Chapter Fifty-Seven: Mom Hugs= Home

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Wednesday, October 30, 2013:


"See you in two weeks," I hug Presley tightly. "I'll miss you, girlie."

"I'll miss you too Hayleigh," she tells me after I pull away. "Send me pictures of everyone, especially Kendall and Michael."

"Of course," I nod my head. "I am so pumped to take them trick-or-treating tomorrow night!"

"Have you heard from Niall yet?" she asks as we begin walking to my gate. I bite my lip for a second before shaking my head.

"Nothing since Saturday actually. He probably hasn't even realized he stood me up last night. It's only nine so I'm hoping he at least tries to contact me."

"Would you answer if he called?"

I shrug, not really knowing for sure. "I don't really know. He's the one who made the promises that we would hang out and that we'd put our friendship before relationships, but he's broken  both."

Presley gives me another quick hug, before stepping back. "Have fun, Leigh. Tell my  family I said hey."

I smile, "I will. Bye, Pres. Oh, tell Harry I said I'll miss him and the boys." Her cheeks turn pink after I wink and laugh before handing my ticket off to a flight attendant.

"Have a nice flight," she grins kindly and I return the gesture with a thank you. After finding my seat, I grab my phone one last time to see if there was any messages from Niall. A sigh of disappointment escapes my mouth before I turn it to airplane mode and lock it away.

"Oh my gosh," I hear a voice state to my left. Turning my head, I am met with a girl a few years younger than me, maybe sixteen, with shoulder length curly  black hair standing in the aisle, frozen. I give her a smile, which makes her snap out of her trance and blink a few times. "Are you Hayleigh Ryan?" she questions softly and I nod my head.

"That'd be me, what's your name?" I ask with a grin as she sits down in the seat beside me, breathing kind of deeply.

"M-my name? Uh, it's uh, Ella," she tells me nervously. "I'm a huge fan of you and One Direction." 

"Awe you're so sweet," I compliment her kindly. "I haven't done anything to deserve fans though."

"That is so not true," she chuckles quietly, slowly getting more comfortable talking with me. "Your job must be so amazing, working with those kids, and your charity work! You're my role model! I never thought I'd ever get to meet you to say thank you."

I furrow my eyebrows, "Say thank you for what?"

"I was having a really bad afternoon one day, and earlier I had tweeted you saying how I was having a bad day but your Twitter conversations with Niall always made me smile," Ella explains. "You told me I was beautiful and that everyone has bad days and that you were glad you could make me smile."

My jaw slightly drops as she goes on to say I followed her and how she went through her house screaming, making her parents think she was mental. Once she's finished, I wrap my arms around her into a huge hug. "I remember you! Oh my gosh, it's so amazing to meet you girl!" We continue talking and sharing stories throughout the flight, taking pictures and such. "I'm posting this," I laugh at our duck faces.

@Hay-Bale_Ryan: Finally put a face to a name! so great to meet you Ella! xx

"So what brings you to New York?" I ask her curiously.

"I'm going there with my mom for my sweet sixteen as my present," she grins at me. "She's sitting two rows in front of us."

"You know I could show you around New York," I say to her and her grey eyes widen.

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