Chapter Four: Meeting The Boys

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"Bye Bec, I'll see you on Thursday," I tell her and give her a hug.
"Bye, Hay," she smiles and hugs me back. I watch her walk out the door to her mom and her face just lights up. The corners of my mouth twitch upward and I go grab my things from the photography lounge. Becca was the last one to leave, and the rest had been picked up earlier. The workshop had ended maybe fifteen minutes ago, and Presley had been waiting on me. I pull out my phone as we walk towards the car and text Niall. To Nialler:
Where do you want to meet for lunch?
A couple seconds later, I get a reply.
From Nialler:
How about Ruby Tuesday?
I quickly type yes and say we'll be there soon, maybe ten minutes tops. I open the passenger door to the car and climb inside. After Presley had started the ignition, I push on the radio. I turn the dial to the left, making the music softer.
"So how was class?" I ask her curiously.
"It was great!" she exclaims as her eyes shine happily, "We made pots and I let the kids paint them. I think this has been their favorite class ever." I chuckle at her bounciness.
"Well they're only fifth graders," I remind her, "They like to get messy." She laughs, and then questions me about today. "It looked like they had a lot of fun," I smile, thinking of what we did earlier.
"What did you guys do?" she questions.
"We built a snowman, had a snowball fight-" I start to list, but Presley interrupts me.
"So, you guys didn't take any pictures?" She bites her lip, trying to hide a smile.
"We did!" I smile proudly, and stick my tongue out at her. She does the same, and we crack up laughing.
"Oooh!!!" she says loudly, "I love this song!!" She turns the radio up, letting the joyous sounds of Christmas carols fill the air. Yeah, it's started.
"Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it, you would even say it glows
All of the other reindeer, used to laugh and call him names,
They never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games," we sing together. What? This is a great song! Yes, we are childish but we are still awesome. For the rest of the car ride, it was spent laughing and singing along to our favorite Christmas songs.
I leave my camera in the car, before we walk in. When we get inside-the sweet aroma of delicious food clouding my brain- I search for the familiar blonde hair. I grin when I spot Niall sitting at a table with Louis, and three unfamiliar people, who I guess are their band mates. I guide Presley over to them, and smile when Ni spots me. "Hey, Irish," I ruffle his hair, and grin. He pouts but greets me as well.
"Hey, Hayleigh! And you must be Presley?" he asks her and she smiles.
"Hi! It's nice to meet you!" she says happily. He grins, showing his crooked teeth, and turns towards Louis and the strangers whom I do not know.
"Presley, this is Louis! Hay, you already know him," Niall motions to Louis, who waves.
"Hi!" Louis says cheerfully as he greets her. "I like your outfit!" I raise my eyebrows at the odd compliment. But then again, it was Louis. I've met him only once, but I know he's probably childish and likes to have fun. I think we'll be getting along just fine.
"Thanks!" she grins and looks at the other boys.
"Hayleigh, Presley, this is Harry!" Louis introduces the curly-haired boy. Harry smiles politely, and winks. Out of all the boys, he looks the youngest. So, I'm guessing he is. I grin at him and sit on the chair next to Niall. Presley takes the one next to me, and we continue the introductions to one another.
"I'm Liam!" a brown-haired, brown-eyed boys says to us.
"Nice to meet you!" Presley and I say together.
"And finally..." Niall says, leaving it hanging in the air.
"I'm Zayn," a black-haired, dark brown-eyed boy introduces himself.
"I'm Hayleigh!" I say and then snatch the menu out of Niall's hands. I hear Presley introduce herself to Zayn, but I'm too busy looking at the scrumptious options to eat.
"Hey!" Niall says, surprised at my actions. "Get your own!"
"This is my own," I smirk. In one swift movement, he grasps the menu out of my hands, and begins reading it again. "Jokes on you, Loser!" I stick my tongue out childishly. "I already know what I want!" He rolls his eyes, but smiles. I look at everyone to see that they are staring at us. "What?" I ask them, clueless. Presley just shakes her head at my obliviousness, and pats my shoulder.
"Don't worry about it, Leigh," she assures me. I look closely at everyone around the table. They don't look suspicious. Oh well. I shrug and wait patiently as I see a waitress heading this way. Good thing about this place, is that the waitresses are classy.
"Good afternoon, what would you like to drink today?" she asks us politely.
I smile and reply.
"Tea, please," I say to her. Then, Presley tells her Dr. Pepper, and the boys order coke except for Louis, who requests tea like me.
Till the waitress returns, we just talk about random things. These boys are pretty funny. "So how often do you guys have classes?" Harry asks Presley and I.
"I teach my classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays!" Presley grins widely. I smile at her enthusiasm about her students.
"Mine are on the same days, at the same times," I tell them. All of them smile, and then the waitress comes with our drinks. Once she hands them all to us, she asks if we're ready. Liam had looked around the table, and said we were. Harry went first, ordering a burger and fries. Everyone ordered something similar until I was the last one. I glance at her name tag then look at her. "Well, Riley," I hand her my menu with a smile, "I would like the kids chicken tender meal with a side of applesauce." She looks at me strangely, but jots down my order. I hear the lads snicker but I ignore them and focus on Riley.
Without looking at me, she asks, "There will be an up charge, is that all right?"
I nod my head with a grin, "That's perfect. Oh, I like your hair too, it's very pretty cool French braid bun."
Riley blushes, "Thanks, you just made my day!" I smile when she says this because it makes my day, knowing I brightened someone else's. "I'll get your orders in," she tells me and walks away. I smile but turn around and face everyone. The lads are looking at me with weird cheesy grins on their faces, which makes me raise my eyebrows.
"What?" I question and take a sip of my tea.
"How can you be nice to complete strangers like that?" Harry asks confusingly.
My raised eyebrows furrow, "What do you mean?"
"You don't even care if you know the person or not," Zayn speaks after sipping his coke.
"Yeah," Louis agrees, "Why do you do it?" I hear Presley chuckle, but the boys are staring at me intently.
"What's the big deal?" I ask, "I mean, you guys don't do it?" They shake their heads and Presley clears her throat.
"Guys," she laughs a little, "Don't make a big deal out of it. That just who Hayleigh is. She loves making someone's day." I smile and nod my head. It seems like gears were slowly turning in their heads and they are beginning to process what we're saying. One by one, a light bulb goes off, and a look of understanding floods their features.
"Here's your chicken," Riley sets down a hot steaming plate with three chicken tenders, a little cup filled with sweet barbecue sauce, and a side of delicious cinnamon applesauce.
"Thanks!" I give her a quick smile as she hands everyone else their food.
"No problem," she replies before looking around the table, "Does anyone need anything?"
"This is perfect thank you," Zayn smiles warmly at her and the rest of us nod. As she walks away, we immediately dig in while we laugh and have a kid time.
A/N: How was it!? I hope y'all liked it. What do you guys say about five comments and I'll update sooner? It was kind of sucky, but it's a filler.

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