Chapter Seven: Grocery Stalkers

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"What are you doing here?" I hear a familiar voice ask, and I tear my gaze away from my book.
"Nothing much," I reply as I slip my bookmark inside the page, "What's up with you?"
Harry chuckles, "I wanted a coffee."
I scrunch up my nose, "Ew, coffee is gross. Hot chocolate and tea are way better."
"What ever you say, Hayleigh," he shrugs it off and takes a sip from his foam cup. "So you came here to read?"
A smile etches its way on my face, "Yeah, I got it like an hour ago. Presley was working on a new painting, so I didn't want to interrupt her."
"What's she painting?" He question as he slides in across from me.
"She told me she was going to do a jellyfish," I tell him and he raises his eyebrows.
"A jellyfish?" I nod my head in confirmation.
"Yep, but Pres isn't like other artists. She makes her paintings unique and scream her name."
He smiles, "That's cool."
"Yeah," I agree, "she's been wanting to do an art gallery, but she hasn't done anything to make it happen." He nods his head, then glances at the clock on the wall.
"I've got to go or I'll be late to meet up with Gemma for the rest of the day," he stands so I follow him and give him a quick hug. "It was nice talking to you, Hayleigh."
"You too Harry," I smile, "Have fun with your sister."
"Thanks!" He responds, "Enjoy your reading!" I laugh and wave goodbye as he exits the café, causing a small chilly breeze to flow in. I take out my phone, and see that it was almost five thirty. Crap. I should probably pick up something for Presley and I for dinner. I slip my coat back on and exit the warm shop. I quickly walk to the nearest grocer, and grab a cart. What to make, I think, We had tacos last night, so we should have something completely different..sloppy joes it is.
In case you don't know, sloppy joes is really good. It's hamburger meat with a special (barbecue?) sauce and you add it to a sandwich with cheese and pickles. Then for a side, it's best to get Mac and cheese. It's a cheap yet delicious dinner. I go to aisle 3 where all the soups and noodles are, and scan the metal shelves. Ah, there they are. I place two boxes of Kraft Mac and Cheese in my cart, and also some roman noodles in case for later this week. I was turning my cart to change aisles when I crash into someone else.
"I'm so sorry," I apologize and look up at the person I ran in to. "Niall?"
"Hey, Hayleigh!" He greets me cheerfully when I spot yet another boy walk over.
"Okay, Niall. I got sour cream and onion, sour cream and cheddar, barbecue, cool ranch Doritos- and nacho cheese, pizza Pringles, and regular chips," Louis lists off as he dumps them into their-almost full -cart, not noticing that I was there. That's a lot of chips.
"Hey Louis," I speak and his head snaps up to meet mine.
"Oh, hey Hayleigh! What are you doing here?" He questions.
"I'm getting food for my dinner," I respond. "Are you guys stalking me?" A look of confusion floods their features and I chuckle. "I legit ran into Harry at Simply Sweet not even ten minutes ago."
"Ooh," they say together, now understanding.
"What are you guys doing here?" I ask as we stroll down aisle 4.
"Our shelves were completely bare," Niall exaggerates and I laugh.
"So, Liam sent us out to stock up!" Louis finishes and I raise my eyebrows.
"Are you sure it was a good idea for him to let you guys shop?" I inquire as I grab some seasoning.
They look at each other then back at me, "Probably not."
"What else do you guys need?" I ask, "I only need hamburger meat." My eyes stare at the chips and I quickly snatch the best kind there is. Ruffles, sour cream and cheddar cheese.
"We need meat too," Louis says, glancing at a list, "We also need apples and bananas, lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, milk, Sunny-D, and white and wheat bread."
"Okay, let's go ahead and get the apples and bananas since they're right there," I point to them, and wheel my cart in that direction.
"Are you going to help us?" Niall asks hopefully and I nod my head with a smile.
"Yep," I reply, "I'm not going to let you guys go crazy. Liam will have a fit."
Louis grins cheekily, "You know us so well."
"I've only known you guys for two days," I remind him but he shrugs.
"Who cares?" He waves his hand dismissively, and puts an arm around my shoulders as Niall grabs two things of yellow bananas. "We're already the best of friends." He squeezes me tightly and I laugh as he picks me up.
"Well I'm happy you think that," I chuckle, "You can put me down now." He sets me back on the floor, and gets some green apples in a bag. I grab some honey crisp apples, and set them in the basket of my cart.
"So how has life been since I saw you a few hours ago?" Niall teases and I smile.
"Pretty good," I reply, "I'm already completed a fourth of my new book."
He wriggles his nose, "I can't believe you like to read. The only book I've read is How To Kill A Mockingbird."
"I like that one," I say and he groans. "Reading to me, is exploring a whole new world. It's like exploring something for the first time, but from the inside. It allows you to get to know the characters and sometimes you'll even start feeling what they're feeling. It keeps my creative juices flowing. Reading allows you to escape from reality and think marvelous things. You get to use your imagination and dream things you've never thought of before," I explain with a twinkle in my eye.
"A whole new world," he sings and I laugh.
"Is that really all you got from my mini-speech?" I question as I bite my lip. He blushes, but nods his head.
"Okay lad and lass," Louis comes over with his arms full of tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, and carrots, "I got the all the vegetables."
"Tomatoes aren't vegetables," I tell him and he stares blankly at me.
"Yes they are," he protests and I shake my head.
"Nope," I respond, "tomatoes are fruits because the have seeds." He pouts but cheers up immediately.
"Fine," he agrees, "Let's just get our meat, bread, and our drinks so we can go home and eat."
"Okay," Niall chuckles and I join him.
"We're almost done Lou," I tell Louis and he smiles.
"Then what are we waiting for?"
**Three hours later
Right now, I'm in my room adding new photos to my wall. When Louis, Niall, and I went to the checkout, I hid under all their stuff and scared the crap out of a teenage girl. She was upset, but we got away with it when the boys took a photo with her. Luckily, Niall videotaped the whole thing from his phone and I've already watched it like ten times. Presley was almost finished with her painting; she won't let me see it until she's completely done. It's about eight or eight thirty, but I'm almost done. I had taken quite a few pictures with my camera, so I was printing them in a special picture way and sticking them to my wall. I've already done like twenty so I should only have five left. I pick up the next one, and see it was my group and I doing the superhero pose by our snowman. I hop off my chair, and walk over to my closet. I take out a box that's full of many photo frames, until I find one that fits. I slip the picture in, and set it on my desk. Okay next one..oh it's the one of Niall and I from yesterday. We thought we weren't going to see each other again, so we took tons of pictures from my phone. I forgot I had transferred them over. I also put that one in a frame and hang it above my head. Something tells me I'm going to have a lot more photos of Niall and I really soon.
A/N: Double Update!! I felt bad about not updating sooner so here's another chapter! I love you guys for reading my story! Did you like it? What adventures will Niall and Hayleigh go through? Comment below on what you think!
Comment:) (Wow, I'm repetitive.)
Stay Amazing:) Xx.

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