Chapter Twenty-Seven: Confrontations

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My jaw drops as she pushes my best friend up against the coke machine and I quickly try to get my phone out of my pocket and hit record. "Excuse me?" Hayleigh asks shocked, and a look of pain crosses over her face as Barbara digs her pink-painted nails in her arm.
"I heard you tell Niall you love him," she seethes and I take deep breath from nervousness to calm myself from pouncing on her.
"He's my best friend," Hayleigh defends, squirming under her grip until she grabs hold of Barbara's arm and forcing her off of herself. "Of course I love him."
"Well he doesn't love you," Barbara retorts and Hay dis secretly rolls her eyes. "Tell me Hay, how'd you two meet again?"
My best friend avoids eye contact by looking at the floor and shuffles her feet awkwardly, "Um, we...we met at a coffee shop."
"Oh really," Barbara scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest. "I heard Niall hit you with a door."
"So?" Hayleigh defends then takes a step back as Barb takes a step forward.
"Don't you see?" Barb questions, and I look up from my camera. "He's pitying you."
"No he isn't," she disagrees making the witch roll her eyes.
"You're telling me you've never thought that he just feels sorry for you? You work at a center to help kids learn photography; that's not even a real job. You live in a small house with your best friend; that's pathetic. Most of all, you only have one friend who probably in reality hates your guts." I bite my lip so hard I taste metal as Hay starts to slowly absorb the information. Hurt flashes in her eyes making Barb roll hers. "Man up; someone had to tell you the truth. Why don't you just run up to your room and cry like the baby you are."
Hayleigh shakes her head before stuttering, "T-that's n-not true. You're-lying."
Barbara out of the blue slaps her across the face. Hayleigh clutches her cheek in pain, and tears begin rolling down her face. The witch closes in on her face, "Listen here, bitch. I've told you once and I'll say it again, Niall doesn't like you. He feels sorry for the stupid excuse of a human being that you are. Stay away from my boyfriend."
Hayleigh nods and Barbara smirks before sauntering off. I stop the recording and race over to my best friend who's now sitting against the wall with her head resting on her arms.
"Hayleigh?" I whisper and she looks up, broken like she was in middle school.
"Don't tell me you watched that happen," she sniffles and I join her on the floor.
"Unfortunately yes," I say and she whimpers. I wrap an arm around her and she rests her head on my shoulder.
"Why do I have to be so weak?" She questions and I shake my head.
"Stop lying to yourself, you are one of the most strongest people I have ever met in my life," I tell her honestly.
"She made me have flashbacks, Pres," a tear slips out of her brown eyes. "I haven't thought about middle school for a while and when she slapped me it, it just-"
I interrupt her right there, "Sshh it's okay. You don't have to talk about it."
"Guys?" Eleanor's voice speaks up and we look up to see her and Dani looking down at us in concern.
"Is everything okay?" Danielle questions, confused as to why we're sitting on a resort's floor.
"Everything is great," Hayleigh lies as she wipes her tears away quickly and stands up.
"No it's not," El shakes her head and I accept her hand to help me stand up.
"Hayleigh what's wrong?" Dani asks softly and wraps an arm around her shoulder.
"Barbara," I say, rolling my eyes and Hay gives me a look that reads, Really?
"What did she do now?" El scowls and Hayleigh tilts her head.
"What did she do to you?"
"She called me a whore for sharing a towel with Louis at the beach," the brunette rolls her eyes.
"That doesn't make any sense, you two are dating," I say.
"You're telling me," El replies and Hayleigh rubs her shoulder.
"Well you are one of the most beautiful, down-to-earth girls I know," she tells her and El gives her a hug.
"So what's going on with the witch?" Dani asks and I hold back a laugh.
"Can we at least go to our room?" Hayleigh answers with a question and we all share a glance before nodding.
"Now spill," Eleanor states as we all get comfortable on mine and Harry's beds.
"She confronted me," Hay starts but I shake my head.
"I'll just play the video," I push play and hold it out so they all have sight of what's happening on the screen.
The girls' jaws drop to the floor as Barbara basically attacks Hayleigh while she just cringes and hides her head, embarrassed.
"That freaking bit-" Danielle starts after the video but gets cut off.
"Guys it's nothing really," Hayleigh speaks up and we look at her like she's insane.
"She's practically harassing you!" Eleanor shouts and I nod my head firmly.
"I've dealt with harassment before," she assures the Manchester girl and Dani's features soften.
"What do you mean?"
"In middle school, I was the victim. My family was going through a hard time because of something in the past and people thought it was a good time to tease me about it," Hay whispers but slowly starts talking normally.
"They'd call me names," she pauses with a shudder as a tear slips down her cheek. With a flick of her wrist, it disappears and she continues, "physically hurt me until I was left bruised. I'm glad Presley was there for me or I'd probably be dead. It's just, I couldn't take it but she helped me survive. She'd defend me against basically our entire grade and never left my side." I give her a small smile as she looks up at me. "I could never repay you, Presley. You're literally the best person in the world."
Eleanor and Dani awe as she hugs me tightly and I hold her close to me.
"I'm glad you got through that," Eleanor smiles warmly.
"But we aren't going to let you go through it again," Danielle adds and I nod.
"Absolutely," I agree and look at Hayleigh who is now sitting criss cross with a pillow in her lap.
"Thanks guys but I can handle her," she tries to assure but we shake our heads.
"You probably can but I want to help," I say making the dancer smirk.
"We've got to show the boys," Dani looks around at all of us.
"No!" Hay shouts and we raise our eyebrows.
"Why not?" El questions.
Hayleigh sighs, "I don't want to show the boys my weak side. Call me crazy, but I don't want them to think I'm weak. Think of another plan."
Eleanor tugs on a strand of her wavy hair, "So what are we going to do?"
"The first step is making them realize that she isn't all that great," I explain and they all nod. "Start with your boyfriends, girls. Make sure they notice when she's being rude-which is like all the time-and ask them their opinion on her."
"I'm guessing we'll be doing the same to Harry and Zayn?" Hayleigh asks and I nod in confirmation.
"What about Niall?"
"He's so wrapped around Barbzilla's finger we'll think of that plan once we get the lads on our side," I say.
"We're already on your side," a voice suddenly states making all of us jump, and Dani fall of the bed with a shout. Liam rushes over to her while the three others fall into the room.
"How long have you guys been listening?" Eleanor questions as Louis kisses her head.
Louis glances at Hayleigh sadly, "We heard everything about the bullying. I'm sorry HayBear."
She waves it off, "It's fine. What did you four do about Niall and Evan?"
"Oh that reminds me," Zayn fishes a slip of paper out of his pocket and hands it to her, "Evan wants you to text him."
"What about the stupid one?" I ask and Harry chuckles.
"He's downstairs snogging his horrible excuse for a girlfriend," he tells us, making me crinkle up my nose in disgust.
"Well," Liam claps his hands making us all look at him by Dani, "now that everyone's caught up and everything, what's the plan?"
"You're okay with this?" Hayleigh asks him doubtfully.
"She called him Nialler," Liam rolls his eyes and hurt flashes in her brown eyes.
"And Niall let her do it," Louis pipes and I give him a glare that says, Shut the hell up.
Hayleigh clears her throat, "While we're doing this whole scheming thing, can we teach the back-stabber a lesson too?"
A/N: HEY GUYS. Is this chapter better? I hope so and I hope you enjoyed it as well.
So they've teamed up and Evan has a little crush if I say so myself. What do you think the plan is?
And is Niall going to stop being an idiot and defend his best friend?
Find out next week!! Love You all!
Dedication to ClaryFairchild23 because she is a great Commentor and person overall!
Bye lovelies!<3
Stay Beautiful:)

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