A few years later..

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A few years later..

Arthit munched on his cake and studied the children playing in front of him. "You think Ae's mate will be Type?", he casually asked, causing his soulmate to choke on his snack. "What??", exclaimed Kongpob as soon as he was able to breathe again. Arthit gestured with his chin towards the children where Type was gently wiping Ae's tears away. Alyssa was busy healing her brother's slightly scraped knee. "Aly leaves him alone.. She never fusses when Type comes to play.", continued to explain Arthit. Kongpob turned to look at his human and whispered: "It's just that our babygirl doesn't consider Type as a threat."

Arthit shared a glance with his soulmate. Did that mean that she considered Pete to be a threat? Why? He sighed and focused on other things instead. "They are now five, Kong. Aly's demon is not here. Ae has not demonstrated any power." Slate answered: "Oh but he did." He waited for the theatrical silence and finally said: "His cuteness. And kindness. Mark my words, Arthit. This will be his greatest power." Arthit smiled. But his soulmate was more skeptical. "Or his greatest weakness." Slate rolled his eyes. "Not if he is well trained." Kongpob nodded. His babies would be trained by himself until they were going to Tew's training. 

Arthit whispered: "Slatey, don't you feel alone? Neither Aly nor Ae has a demon inside of them." Slate fell silent. Arthit instantly regretted his question but then Slate replied: "I don't. Because they hear me when I speak to them." Truly, Ae looked up and smiled wobbly at his father. Slate was whispering into his mind: "I told you, those small injuries will make you stronger, my boy. Now give us a big smile." Ae sniffed loudly and then stopped crying. Arthit blinked back his own tears and opened his arms for his little boy. Ae hurriedly got on his small feet and ran to his mother. Slate chuckled: "A cinnamon roll rolling towards a bigger cinnamon roll."

Arthit ruffled his son's hair and said: "Cinnamon rolls all the way." And Ae giggled, cuddling close to his mother. He waved at his sister who stood there, a pout very much in place. Kongpob laughed and said: "Come to papa, Aly." Alyssa turned to Type and grabbed his hand to start running together towards Kongpob. "See what I mean? She considers him to be someone to be protected. Just like Ae. She considers Type to be her brother." Arthit nodded. "Who considers who a brother?", asked Tew, entering the room. "Dad!!" "Uncle Tew!!!!" Shouts from the three children resonated in the room as they started to run towards him.

Tew laughed and kneeled down. He then gathered them to him and patiently listened to their stories. When they finally got tired of cuddling with him and went back to playing, Tew stood up and walked to his friends. "So?", asked Kongpob while Arthit offered the oracle some cookies. "His blood test came. He is a healer." "Ohh.", said the couple in tandem. Tew nodded: "Yes ohh. A pure blooded healer like Oak is." "This is why he has no powers till now.", said Arthit thoughtfully. Tew shook his head: "It's not only that. Oak studied his blood and told me some disturbing facts. You see, among healers, there are some that have a special kind of blood."

"A type of blood that agrees with everyone. I mean, their blood is powerful enough to heal people. Every species. Not only their powers. In fact, those type of healers rarely have any power. Whether they do or not, they need to be protected. Since you know healers are not the best fighters, they instead hide their best healers. Till now, they were into hiding. Not even the other healers knew about their identities.", explained Tew. "But why hide them?", asked Arthit and Kongpob quietly said: "Because they are hunted. If his mother left him, it could be because she is being hunted. They must be sharing the same blood." Tew nodded: "It could be that she wanted to protect him from harm."

Arthit's eyes widened in shock and he whispered: "No matter what, it is still a "May the fittest survives" world, huh?" Kongpob rubbed his back in sympathy. "The people in the world will never change, baby." Arthit turned his tear filled eyes towards his soulmate and whispered: "My babies.." Kongpob smiled: "They are strong, baby. They will be safe." Arthit nodded and leaned into his soulmate. Tew watched them and heard Kongpob whisper: "We'll protect our own." And Type was their own. He would be protected. 

They were lost in their thoughts for a while and Kongpob asked quietly: "Should Adrestia be back?" Adrestia had been killed nearly five years ago and till now, he continued to remain dead. No one needed to revive him. Until now. Tew smiled: "Thank you for the offer but no, there is no need. We know that we need to keep him protected. So, we will." Just like Ae would be protected by Pete, surely there would be someone as Type's mate to protect him too? Tew nodded to himself. There must be someone. And in the meantime, he would do his best to protect his son. He gave Type a smile when the little boy raised his head to see if he was still here. The smile Type gave him back warmed his heart. His little healer.

Measures were however taken by most of the kingdoms. Most of the children's crowning ceremonies as princes and princesses got postponed until they were older. They planned to keep their children's identities hidden as possible. Some called it as preventive measure, others as paranoid. But the parents preferred to keep their children safe. However, even the great oracle Tew still did not understand that fate could not be changed. Type's destiny would not be changed. It was written that he would be stolen, so he would have to get stolen, right?


The title of the second book will be "The thief steals the healer"

Next chapters in this book will be about the children in the Union, learning and training themselves. 

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