Chapter 47

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Note: This chapter is still based on that one week after that tragic day..


Arthit brushed his tears away and ran towards his soulmate, shouting: "KONGPOB!!" Kongpob smiled sweetly, his lips slightly parted as he moved closer to Arthit. And when Arthit said: "I love you, baby", his face lit up more into a beaming smile, his eyes shining with happiness. Arthit wrapped his arms around Kongpob's waist and placed his head on Kongpob's shoulder as he whispered: "Don't ever leave me again.." Slate and Kongpob replied solemnly: "We promise." Arthit sighed contentedly and tightened his hold. He was so afraid to let go. He did not want to lose them again. "I was so lonely without you. Why have you broken the bond, Kong? Why have you thought that I could live without you??" Kongpob said softly: "I had no choice, love. But now, I am back. Everything will be fine. We'll be together as we always have been." Arthit raised his head to look at his soulmate with love in his eyes. But Kongpob was no longer there.

And he woke up with a shout and looked at his cold room on the human planet. He looked at his trembling hands and whispered: "Is this the kind of nightmare that you will be giving me now, Kong?" He covered his face with his hands and sobbed. He had asked his father where was his soulmate earlier at the Union's headquarters and all he got from him was that his soulmate died. His father confessed how he had ambushed Kongpob into that ship and killed him. How he had attacked his soulmate's weaknesses. And how he was satisfied when he felt no pulse. As if it was quite an achievement for him. And how he had ordered to burn Kongpob's body. Arthit hugged his knees and stared into the darkness, willing his Kongpob to appear in front of him just like he used to from the shadows because his heart was not willing to accept whatever his father had said. Could you hate your parents for their acts? 

Because what was more hurtful for Arthit was that it was none other than his father who ordered to kill his soulmate. Granted he did not know that Kongpob was bonded to him but that did not give him the power to make drastic decisions just like that. Arthit sighed. Could he blame his father for trying to kill the one whom he thought was Arthit's kidnapper? He could not. Not after his first kidnapping. Not after the death of his mother. But still, it was his Kongpob and his Slatey that his father had killed. His love, his life, his demon. Moreover, it was his father who accepted at first that Kongpob came to rescue him, so why should he kill him now?? Kongpob was the very one who saved Arthit's life several times. When he said that to his father, the king did not bother to reply on it. He was indifferent to it. And that was exactly why he wanted to hate his father. He could have waited for Arthit to explain before he just attacked Kongpob like this. He closed his eyes in pain.

What was he supposed to do now? Pha had asked him to testify against his father. Arthit knew that if he did so, the human king would be sentenced to death. The Union never hesitated to kill anyone. He clenched his fists in anger. He so wanted to testify, to make his father feel the same pain that he made his Kong feel. But then he remembered what his mother had said to him: "Violence was never the answer, Arthit." He sobbed: "I wish you were here with me, Mom. Dad has already deserted me. He believes my Kong is the worst. He made my Kong disappear. I want him back, Mom. I want my life back." He cried to sleep to wake up two hours later after getting another dream of Kongpob. He got up and went to walk to his favorite beach. 

He completely ignored the leopard that walked besides him and he went straight for the water. He kept walking into the sea until the cold water hit his waist. He stopped and stared at the horizon. He smiled. And to Kit's dismay, he started to venture even further into the water. He instantly shouted in Arthit's head but the latter continued to ignore him as he stared ahead. Kit's leopard swam to Arthit and when he transformed back to grab Arthit's hand to stop him, Arthit turned to look at him in tears. "Why are you stopping me? Won't it be easier for me to just go and join him?" Kit shook his head, his own tears rolling down his cheeks and said: "Let's go back, Arthit. Please." And when they reached the land safely, Arthit removed his hand from Kit to move further on the beach, sitting on the sand and Kit said, rubbing Arthit's back: "He is not gone, sweetheart. He won't leave you here all alone. Give him time. He will come back to you. He promised you, right?"

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