Chapter Thirty-Five: Ireland Smash

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"Ready to head home?" Hayleigh asks Liam and I. I try to hide my disappointment with a simple nod but she catches it anyways. A flicker of guilt passes through her captivating brown eyes, and I furrow my eyebrows. Why would she be feeling guilty?
Beside me, Liam checks his phone and agreed as well. "You guys should come over," Hayleigh states and Liam bites his lip, holding back a grin.
"I like that idea!" He proclaims and I just give a small smile and another nod.
I can't believe they forgot. All day I've been getting messages and texts from family, celebrities, fans and friends, but the lads nor the girls have even mentioned my birthday.
"I really like this shirt you bought," my best friend tells me and I kiss her temple. She's the one who picked it out, a simple tee made like the Ireland flag.
"Thanks, love."
"Well if you two or ready, let's go," Liam says and we all walk out of the shopping mall together. I have even been dropping hints, but they're either really good actors and they really don't know I am now nineteen.
"Hey you should change into it!" Hay suggests and I shrug.
"Why not?"
Once Liam takes his car, and Hayleigh and I are safely inside of hers, I quickly ditch my mustache shirt and slip on the one representing the best country in the world. She glances at me for a second before focusing on the road, "It looks nice."
I chuckle, "It's just a T-shirt, darlin'." I examine my arms, and slightly tug at the end of it.
She rolls her brown eyes, "So, I still like it."
"And I like your shirt," I compliment her and she smiles at me.
"Thank you."
"So what are we going to do now?" I clap my hands, and start rubbing them together.
"We should just relax," HayBear replies, a little yawn escaping her mouth as we climb up the two steps to her house. I see Liam's car parked, along with Louis'.
Hunching my shoulders, I sigh and stare at the ground. "Fine with me."
She unlocks the door and we walk in, the first thing noticeable being the darkness. "Turn on the lights would ya?"
Placing my hand on the wall, I search for a light switch before flicking them on. "SURPRISE!!" My eyes widen and I jump back from shock. There's nothing that stops the wide grin from forming on my face, all the way up to my cheeks as I see my four best mates, their lovely girlfriends, Presley and finally Hayleigh who is matching my facial expression.
"W-what? H-how did you g-guys...What?"
"It was Hayleigh's idea," Louis laughs, walking over to put me in a headlock and ruffle my hair. Once I'm released from that, I have two seconds to run my fingers through my blond locks before getting pulled into a another hug by Zayn and Liam.
"We figured we'd go with the cheesy route," Zayn tells and I shake my head, smiling broadly.
"Happy birthday, man," Liam tousles my hair like Louis did as Harry gives me a side hug.
"If you haven't guessed the theme is Ireland," Presley speaks up for the first time in her signature sassy tone.
"Nope I haven't noticed at all, my eyes have been blinded," I go all out by closing them and walking around with my hands out in front of me.
A trademark laugh rings in my ears and chuckling a bit myself, I open my eyes to see a bright pair of eyes that shine as she pulls me into a hug and cuddles herself in my chest. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I bury my head in her neck. "Thank you so much," I mumble, pulling back for a second to peck her nose and smile when it scrunches up.
"You're welcome, Nialler," she replies and takes my hand in hers as she pulls me from the living room into the kitchen. Red, green, and white balloons cover the floor like the room before while a ton of Ireland cupcakes and cookies rest on the table.
The corners of my mouth are turned upwards as my front teeth show, exposing my braces. However, Hayleigh doesn't stop and hauls me outside. Beautiful lights dangle around the big couch in the middle of the yard, while pillows and blankets litter the floor. All sorts of my favorite foods are laying out on their brown picnic table and a few extra with Irish table cloths. "You made my moms's chicken!?" I rush over and immediately bite into a delicious wing.
"I'm taking credit for that," Harry raises his hand from next to Presley.
"They taste like home," I comment, even though it comes out a little mumbled from my full mouth.
"Come here," Hay giggles and wipes the juice off of my face, and I beam down at her. I notice a huge white screen was spread across two poles and I turn in happiness to the girl beside me.
"This is amazing," I awe, hugging her from behind and placing my chin on her shoulder.
"This is for later," she shares. "First you can stuff your face as much as you'd like-because we have more snacks for the movies- because then it's present time!" I give her a look.
"I thought I told you I didn't want anything."
"Well you're going to want this stuff, trust me."
"I still can't believe this car is mine," I say, still not believing it as I carefully run my hands over the steering wheel.
"I was tired of you using mine to be honest," Lou pipes up and I let out a laugh as Liam slaps his arm.
"Well I'm grateful either way," I respond.
"Are you quite finished?" He asks after a few more seconds of silence. "Hayleigh still has to give you your present."
My head snaps up, "Oh yeah!" I climb out of the vehicle-my new car- and rush inside after the lads, locking it safely.
"Do you like it?" Hayleigh grins and I return it.
"Of course but now I was told you had something for me?" I wiggle my eyebrows making her laugh.
I take a seat next to her on the mini sofa since the other was outside, holding her close as I am handed two packages from her. "Go ahead," she nudges me, and I slowly open the first one.
"I remember this!" I exclaim happily. "It's from when we did the twitcam a few weeks ago!"
Hayleigh nods with a smile. "I thought it'd be cool, to see if it actually worked you know? I think it turned out really well."
I buzz my lips in agreement as my hands trace over the blown up pictures together. A few weeks ago-like I said- Hay and I decided to do a random twitcam. In it, we were being crazy and weird but we also did this thing she saw on Tumblr. We took about a dozen photos, each time one of our fingers placed differently. This way when arranged in a certain order, it looks like we're making a big heart. In the middle is one of us together in our matching long sleeve shirts, while she's on my back. It's always been one of my favorites. "I absolutely love it," I tell her, pressing my lips near her left eyelid.
"There's still one more," she states, smiling up at me and holds the picture frame while I open the next gift.
"Yes! This is the one thing I wanted!"
"And needed," Hay adds. "I'm tired of you complaining about how you never have any soccer stuff to wear."
"You mean football," I try to correct but she shakes her head, doing this to annoy me.
"I mean soccer."
Instead of bickering, I examine my new football jersey with a matching shorts, cleats, and a ball. I flip the jersey around to see Horan written in block lettering. "This is awesome," I state and Hayleigh leans into my side, setting the frame on the coffee table.
"Well I'm glad you like it."
"Okay guys there's one more gift for Niall!" Presley announces and I look away from my new gear.
"I haven't given you mine yet," she replies, pulling a canvas from behind the couch. "It's technically for you and Hayleigh."
"How is it mine?" The brunette asks from beside me.
"Because," Presley laughs. "Drum roll please, Lou." Louis starts hitting the couch really hard before Presley dramatically turns the picture.
My blue eyes widen, "Woah."
"Presley that's amazing!" Hayleigh exclaims, and I take the drawing from her hands. It's obviously Hay and I but it's when we were back to back with our hands up like little guns. I was making a weird face and Hay had her tongue poking out from the corner of her mouth. Presley made it so detailed that it looks like a photograph of us.
"I'm glad you like it," the artist hugs her friend with a wide smile. I can't keep my eyes off of it, it's just amazing and it captures Hayleigh and I perfectly. You can even see the light dusting of freckles Hay has gotten over the summer across her nose.
"Do you know where I'm going to hang this?" I ask to no one particular. Hayleigh rejoins me and sits on the arm of the sofa, still very close.
"Where?" Her curiosity shows.
"The staircase," I say. "It goes with all the other photos the lads and I have hung up."
"Happy birthday, Niall," she smiles dazzlingly at me, leaning to hug me.
I smirk and catch her off guard by wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her on my lap. She squeals as she falls, her legs dangling off the edge as she starts swinging them. Her bright brown eyes look up at me with a twinkle and I smile down at her, just happy I can celebrate my birthday with her.
A/N: SUP EVERYBODY. Sorry for the bad chapter, I'm really tired and I don't know why. I'm half asleep as I write this so excuse bad grammar or spelling because I'll edit it later.
Hope you guys have a good week!!
Stay Amazing:)

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