Chapter Thirty: Gone With The Wind

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Friday, July 13, 2012:
"Stay in touch okay?" Evan asks as he pulls me into a hug in the middle of the airport.
"Of course," I assure him with a small smile. "Thank you so much, Ev. You have no idea what this means to me."
"It's no problem," he returns my smile with a larger one and leans down to slowly peck my cheek. I feel my cheeks heat up and I look at the ground in embarrassment. "Say hi to your family for me."
"They don't even know you," I laugh slightly, making him chuckle. Hopefully he knows I'm pretending right now because really, I want to be in my bed, cuddled up in the pillows with some cocoa. No matter what time of year it is, hot chocolate makes everything feel better.
"What if I want them to?" He flirts and I bite my lip, fake beaming. I hear the announcer come on the speaker overhead, and I look at him again.
"Please tell Presley that I'm safe and okay," I beg desperately and he nods.
"Definitely. Do you want her to know where you are?" I ponder for a second before slowly nodding.
"Yes," I confirm, a little unsure. "She deserves to know, just don't tell Niall."
"Wouldn't dream of it," he grins and I return it softly.
"I'm pretty sure I mentioned it in the note in case you forget or something."
"Last call for the 243 flight to New York," a person announces. "Last call for the 243 flight to New York."
I sigh and take my hand in Evan's. I look deep into his eyes, since who knows when I'll see him again. "I owe you big time," I say.
"I'll be fine with a date when we meet up," he replies and my eyes widen a little.
I blink before a wide smile spreads across my face. It might be a little forced but I'm trying to be happy here. "Of course," I agree and he places his hands on my waist before leaning down to kiss me. We pull away smiling before I realize where we are.
I step back, "Goodbye Evan, thank you."
"You're welcome, relax a bit okay?"
"I will."
"Guys have you seen Hayleigh?" I question as I approach everyone at breakfast.
"Last I saw her was when we came to the room and she was asleep," Harry furrows his eyebrows and takes a bite of his blueberry treat.
"Well her suitcase is gone," I announce and suddenly Louis and the other three boys start coughing on their food.
"Where do you think she went?" Dani asks nervously, worry practically written across her forehead.
"Probably hell," I hear Barbara mumble under her breath and I glower at her.
"Back off," I hiss and Niall scowls at me.
"Leave her alone Presley," he tells me rudely and I roll my eyes.
"This is your fault, asshole," I snap at him and his blue eyes widen before adverting to his food. If he wasn't feeling guilty before, he sure is now.
"Guys don't start," Liam warns, giving a longer glance at Niall before turning to me. "She didn't say she was going anywhere?"
I shake my head, "I haven't seen her since last night when Harry and I got back from the carnival." I give the Irish twit a dirty look and he inhales sharply.
"Would you shut up?" He retorts in a monotone, "It's not my fault she decided to up and leave."
"Yea it kind of is," Zayn tells him but he just rolls his eyes.
"I can't believe you, Niall," Eleanor shakes her head, sounding despondent.
"Can we just talk about something else?" Barbara asks and everyone ignores her.
"Did she leave any kind of note?" Louis inquires and my eyes widen.
I groan before face palming, "I didn't even look."
"I'll go with you," Harry states but looks at the others. "Don't get rid of my food," he warns and everyone chuckles.
"We won't," Zayn promises and Harry bites into his muffin for a second.
I spot Evan walking in the resort doors, whistling and a lightbulb goes off. I drag Harry out of his seat-despite his complaints with blueberries hanging out of his mouth- and over to him quickly.
"Evan!" I call his name and the boy turns and smiles as a greeting as we approach him.
"Hey guys!" He gives a small wave. "What's up?"
"Have you seen Hayleigh?" We get straight to the point. He bites his lip before rubbing his neck awkwardly.
"I actually just got done dropping her off somewhere," he finally replies and I sigh with relief.
"Great, where is she?"
"On a plane," Evan answers before shoving his hands in his pockets.
My jaw drops, "What!?"
He sighs slightly, "I'll tell you why but can we do it somewhere else?"
"Why?" Harry raises his eyebrows.
"Hayleigh only wanted Presley to know," the New Yorker explains. "I guess you're okay too Harry, you know cause you're not Niall." I study him for a second before agreeing.
"Okay, but I'm still going to look for a note," I say and Evan looks at me confused.
"You haven't read it yet? She put it by your phone so you'd see it right away." I groan again, "I left my phone in the room. When I saw Hay was gone, I panicked a little."
"Well then let's go," Harry says the obvious and the three of us exit the lobby.
"Found it!" I announce gratefully and snatch the paper in my fingers.
"Read it out loud," Harry tells me and I nod before studying my best friend's hand writing.
"Presley, I'm sorry I left," I start and the two boys urge me to continue. "Because of everything that's happened, I have decided that it would be best if I take a mini break. When you'll see this I'll probably be on my way to New York but I'll be home in London before you get back.
I hope you're not mad at me for leaving, but I was getting really stressed out and almost hit a breaking point.
I'll call you after I get to my parent's house. Love you Xx.
P.S. Please don't hit Niall again, I'm fine.
"She is not fine," I snarl after crumbling the paper tightly. "That stupid idiot hurt my best friend and I am going to hit him again for my own satisfaction!"
I stomp to the door only to be picked up from behind, but my legs are still moving. "Am I there yet?" I ask sarcastically as Harry turns me back into the room, gently setting me on the floor.
"Don't beat him up," he tells me and I scoff.
"Why not?"
"Because he already has a black eye," Evan answers and I smirk.
"It's a real shiner isn't it?" I grin and they both chuckle. I sigh, looking at Hayleigh's bed. "I'm just glad she's okay."
"Did you ever ask her out?" Harry asks Evan who was sitting at the end of her bed.
"No," he replies, a little sad but brightens, "but I kissed her."
I awe, "That's cute! But how is that going to work?
"We're going to meet up for a date the next time we see each other," he informs me with a lovesick grin on his face.
"Nice!" Harry high fives him while I settle for a smile.
"So what is everyone doing tonight?" I ask as we lay around in the lobby.
"I'm going to call Hayleigh," Presley chirps, standing up with her phone in her hand. I see Niall look down at the floor, probably out of guilt, as she walks past him-purposely kicking his foot lightly.
"Dani and I were going to walk down at the beach," Liam announces and smiles at his girlfriend.
"We need to escape for a moment," Danielle explains. "I feel weighed down."
"Which is exactly why a swim will loosen you up," Liam tells her lovingly before they walk hand-in-hand out of the resort.
"What about you two?" Eleanor asks Zayn and Harry.
"We're not doing anything," Harry states, not looking up from his phone. I look at Zayn and he's in the exact same position.
"It's because we're lazy," the Bradford boy says and El laughs.
"Niall and I are going to hang out in our room," Barbara smirks, making my girlfriend roll her eyes.
"Go tell someone who cares," I sass and Ni sends me a look before they leave.
"Thank god they're gone," Harry stretches as he sits up, hitting Zayn in the back of the head in the process. "So what's the plan?"
"We have a plan?" I raise an eyebrow before getting slapped in the arm by El. "Ow?"
"Of course we have a plan," she rolls her eyes and Zayn looks at us.
"So what is it?"
"We show Niall the video," Eleanor says simply but Harry shakes his head.
"He's mad at all of us," he answers and we all sigh since we know it's true.
"Well it has to work," I say, "because nothing is going to get better if we let him date her any longer."
A/N: Hey guys! So this is just a boring filler so I understand if you're bored to death.
Do you think Niall is taking this whole thing too far and do you think Hayleigh made the right decision by leaving?
I hope you all have a good week. Xx
I also might post tomorrow because this is a boring filler :/
Stay Beautiful:)

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