Chapter 24

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So, if this chapter was to have a title, it would be: "Sex in the spaceship."

You guys get it, right? Another couple is tying the knot in here. So please proceed with caution before this is much more intense than our first couple - Beam and Forth.

Have a hot reading.


Ming frowned and pushed back his wolf. Why had Kit's cat smirked at him? This was getting weird. He tried to get up to get Kit a glass of water but Kit purred and laid on his lap. Ming could not move now that there was a large leopard on his lap. Ming was amazed by how fast Kit had just transformed. He tried to remove the large cat from his lap but his wolf growled showing its annoyance at Ming's intention. His wolf wanted to let Kit on his lap. Ming rubbed his face in worry. Why were they behaving like this?

"Ming?", said Yo as he entered the living room again. He saw the current situation and asked: "Do you people need privacy? I can lend you a room." Ming glared at Yo: "Seriously? I am confused right now. I think he is ill, Yo." Yo came forward and reached out to touch Kit's head. Simultaneously, Kit's cat raised its head to hiss in annoyance and Ming's wolf growled too. Yo raised his hands in defense: "Woah! I have not done anything!" Ming shook his head and his wolf retreated back again. He said contritely: "I am sorry, Yo. I don't know what is happening." Yo said: "It looks like a shifter thing, Ming. Don't you think you should go back to your planet and maybe there, your parents or elders can explain it to you. They can help." Yo was worried about Kit but he winced inwardly. He was also taking Kit's strange behaviour as an opportunity to make them go. Shame on him trying to get rid of the two for him to move out of the house. He would apologise to them later. 

Ming said: "But we cannot leave you here all alone. It's dangerous." Yo smiled at him: "It's fine. Zeus would never know where this safe house is." Ming looked at Kit's cat who was panting heavily and licking his paws. His wolf moved restlessly inside of him, asking to be out. Oh god, Ming would go crazy if this continued. Yo said: "You know it might have to do with his birthday too. It's in a few days, right?" Ming's eyes widened in shock. Yes, it was Kit's twenty fifth birthday in a few days. How could he forget that? Well shit. He needed to get him back to his planet for sure, otherwise his parents would organise searching parties for him. He needed to see them to know why Kit was behaving like this too. He said to Yo: "You are right. You will be fine on your own?" Yo nodded: "Mrs Chen is here to help me out. She is sleeping right now in her room. Don't worry." 

Ming nodded. The werewolf could feel that something was off with Yo right now but he was associating with the fact that he was worried about Adrestia. He sighed. And said: "Adrestia will be fine, Yo. You know him." Yo smiled and nodded: "Yes, he must." Ming took a deep breath and said softly: "Kitty.." And Kit instantly purred. Yo whispered: "I feel that I am intruding." He then moved to go outside the room and Ming exclaimed: "Wait Yo! Don't leave me alone with him. He is being too strange." Yo raised an eyebrow at him: "Don't be such a baby. You are going to be alone with him in the ship. I won't be there with you." Ming looked at him with worried eyes. He could not tell Yo that he was getting aroused with Kit's sweet scent. Yo was not a shapeshifter so he could not smell it. He stroked the cat's head and whispered: "Go back kitty.. I can't carry you.. you are too heavy.. Let Kit come forward. Please.." The cat purred. It nuzzled Ming's neck and suddenly it was Kit again on his lap. And it was a naked Kit's mouth on Ming's neck. Yo said: "Well I am out of here. Have a nice journey." Ming grit his teeth. Yo was a traitor.

Ming tentatively said: "Kit.. get up.. And wear your clothes. I'll drop you home." Kit whispered drowsily: "No.. No clothes.. They irritate my body.." Ming frowned and said: "You are not going to stay naked for freaking sake. It's not good for my sanity." Kit ignored him and nuzzled his neck. Ming groaned. Kit's touch was distracting him. But he could not let himself be distracted. He grabbed his coat and wrapped around Kit. He then took him his arms and carried him to the ship. Well, thankfully, Ming had taken his own royal ship for this journey. It was a two fighter ship. Kit would be a bit more relaxed than in the single fighter that they usually used. And Kit would be far from him. Far from temptation was the only solution right now. 

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