Chapter Twenty-Nine: Plan=Failure

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"Everything is going smoothly," I say in the earpiece and watch from my hiding place as Barbara tugs Niall along after Evan and Hayleigh.
"Hay is everything okay?" Louis asks from beside me and we watch as she tries to nod, acting like she's fixing her hair. Louis flips his earpiece off and I do the same as he turns to me.
"This isn't going as planned," he states first and I sigh, but nod in agreement.
"I guess our whole 'incognito' idea didn't work huh?" I joke and he lets out a small laugh. I turn serious though and look at him nervously, "I'm scared, Lou."
He wraps an arm around my shoulder and I lay my head against it. "Everything's going to be okay," he says but I can't help but think like a pessimist.
"What if it's not though? They're acting different. Niall is barely paying attention to her, and that's not normal. Usually he's so protective and doesn't let a guy even look at Hayleigh and now, he's not doing anything and letting his girlfriend verbally assault her."
"I think he's blinded, love."
"If it's that evil witch I might barf," I comment bluntly and he smirks before refocusing.
"Barbara is putting on an act," Louis starts and I nod. "We know how she really is but he doesn't. If we could just let him see that mean side of her, maybe he'll dump her."
"Maybe," I agree and he kisses my temple before we put our earpieces back in.
"Hey, I have an idea," Lou says and I look at him. "If the situation gets at its worst, we'll show Niall the video."
"What about Hayleigh?"
"She'll thank us later," he assures.
"Guys?!" I hear Dani's panicked voice call out.
"What's wrong?" I ask immediately and Presley steps in.
"Barbara is up to something," she says and I stand up, alarmed and so does Louis.
"What's she doing?" Harry questions and I motion him over to me when I see him and Zayn. All four of us begin walking, in search of Niall, Barbara, Hayleigh, or Evan.
"I don't know," Liam replies. "She spilt a drink all over Hayleigh and offered to help her clean up in the bathroom."
"They're alone!?" I shout, and Louis places his hand on my shoulder so I'd calm down.
"El get over here," Danielle tells me and I start running towards the bathroom when it gets in sight.
I see the lads walking over to Niall and Evan but my mind is focusing on Hayleigh.
"I'm going in," I whisper when I reach the door but almost scream when I see Presley and Dani behind it. They put a finger up to their lips as we begin tiptoeing inside.
The disgusting toilet was abandoned except for Hayleigh, who was scrubbing at her shirt with a paper towel and Barbara who is leaning against the wall, chomping on some gum.
"I thought I told you to stay away," the devil starts and I bite my lip, taking a deep breath nervously.
"It's not my fault you and Niall decided to interrupt my date," Hayleigh shoots back in irritation and Presley smirks from beside me.
Barbara: 0
Hayleigh: 1
"That guy is way to good for you," she rolls her eyes, inspecting her long, fake nails. "He'd be better off with someone who could fulfill his needs." I almost cough but stop myself; absolutely disgusting.
My friend whips her head around to glare at her. "Excuse me?"
"You heard what I said, bitch," the brat yawns, acting bored.
"You have no right to say that," Hayleigh takes action and I mentally cheer her on. "You aren't dating Evan, I am. You have a boyfriend and his name is Niall."
I look at Dani who has her phone out, recording the whole thing just like Presley did before. "Niall is cute," Barbara comments, "but he said he doesn't want to have sex until marriage."
"And what's wrong with that?" Hayleigh asks, crossing her arms over her chest. "I think that's a good thing, to wait I mean."
"Of course you would say that."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You're just agreeing with him because you've never had sex before and you've probably been denied by millions of guys, who actually realize what a slut you are."
Hayleigh takes a step back and I wince; that's rough. "I've told you a few times this week but it seems like you can't get it through your thick head. You, are a pathetic excuse for a human being who doesn't deserve anything but death. Just kill yourself already. What are you waiting for?"
Danielle hands the phone to Presley before running out of the restroom, me making sure the door doesn't slam closed. "What have I ever done to you?" Hayleigh speaks up, her voice cracking.
"I've tried being nice but all you've ever done is insult me."
"It seems like I'm the only one that gets it," Barbara responds and I share a confused glance with Presley. We both take a step forward so we're in the bathroom fully. Hayleigh's brown eyes widen, her lips parted in shock.
Presley gives her a signal to keep quiet, and Hayleigh bites her lip. "Get what?" She finds her voice, looking to at Barbara in the eye.
"WHAT IS GOING ON?!" A voice booms, interrupting her from answering. I mentally curse when I see it's Niall and the guys-including Evan.
"Niall!" Barbara whines, running into her boyfriend's open arms and my jaw drops as she starts crying. That bitch.
"What did you do?" Niall's accusing voice breaks me from my frozen state and I blink before looking at him.
"I didn't do anything!" I protest but Barbara's fake sobs grow louder. My eyes flicker to El, and she's glaring daggers at the crying girl and so is everyone else. Except Evan, he looks confused as crap but Niall just looks....scary.
His face is red and his fiery blue eyes are narrowed while his lips stay in a straight line. "Then why is my girlfriend crying?" He shoots back and I look at him completely different. This...isn't him.
He's under a spell, I remind myself but it's hopeless as I'm slowly losing the battle.
"She was verbally i-insulting me and told me to d-die," Barbara lies from Niall's arms, hiccuping.
"What the fuck Hayleigh?" He hisses and starts rubbing Barbara's back in comfort.
"She's lying!" I shout but his glare makes me shrink back in fear.
"Niall it's true," Eleanor speaks up and the witch whimpers.
"They've been bullying me ever since we got here," she lies and Harry steps forward.
"Don't start Harry," Niall seethes and looks at around at his friends, furious. "How could you guys do this? Barbara has been nothing but nice to you!"
"Niall," I start but he whips around to face me with his nostrils flaring like a bull.
"And what the hell is your problem telling my girlfriend to die!? During this trip you've been a selfish bitch!"
"If anything she's been defending herself," Presley speaks up harshly but Niall keeps his glare on me.
"Don't think I haven't noticed all the eye rolls and crap you've been giving her," he remarks, yet I stay silent in fear of making the situation worse. He lets out a cackle, "I've tried to let it slide but this time you've gone too far. Sometimes I wish I never had met you in the first place."
I hear gasp but other than that, just Niall's ragged breathing remains. I swallow hard before nodding at him, keeping myself from breaking down. The next thing I know, I race out of the bathroom and out of the whole carnival. Tears flood down my face as I take deep shaky breaths. However, it doesn't help as I end up slouching against a fence, sobbing. I cover my face with my hands so I don't see Evan approach me.
"Hayleigh?" I look up to see him looking at me with concern. His features soften and he pulls me into his arms.
"I'm so sorry," I mumble in his shirt, making him pull away slightly.
"For what?"
I give a forced laugh, "This has probably been the worst first date ever. I swear I didn't know that was going to happen."
"Hey, it's not your fault," he soothes, rubbing my pack in comfort. "Niall doesn't realize what a beautiful girl he has for a best friend."
"I'd use that term loosely," I joke and he cracks a smile. "I don't even know what to do anymore. Ever since Barbara came into his life, I've been pushed to the side and tormented by her."
"If it's helps, I'm pretty sure Niall has a black eye now," he tells me and my eyes widen in alarm.
"You should've seen his face," he pauses to chuckle slightly. "As soon as you left, Presley attacked him."
I wince, "What did she do exactly?"
Evan shrugs, "At first, she was yelling profanities about how such a jerk he's been before punching him in the eye and gut."
A little breath escapes my lips once more, before I look up at him. "What should I do?"
"To be honest," he starts, thinking his answer through, "I believe you just need an escape from all this drama. I've watched Barbara insult you and I would've defended you but every time Niall was there and I was scared he'd beat me up or something."
"It's the thought that counts," I give him a hug. "I think you're right about the escape thing. I need time to myself. Maybe I could fly home early, visit my family in New York."
"There's a plane leaving tomorrow at six in the morning," he informs with a soft smile. "It's my flight. I can give you my ticket."
A forced grin peaks at my face but I shake my head. "Thank you but no, I couldn't possible take your ride home."
"I insist," he tries again. "I can just buy another one."
I raise my eyebrows, the tears on my cheeks now dried. "Are you sure?"
Evan nods, "I'm sure. I promise you I have enough money to buy another ticket."
"Thank you so much," I give him a tight squeeze around the torso before pecking his cheek. "Could you help me pack?"
He smiles warmly, "Of course."
A/N: OUCH. Niall is being a freaking jerk!! How dare he!! Barbara is a little witch too!
However, if I was Hay I'd probably do the same thing and get away for a little while.
Anyways, ain't Evan a cutie? *sigh* He's adorable.
I'd like to dedicate this chapter to ClaryFairchild23 once again because she helped me come up with all the Barbara drama. Thank you!
I hope everyone is having the best day and I wish you all the best week ever!! Lots of Love! Xx
Stay Beautiful:)

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