Chapter Two: Best Friends?

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"Nice name," I comment, "but I'm still gonna call you Irish." I grin at him, while he playfully glares at me.
"I like your name too Hayleigh," he says, "and I have a nickname for you." He smirks and I raise my eyebrows.
"Really? And what is it, Nialler?" It's his turn to raise his eyebrows when he hears yet another nickname.
"Nialler," he repeats it, "I like it!" He smiles as he takes a sip from
his hot chocolate. "Anyways," he continues, "your new nickname is Hay-bale." I laugh at his awful but cute nickname for me. Seriously though, that's the name he comes up with?
"It makes me sound country," I think out loud and he chuckles.
*****one hour later*****
I snort at his horribly cheesy joke. What do you call cheese that isn't yours? Nacho Cheese! That's so 2010. "That was awful," I say. He scoffs, turning his head to look away from me and I chuckle. I hear a beep, and I check my phone. It wasn't me. I look at Niall and see that it was his phone that had went off. He frowns slightly, and furrows his eyebrows. "Is everything okay?" I ask him and his head shoots up.
"Y-yeah," he stutters nervously, and he looks at his lap. Liar...
"Do you have to leave?" I ask another question and he nods his head slowly.
"I don't want too," he complains. I chuckle as he slouches against the booth.
"Where do you have to go- if you don't mind me asking?" I question him politely and he smiles.
"I don't mind. I have to go to my mate's flat, they're worried about me. You realize we've been here for over an hour?" Well, I'm shocked. To think I thought he was a nut job, yet I spent over an hour with him talking about my life.
"Really?" I inquire and he nods, "Then I have to get going too. Presley is probably worried about me." He nods his head again. We had spent the last hour telling each other about our lives. I now know he was on the X-Factor last year in July. He didn't make it through as a solo artist, but he got out in a group, One Direction, who placed third. They just released their debut album a few months ago as well. I commented after he said that to show it to me sometime and he said jokingly that he'll think about it. I think it's their place where he's heading. I asked him to sing to me, but he wouldn't. Coward... His birthday is September 13, 1993, and he just recently turned 18. He has an older brother named Greg and his mom and dad are divorced. I told him about my dream about being a photographer, my likes and dislikes, and my family. I also told him I graduated last May, and moved here with Presley. Suddenly, Niall stands up and holds out his hand. I look at it confused.
"Your drink? Aren't you done?" He asks me. I nod my head and hand my empty cup to him.
"Thank you," I smile. He returns the gesture, and walks over to the trash can and throws it in. I stand up and sling my backpack over my shoulder. He walks back over with his hands in his hoodie.
"Are you walking home?" he asks me and I nod my head.
"Yea, why?" He bobs his head in the direction of the window. I follow his gaze and my jaw drops. It's snowing! It's not much, but still. I can't walk in the snow. Guess I'll just wait then. "Darn it," I mumble under my breath.
"I know," he agrees. Oh, he heard me. "Wait one sec," he says suddenly. He whips out his phone, and pushes a few buttons. "Hey Lou! I was wondering if you can bring me back to your's and Harry's flat? Oh, my friend needs a ride home too. I'll explain later." I just stare at him, my face showing my disbelief. He responds by giving me a toothy grin. "Thanks Lou, see you in a sec. Bye," he hangs up and smiles innocently at me.
"Niall!" I punch his arm. He rubs it with his right hand.
"Uh-ow!?" He acts hurt and I scoff.
"I didn't need a ride!" I hit him again.
"One, stop hitting me!" he holds up a finger, "Two, yeah you did! You'd think I'd let you walk in the snow? You don't even have gloves on!"
"No, I didn't," I persist, "I could've just waited till it stopped, then walked back to my house!" He waves his hand dismissively.
"Too late now," he smirks. I glare at him and he just shrugs.
After about five minutes, a black sedan pulls in front of the coffee shop. Niall pulls me along and opens the back passenger door for me. "M'lady," he says, acting posh and I hold back a chuckle.
"Why thank you, kind sir," I say in my best British accent. He laughs and shuts the door, and climbs in the front passenger seat.
"Hayleigh?" Niall says, getting my attention, "This is one of my best friends, Louis."
"Hi, it's nice to meet you, love!" Louis says energetically and I smile.
"Nice to meet you too, Louis! I'm Hayleigh, and you seem like a very fun person!" He cracks a smile at my response, and nods his head at Niall. I don't know what for but whatever. "Where are you from Louis?" I ask him, wanting to start a conversation.
"Doncaster, England! And I'm guessing you're from America?" He grins, "I would love to go there one day." I beam at the thought of my home back in New York.
"You are correct! Please come down to play the Price is Right," I say in an announcer voice. Niall turns and looks at me.
"What's the Price is Right?"
"American game show," I say simply. He makes an ahh sound and faces forward again.
"Ooo! Can I play!? Can I, can I, can I?" Louis says in a high pitched voice. I laugh at his idea of a teenage girl's voice.
"So, Irish," I begin. Louis snorts and I'm guessing it's the nickname. "What are your other 'mate's' names?" He told me that there are five of them, but he was a bit vague on the details.
"Zayn, Liam and Harry," he responds.
"What do they look like?" I ask him, genuinely interested. I'm actually curious because if they become famous, I'm definitely going to a concert.
"Liam has short brown hair and brown eyes, Harry has very curly brown hair and green eyes, Zayn has black hair and dark brown eyes," Niall grins.
"And I!" Louis interrupts, "have sexy light brown hair and beautiful blue green eyes that sparkle in the sunshine!" I chuckle at his description of himself.
"Take out the words sexy and beautiful and that's you," Niall jokes. Now that's a joke; not like the one he told me earlier. "Your eyes don't sparkle either," he adds. I burst out giggling, and Louis' expression makes me laugh harder. His face is scrunched up, and his eyebrows are up too. He looks constipated to be honest with you.
"Excuse me sir," Louis sassily begins, "I am sexy and beautiful!" He snaps his fingers for emphasis. Can someone say drama queen? Kidding, I'm like that too.
"Yeah totally," Niall remarks sarcastically. By now, I'm clutching my sides to stop myself from dying of laughter.
"You wanna tussle?!" Louis makes one hand into a fist, the other holding the steering wheel.
"Ladies, ladies," I interrupt before Niall can respond, "You're both pretty, can we move on now?" They both look at each other then at me, and burst into laughter.
"Hey Hay-Bale?" Niall asks after we had calmed down and I groan at his nickname for me. I lived in New York not Tennessee.
"Where is your house? You never told us?" he questions sheepishly as he rubs his neck awkwardly. Louis also has red in his cheeks, clearly embarrassed. I look out the window to see that we are about one turn away from my street.
"Can you take a right turn here?" I ask Louis. He salutes me and gets into the right lane, which causes me to chuckle again. It seems like that's all I've done today. "The house on the left please," I tell him. He pulls into Presley and I's driveway and stops the car.
I was about to open the door but stopped. I turn to face the two immature but funny boys, but they were already looking at me. "I need something," I say seriously. They exchange a look with each other and then look at me confused.
"What?" Louis asks, tilting his head.
"Your numbers!" I exclaim, "I'm not going to let great friends like you escape from me! Even if you want to."
Niall laughs but face palms, "I knew I forgot something!"
"We are stupid," Louis simply says. I nod my head in agreement and he chuckles at me.
"Hand me your phone," I instruct Niall. He digs it out of his pocket and types in his password before handing it to me. "Ooo, a password! So secretive, Nialler," I say teasingly.
"Oh I like that one! Can I use it?" Louis asks me. Before I can respond, Niall does for me.
"Nope!" he bounces in his seat happily, "Only she can call me Irish or Nialler." Louis fake pouts and I grin.
"I feel special," I comment and he smiles at me. I go to his contacts and type in my number. For my contact name I put, Hay-Bale (BFF). I smile a little before handing it back to him. "Give it to Lou, 'cause I have to go," I order Niall. I give them both quick hugs and grab my backpack. "Bye guys! Thank you for giving me a ride!"
"No problem!" Louis yells as I shut the door.
"Bye, Hay!" I hear Niall say. I wave as the car drives away. I run to the front door, and dig my key out if my backpack, which had little white specks otherwise known as snow on the top flap. I shove the key in the lock and turn it. I run inside as soon as it unlocks. I shut the door gently and take off my hoodie.
"Pres?" I call into our house. I take off my shoes and hang my jacket on the hook. I go into the kitchen to see her sitting at the table with earbuds in, scrolling through-probably Twitter-newsfeed. I can faintly smell tacos, so I'm guessing that's what we're having for dinner. Yes! "Pres!" I yell and bang my hand onto the wall. She jumps at the loud noise and looks up. Presley takes out her left earbud and smiles.
"Hey!" she greets me, "Where have you been for the past hour?"
"Getting coffee," I answer, and pull up a chair beside her.
"For an hour?" She looks unconvinced and I sigh. Please don't overreact. Please don't overreact.
"Fine," I admit, "I met someone." Her eyes widen with excitement.
"Who? A Boy? Is he cute? Are y'all going out again?" She keeps firing questions until I held up my hand to silence her.
"Yes it was a boy-" I got cut off by her squealing. I give her a look and she stops.
"I guess he's cute, but I wouldn't date him," I say and she pouts. Presley has been trying to get me to date someone but I'm good and happy being single. I mean, I've had a few in my life but they aren't worth talking about. Actually, the thought of me dating Niall kind of makes me want to barf. Don't get me wrong, he's nice and he'll make a girl very happy, but I got a feeling we are going to be friends not...more than friends. Who's got a new best friend? (Hopefully) This girl!! Presley sighs and gets up from her spot. I was about to ask her why, but a buzzing oven answered my question. "What time is it anyway?" I ask her.
She looks at the microwave which has a clock, "Five-thirty two." Wow, Niall and I were gone a long time. I stood up to set the table while Pres finishes the tacos. I get out two white plates, and one cup and a mug. I put water in the cup, and pour tea out of the kettle that Presley made in the mug. The water is Presley's and the tea is mine. Tea is life! Jk but I do love it. I have to have a cup before I go to sleep every night or I'll go crazy. It's weird since I'm American but I've done it since I was little so...DON'T JUDGE ME! I don't grab any silverware since it's tacos, but grab some napkins. I then grasp the tortilla chips from the pantry, and the mild salsa with my free hand from the fridge. I prefer medium but Presley hates it. It's too spicy for her. I sit down just as she sets down the delicious food. My mouth waters and I wait impatiently as she gets in her seat. She looks at me with her hands folded. Oh, it's my turn. I fold my hands as well, bow my head and close my eyes.
"Dear God,
Thank you for allowing Presley and I to be able to have this meal. I also want to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to meet Niall today. You offer us so many opportunities each and every single day and we are very gracious for that. We know that people around the world sometimes don't get a meal, so thank you for allowing us to have one. In Jesus's name...Amen." I open my eyes and start eating Presley's amazing tacos, with minor conversations between the crunching and munching.
Niall POV:
*On the way to Harry and Louis' Flat*
"I like her, Ni. How'd you two meet?" Louis asks me as he backs out of Hayleigh's driveway. I blush as I rub my neck.
"I hit her with a door?" I say, embarrassed. He bursts out into laughter and shakes his head. "I blame you though," I begin.
"What!? Why do you blame me for hitting a girl with a door?!" he asks me chuckling.
"I was ending the phone call I had with YOU earlier," I point out. He held up one of his hands up in defense, the other gripping the steering wheel.
"Fine," he surrenders, "So, do you like her?" I laugh but it dies as I see him looking at me, well sort of. He was still driving after all.
"Oh, you're serious?" I ask him, bewildered. He nods his head in response. "Nah, I don't like her. I think we're going to be best buds though. She's pretty though, isn't she?" He nods his head again in agreement.
"Guess who else is pretty?" he asks me, grinning. I groan because I know exactly who he's going to say.
"Eleanor!" He answers himself happily, and dances a little in the seat. He's been dating this girl, Eleanor, since September. They are really cute together and everything but Louis talks about her ALL the time. I've met her a few times and she's really nice. She makes Lou happy so I'm guessing they're going to be dating a while.
"So, what was so important that I had to end having fun with Hayleigh?" I ask him. He turns into our parking lot, and finds a spot before he speaks.
"Nialler!" he yells at me, "It's dinner time! You of all people should know that!" I slap his shoulder as soon as he says Nialler, and when he finishes. I'm not obsessed with food. I hate it when people think food is my life. It was a joke, but now people are taking it seriously.
"You heard Hayleigh, dude. No one calls me that except her. Also, only I can call her Hay-Bale," I say sternly. He just waves his hand dismissively in response. Once he shuts off the car, I unbuckle my seatbelt and climb out. "I am hungry a little," I think aloud. Lou grins at me as we make our way inside to escape the cold weather.
"Guess what Liam got for dinner?" he asks me when we got inside the lift.
"What?" I push our floor button.
"Nando's," He grins again and I cheer. Nando's is the best restaurant ever made. Hands down, no questions asked. Once again, I love Nando's but I am not obsessed. We eat there probably a few times each month when we're in London.
I wait patiently as Lou knocks on the door to his and Harry's flat. Shouldn't he have a key? I hear some voices inside that become louder as they near the door.
"Boobear!" Harry yells when he opens the door.
"Hazza!" Louis hugs him dramatically. I laugh at their bromance. Our fans, now known as directioners, call their bromance Larry Stylinson and it's really funny actually. Those two are closer than any of us and I think it's because they met before all of us did. I walk in the kitchen to see Liam and Zayn eating Nando's on the island.
"Nando's!" I yell as I run over to them. They both laugh and Liam pushes my Nando's over to me, to which I accept happily.
"GUYS!" I hear Louis scream as I munch on my Peri Peri chicken. Zayn, Liam and I take one look at one another, and bolt to the living room where Louis and Harry are. Who knows what they could've done in five seconds. I still have a mouth full of chicken though, so I chew and swallow it.
"What's wrong, Lou!?" Liam yells as we run there. When we enter the living room, we see them both just sitting on the couch waiting patiently and idiots.
"What the heck Lou!?" Zayn screams, "We thought something was wrong!"
"Something is wrong," Harry says calmly.
"What!?" I ask impatiently, tapping my foot on the floor.
"NIALL MET A GIRL!!" They both scream. Liam and Zayn's gazes quickly turn to me.
"Really?" Zayn looks impressed, while Liam just looks confused.
"Yes I did," I say confidently, "Her name is Hayleigh and she lives here in London."
"Good job, Ni!" Harry cheers. Oh they think- now that's funny.
"Wait- Y-you think Hayleigh and I are going out?" I ask them, holding it in.
"Duh," Zayn rolls his eyes.
"Aren't you?" Liam asks me. I burst out into laughter.
"Ahahahahahahahaha! Not funny, Li!" I grab onto the couch to keep myself from falling over. "Guys," I say after I calm down a bit, "I don't like Hayleigh. Yeah, she's pretty but that doesn't mean I like her. It's not a big deal. I even told Louis I didn't want to date her." Seriously, you meet a girl and suddenly all eyes are on you.
"I'm confused," Harry furrows his eyebrows. I sigh and plop onto the couch. I motion to Liam and Zayn to sit down with us so I can tell my 'hilarious' story.
"Okay," I begin, "It starts when I was ending a call with Louis when I..."
*****15 Minutes Later***
"Y-you hit her with a d-door!?" Harry laughs at me, while I blush from embarrassment. Zayn and Liam found it pretty funny too, because they were chuckling as well.
"I really think you all will like her, though," I admit honestly.
"How so?" Liam asks, interested.
"Well, she's really energetic and sassy, kind of like Louis. Hayleigh is also really nice and thoughtful, too. She helped an old woman, and donated our change to charity while we were in Starbucks. Not to mention, she is hilarious! While we were drinking our hot chocolate, I don't think we weren't either smiling or laughing in the car. Louis saw some of her funniness in there," I explain and look at Lou, and he nods his head.
"She is really funny," he agrees, "I bet we'll all become close friends. There are some rules though."
"What?" Zayn asks him.
"Well," he starts, "Only Hayleigh can Niall the names Irish, or Nialler and only Niall can call her Hay-Bale." Liam awes along with Harry.
"I like that nickname...Nialler. It's cute. She's a creative one," Zayn says thoughtfully.
"Niall isn't," Louis jokes while I blush...again, "He's the one who came up with Hay-Bale." All four of them laugh, and I join in with them.
"Can I finish my Nando's in peace now?" I ask them, begging practically.
"Knock yourself out," Liam rolls his eyes. I jump up from my spot on the couch, and run into the kitchen. I hear the lads follow me, but laugh at my actions. What can I say? I'm hungry, plus I haven't eaten all day with it.

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