Chapter Fifty: Realizing Love, Then Giving It Up

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The rest of the night went by in a blur. After the movie, which was bloody brilliant and described the band to the perfect T, the boys were swept away by more interviews before the after party.
I tried to find Niall, but when he wasn't being questioned he was with Zoe, flirting. I'm really happy for him but I know this is only the beginning.
Every time, no matter if it's a model, a singer, or a normal girl he bumped into, he starts to slowly ignore me as he spends more time with whomever.
Presley stayed by me the whole time, and kept giving me concerned glances instead of having fun. She even turned down a dance with Harry to sit with me in a booth.
"Okay," Presley starts, as soon as we get in the house. "What's going on?You didn't explain anything after you said that I was right."
"There's nothing to explain," I groan, slipping off my heels by the front door. We both head upstairs to change into our pajamas, as it was almost two in the morning.
"I beg to differ," Pres scoffs, opening her bedroom door. She narrows her brown eyes at me. "Meet me downstairs, we're going to talk about this."
"There's nothing to talk about!" I protest loudly, but she closes the door without a response. I grumble under my breath continuously until I'm wrapped up in a blanket downstairs, my hair down and brushed with my face makeup free.
"Catch," I lift my head just in time to see my best friend throw a water at my head and have to raise my hand catch it swiftly. She takes a seat in front of me and rolls her eyes when I begin downing the drink, not stopping so she couldn't talk.

"That's enough," she snaps, swiping the bottle from my lips, almost making me choke. "Spill."

"That's what is going to happen if you don't put the cap on," I smartly say with a smirk, motioning to the bottle. Presley sighs, setting my water down on the coffee table before looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Hayleigh, you are going to explode if you keep hiding your true feelings," she reasons. "I'm only asking because after you told me about Niall, you became really quiet and I know it's because him dating bugs you."

I stare at her, not wanting to budge but then realize she's right. "He wants to ask Zoe Whelan out," I whisper, keeping my eyes trained on the carpet, searching for weird patterns and designs.

"Who's that?" Presley questions with a puzzled look on her face.

"His ex," I share and go on even though her eyes bulge slightly. "He introduced me to her tonight, before the movie started. Apparently he feels that he shouldn't have let her go the first time." I say the last part bitterly but I can't help it. I lift my eyes as my lip quivers, "She's a model too. She has this perfectly tanned skin with gorgeous long brown hair and chocolate eyes." Tears start to roll down my cheeks and Presley quickly wraps her arms around me in comfort. "I'm nothing compared to her," I murmur, sniffling.

"Did Niall specifically tell you that he wants to ask her out?" I know her curiosity is taking over, so I answer her questions even if it pains me to do so.

"Basically. He said that he felt like he made a mistake breaking up with her the first time, and that she's even prettier than before. She's the one who he has been texting," I blink, trying to get rid of the burning feeling in my eyes.

"And what did you say? If he told you this, he cares about your opinion." I don't answer right away, as I had completely lied to Niall about my true feelings.

"I told him that he should go for it." My voice cracks but before I can cry again, I swallow the lump in my throat.

"Oh, Hayleigh," Presley coos, "Why would you say that?"

"Because I can tell he really likes her," Saying it out loud makes it worse and I feel like I'm getting upset over nothing. I'm not his girlfriend; I'm the best friend. I stay by his side with a smile on my face, not saying a word.

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