bye," I say softly and turn off my computer.
"Niall are you ready to go?" Greg appears inside my room.
"Yeah," I comment and stand up before exiting my room to enjoy a peaceful evening with my family.
Six days.

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