Chapter Nineteen: Concert Pictures

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"Let's take another one!" Niall says enthusiastically and I hold out my phone again. I make a kissy face as he puffs out his cheeks and crosses his eyes. I tap the photo button relaxing my face after.
I open up the app to see all of the photos we've taken, which causes me to laugh at how it turned out. "We look ridiculous," I state and Niall grins.
"Of course we do, that's our thing remember?"

"Five minutes lads!" Paul, their bodyguard and manager, calls when he enters their dressing room. All the boys leap up in excitement and race out of the room. I glance at their stylist, Lou, who shrugs.
Presley and I rush after them.
"So are you guys excited?" I ask all of them as they all get the finishing touches before their performance.
"I'm so pumped!" Louis punches his fist in the air and starts jumping around.
"What about you Liam?"
"I'm thrilled," the boy comments with a wide grin. "I can't wait!"

Niall throws his arm around my shoulder, and squeezes it. "I'm glad you're here, Hay."
"Well I'm glad too," I smile up at him, and he kisses my hair .
"Get ready, lads," Paul informs then and Niall lets me go.
"We're going to find our seats," Presley tells them and I peck Niall's cheek.
"Good luck, Irish. You guys are going to do great."
Presley and I quickly find where we're supposed to sit, and when we do the lights go dim.

As the boys sing, I raise my camera and focus in on Harry. Just as he starts singing his solo, the lights cast a shadow and I press the button, capturing the memory.

Then, I take one of Zayn and Liam, and soon I'm snapping photos left and right.
That's basically all I do throughout their concert and I'll admit, all five of them are amazing singers. Now I am shocked that they didn't win the X-Factor, but I think they'll win the world one of these days.
Once the boys leave the stage after ending with their hit, What Makes You Beautiful, Presley and I make our way backstage again.
We spot them in a group huddle, chugging down water with their backs to us. I put a finger to my lips, and Pres smirks.
Once Niall sets down his water, I rush behind him and catapult myself onto his back. He grunts and almost falls but wraps his arms around my legs.
The other four boys laugh with me but suddenly, Presley does the same to Harry and they fall to the floor.
Niall and I burst into laughter but nothing compared to Zayn, Liam, and Louis. They're hunched over chairs, clutching their stomachs.
I lean forward to kiss Niall's cheek, "You were amazing."
"Thanks love," he smiles and turns his head and I notice how close our faces are. I cough and hop off of his back.
I congratulate the other four before Niall and I walk back to their dressing room. "I'm going to change if that's okay," he says and I plop down on the black leather couch.
"Fine with me," I shrug and place my hands over my eyes, shutting them tightly.
"Okay I'm done," he announced five minutes later and I reopen my eyes. I blink to adjust to the light before noticing Niall standing there in simple jeans and a white T-shirt.
I pat the seat next to me, "Come're Nialler."
He grins before sitting down. I shift so I'm leaning against him with my knees pulled towards my chest. Niall starts to play with my hair and I close my eyes as he starts humming. "What was your favorite song?" He asks me and I smile.
"Moments, definitely," I answer and he wraps an arm around me, pulling me closer.
"I love that one too."
We just sat there after that; barely ever talking. However, it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable. It was peaceful and...nice. He just continued playing with my brown hair until my eyes start to get heavy.
Just before I start to close them, the door barges open and the lads with Presley walk through. "There you guys are," Liam sighs, relieved.
"We were wondering where you went because are going to go out to dinner. Would you guys like to come?"
"That'd be lovely," Niall responds and I just nod, not wanting to leave his embrace.
"You guys are so cute," Presley gushes and Louis chuckles from beside to her.
"They're love birds alright," he agreed and I blush.
"Shut up, Louis," Niall says from behind me and his grip on me loosens. "It's not our fault we are best friends."
"Best friends don't cuddle like you two are," Harry speaks up.
"Excuse me?" I raise an eyebrow, "Do you have a best friend? People cuddle all the time. Sorry if you two are jealous that Niall is my cuddle buddy."
Louis shoots me a playful glare, "Have the leprechaun, I don't care. I have Hazza here." The Doncaster boy ruffles Harry's hair, causing him to groan and starts running his hand through his head.
"Glad to know I'm loved," Niall jokes and I laugh.
I get up from the couch, helping Niall as well and slip back on my shoes. "Well, while Larry Stylinson wrestle, Nayleigh is going to eat with the normal people."
"Well I'm full," I say to no one in particular and push the rest of my fries away.
"Don't mind if I do," Niall snatches a few and puts them in his mouth.
"You're such a weirdo," I comment as he stuffs his face.
"Asdfghfds," is his response and I make a disgusted face.
Taking out my camera that I brought inside, I pull up what I captured earlier. "I never remembered to show you all my photos of the concert."
"Show us then, Ryan," Zayn wipes his mouth with a napkin and scoots his chair closer to look over my shoulder.
I quickly turn it on, and show Ni and Z my first few. "First, I took one of all five of you, then each individually. There should be about thirty photos on here."
"Wait, stop," Zayn tells me and snatches the camera from my hands.
"Hey!" I protest.
"Hayleigh these are really good," Louis pipes up from the other end of the table and my ears perk.
"Yes," Liam agrees and I look down to the floor, embarrassed.
"I knew you were good, Ryan but I didn't know you were that good," Harry says, looking over Zayn's shoulder.
"Okay, okay. I get it," I say and take my camera back. "And what's with calling me Ryan all of a sudden? I'm so framing some of these."
"We just hate your name so much, we prefer your last name," Harry states seriously but with a twinkle in his eye. I roll mine and slap the back of his head.
"Do the one where Zayn is in the air with a weird face," Louis inputs with a mischievous grin.
The Bradford boy rolls his eyes, "Of course you would say that."
"The fans got to know you have some ugly things about you," Lou retorts causing me to laugh slightly with Niall.
"It's not like they think I'm perfect or something," Zayn grumbles and crosses his arms over his chest.
"Have you been on Twitter?" Liam raises an eyebrow.
"They think you're a sex god," Harry states causing Presley and I to glance at each other in annoyance.
"They think all of you are sex gods," we say together, causing all five of them to look at us.
"I personally think you are all idiots," I say with a shrug, "Maybe somewhat cute but nowhere near sex god."
"Wow thanks," Harry replies sarcastically causing me to laugh.
"You're welcome," I reply with a smile and Presley giggles.
"Someone's got to keep you five grounded."

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