Chapter Forty-Seven: An Ordinary Tour Afternoon

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Saturday, June 15, 2013:
Welcome to Kentucky, the sign read as we drove past on the highway. The boys were performing tomorrow at the KFC Yum! Center in Louisville and we were almost there, it being nine in the morning.
"Hayleigh?" I hear a yawn and I turn my head from the window to see Niall rubbing his eyes tiredly. He almost trips over his grey sweat pants as he walks over and I give him a soft smile.
"Morning," I whisper, not wanting to wake up the other boys.
He takes a seat beside me and kisses my forehead. "What are you doing up so early?"
I almost laugh at his definition of early but just shrug, "I don't know actually. I stayed up pretty late talking to Becca and Presley so usually I'd be asleep but my eyes wouldn't stay shut."
"Yeah," he nods and pulls me closer to him as he's giving me a hug. "I'm still hyped up from last night."
"Liam said Miami was the loudest crowd," I agree and he chuckles.
"He really needs to come up with something more original," he tells me and I stifle a giggle. "Have you had breakfast yet?"
"No," I shake my head and he stands with my hand in his.
"Come on then," he gently tugs it. "I make a mean scrambled egg."
I smile, rising to my feet before following him into the tiny kitchen. One by one, the others wake up as Niall begins cooking. Harry is next and Zayn wakes up last as we pull into the hotel. We were staying the night but had to leave early on the seventeenth.
It's been a while since I came on tour and my plan is to stay until June 23, which is when the boys are in D.C. I'm going to take a flight to New York, visit with my family before flying back to London. Michael's birthday is coming up so I want to be there for that. Not to mention, Kendall is just over a year old and I want to reconnect with her.
"Be quick boys," Paul shouts down the hall as we lug our things towards our rooms. "We have to check the stadium and make sure everything's ready for tomorrow." Louis turns, confused.
"I thought we were doing sound check tomorrow?"
"You are," Paul answers. We just need to set up today so we have less for tomorrow. You guys just have to learn the "dance" routine and chill, maybe even help if you want."
"Sounds okay," Zayn nods in approval, and returns to listening to his Beats.
Niall unlocks our room, and I follow in behind him. We've been bunking together while Harry and Zayn share. Liam and Lou have been saying it's easier to sleep on the bus, instead of a comfy hotel bed so they sleep there.
I hear kissing noises from Harry mockingly, because of the arrangements again.
All of the boys claim we're secretly dating and just not admitting it but I beg to differ. I shoot him a glare but get a smirk in return so I simply just shut the door.
Niall drops his small bag at the foot of the bed, the rest of his stuff on the bus. I do the same and collapse on the blankets, sighing contently. The blonde does the same, almost falling on top of me and opens his eyes. Our faces were about three inches apart as he whispers, "I'm tired."
"Too bad we have to go," I say, resting my head on my arm. He leans forward, kissing the tip of my nose and when I scrunch it up, he smiles.
"We could always ditch the boys," he suggests. "It's not like we learn any of the dance moves anyways. We're hopeless as dancers."
I laugh, "I know. To me, you guys are known as the boy band who can sing, not as the ones who have a choreographed routine."
"The cameras for our movie are only going to get us flopping around like fish," he chuckles with me.
"When does that come out again?" I furrow my eyebrows, staring at him.
He bites his lip, "I honestly don't know. We have to get done filming first."
"That's understandable," I state and he hums an agreement.
A large bang on the door startles us and we sit up quickly. "I'll get it," Niall says, as the person keeps hitting the wood.
He flings it open to reveal Louis, with his hand ready to knock again.
The Doncaster boy's face brightens and gives us a cheeky wink, "Come on, lovebirds. We're heading to the stadium."
"Last time I checked I don't have wings," I reply smartly as I slip on my flats again, since they fell off.
"But you are in looovve," Louis drags it out and Niall flips him the bird. I slap Niall's arm for doing that but Louis doesn't seem affected.
"Are they done having sex?" We hear Harry's deep voice from the hallway and I roll my eyes.
"If one more person," I start but am interrupted by Zayn.
"Tell Niall and Hayleigh to stop kissing so we can leave."
"That's it!" I go around slapping each of the boys, minus Liam since he didn't do anything, not in the face but very hard on their arms. Niall laughs as he watches them all flinch and hold their hands up in surrender.
"Okay," Louis forces a chuckle. "We won't say any more jokes."
"To your face," Harry whispers and Zayn slaps him a high five. I raise my hand again, making his eyes widen.
"Okay!!" Harry shouts before dropping his hands to his sides. "I'm done, I promise."
"Is everyone good now?" Liam questions with eyebrow popped up.
Simultaneously, we nod and head down to the back of the lobby where we were leaving through another exit.
I see Lou struggling a bit so I walk over to her. "Need some help?"
She gives me a look of relief, "Can you hold Lux please?"
I smile widely, "Of course! She's almost two right?"
Lou nods and hands me her child who I immediately start cuddling. "She'll be two in November."
We made small conversation as we head to the vehicles, and I ask if I can hold her on the way there. "She needs to be in a car seat but Harry has one in their car anyway." I clap my hands happily and say goodbye, walking over to Niall and Harry who were trying to get in the car.
"Harry?" The curly brunette turns and brightens when he sees Lux in my arms. He immediately whisks her away and begins talking as he buckles her in the car seat. Her blue-grey eyes are sparkling as she giggles when Harry tickles her stomach.
Laughing I turn to Niall, "I guess that's the end of that." We hurry to the other side and he holds the door, allowing me to climb in first. "Thank you."
Niall gives me a smile and sits beside me, closing the black car door. In the back were Louis, Zayn, and Liam who looked rather uncomfortable. Harry didn't have a seat but stayed by Lux and played with her on the other end on the car floor.
I was by Lux's car seat with Niall on my left, so I lay my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. I hate cramped cars.
Niall and I are both claustrophobic but but he always handles it a bit better than me. However, when Niall got mobbed for the first time it wasn't pretty. Cars usually don't bother him either but when we're this cramped, it gets to you.
He hugs me and I can hear his breathing become ragged. "Deep breaths, Ni," I say softly to him and he listens. We help each other on the way to the Yum! Center and before you know it, we're walking in.
"You okay?" We say at the same time before laughing.
He throws his arm over my shoulder and kisses the side of my head softly before whispering, "I'm perfect thanks to you." My cheeks slight turn red and I give him a smile as a response.
We follow the lads and the crew throughout the center, seeing the stage almost getting done being set up. Dave, their "choreographer", walks over and I take a seat in a random section, wanting to watch the disaster while everyone else gets to work.
"As of I have learned, you guys can't dance," he starts off saying and I snort. His back was to me as I covered my mouth but Niall discretely took a step to the left to see me. Dave starts going through each song, telling each boy where to move and when to come together.
When they're all together for What Makes You Beautiful and Dave is facing me, Niall starts making faces. First he blows a kiss, then does random things and every time Dave looks, he drops it to look bored. I start laughing in my sleeve so I wouldn't be too loud. When they get a break, Niall skips over to me and looks at my red face. "What's so funny?"
I slap his arm, still giggling. "You jerk, I could've gotten kicked out."
He gives me his signature grin, "They couldn't have kicked ya out, darlin'. If so, I'd be there to stop them." He holds up his arms and I widen my eyes in fake shock.
"Oh my gosh, those are so..." I pause to get a reaction and do when he shoots me a glare. He lightly pinches my stomach as revenge before I swat his hand away. All of a sudden, his eyes light up.
"I have an idea."
I squint my eyes suspiciously. "What?"
"Follow me," he doesn't answer and gets up, leaving me alone. Shaking my head with a smile, I finally stand and follow him while wondering what kind of trouble we are going to be getting in.

It was chaos. Harry was running around shirtless from Preston, Zayn was ditching body guards on his skateboard, Louis stole this cart and was driving around, while Niall and I were on segways, laughing our butts off all while Liam was boxing. Just another afternoon during the tour, that's all.
I had followed Niall in and out of rooms, down many hallways until we came across two segways against a wall.
"Come on, Hayleigh!" Niall pulls my arm, before climbing on one.
I bite my lip nervously, "Is it safe?" I try to make eye contact as he begins riding circles around me.
His signature laugh rings out and I look at him crazily. "Of course it's safe! Why wouldn't it be?"
"Because it looks like a two-wheeled death contraption," I state and he stops riding it. He grabs my shoulders and I look at his blue eyes.
"Do you trust me?" His question is kind of surprising and I tilt my head, staring at him before I drag out a yes. He then gives me a smile and a quick peck to the cheek, "Come on then, Haybear. It'll be fun! I'll teach you."
"Really," he assures me. He holds out his hand like he did earlier on the bus until I slowly accept it.

I eventually got the hang of it, and before you knew it we were both zooming down the halls, carefully avoiding workers and crew members. Then, we came across this big room and thought it was perfect to have some fun. That's when Louis had joined us and found this weird golf cart thing. He had smirked evilly when he found the keys in the ignition and began taking off.
At one point, Niall was in the back trunk of it while I rode with Louis, all of us laughing as he sped up. Then Zayn came out of nowhere, on his skateboard eating some food with a camera crew from the movie following him. They began filming all of us having fun when Harry came in running. I still haven't found out why but I probably will soon.
"Try to catch me Hay!" Niall says loudly over everyone. I roll my eyes, catching up quickly but enjoy myself as I zoom around.
"HEY!!!" All of freeze and stop moving at the stern voice and guiltily turn to see Lou with her hands on her hips. "What is going on in here?"
"Fun?" Louis suggests but hides behind me when she looks at him.
"It was their idea!" Zayn points to Niall and I, making our jaws drop. Lou watches us with an amused face as we begin protesting, saying we didn't exactly invite them to join us.
"All of you go start getting ready," she instructs the five boys and their shoulders sag as they walk past her, Niall hugging me quickly before they do so.
"Yes, Lou," they chorus as they head out one behind the other.
Lou laughs as they disappear and I walk over to her. "What are we going to do with them?" I ask and she raises her eyebrows at me.
"Niall started it," I blame loudly and I hear a protest from Niall, who comes running back in.
In a fluid motion, I am flipped over his shoulders as he shouts, "IT WAS NOT!"
Laughter bubbles from my stomach as he sprints out of the room, not letting me go. "GOOD LUCK!" I hear Lou and I smile.
Finally he slows down, put doesn't put me on the ground. "I really don't feel comfortable staring at your butt," I comment, making him laugh.
"I have an arse that's like a Kardashian," is his response and I burst into giggles again.
"Please Ni?"
"Finnneeeeee," he drags it out before placing my feet back on the floor.
"Segways later?" I ask as we begin walking with his arm around me.
"You know me so well."

Hi guys! Sorry it's been so long again. I've just been overwhelmed recently and have been trying to write when I can. It is a filler but it's going to get interesting I promise.
Thank you for sticking through with this, even though it's really bad. You guys are beautiful and amazing.
I hope you guys have a wonderful day/night and do the impossible.
Love you all,

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