Chapter 41

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Kongpob smiled and leaned over to kiss his soulmate. He said softly: "I am just thinking about what to buy for you on this Valentine Day of yours." Arthit lifted his eyebrow at him: "Seriously??" Kongpob said: "Well I got a lot of ideas from the guys but Tew then told me that I have to get something unique for you." Arthit grinned as he said: "You are very unique, Kong." Slate said: "That he is. No one else has gotten a wonderful Slate like me in him." Kongpob and Arthit laughed. 

And Kongpob watched the happiness on his soulmate's face. It was worth any trouble he would get into when he would go to find about the reason why Pring wanted to kill him. He needed to find out and get the danger out of his soulmate's way. He had promised him to bring him back to his planet. Arthit did not say it but he missed his planet. His father. His people. Kongpob saw it when they went to the shopping date. He kissed Arthit's forehead and vowed to himself that he would do anything in his power to bring his soulmate back to where he was born. To his rightful place as human prince. This would be the greatest gift he could give to his soulmate. 

He leaned up and captured his suspicious Arthit's lips again in a kiss. Arthit moaned and opened up for him. He let his soulmate explore his mouth. Kongpob wrapped his arms around Arthit's waist. He brought his body even closer to his. He seemed hungry for more contact. He rubbed himself against Arthit as he kissed him even harder. Arthit whispered to him as Kongpob's lips left his mouth: "Stop distracting me.." Kongpob's lips found their way to his neck and he kissed his sensitive skin. He nibbled and Arthit held his head to him. He moaned and whispered yet again: "Kong.." The latter lifted his head and stared at him, the raw emotion in his eyes electrifying. Arthit found himself out of breath and Kongpob cupped his cheeks with his hands. He brushed his thumbs lightly on Arthit's cheeks. He said softly: "I love you. I really do, Arthit." And he silently vowed to himself: "My life for yours."

Arthit's eyes filled with tears. He shook his head as he said: "What is wrong with you? Why are you talking like this? I don't like it. I don't like it at all, Kong." Kongpob stared at him like he had two heads. He said with a snicker: "I just told you I love you, baby. Why don't you like it?" Arthit glared at him and said: "Because your eyes are sad. They express something more than just love for me. I see sacrifice too. I don't want it. I accept dying with you. Promise me, Kongpob. Promise me that if you are leaving this world, you will leave with me." Kongpob started to move away, shaking his head. Arthit wrapped his legs around him, stopping his escape. He said: "We claimed each other anyway. Right? This works both ways." Kongpob smiled and nodded. Arthit said: "Then promise me. You should not have any problem in promising me. Give me your word. I need that reassurance."

Kongpob stared at him for a long time and he then sighed. "I promise.", he said. Slate bore witness to this moment and shook his head because he knew his master very well. He had promised just to reassure his soulmate. He retreated because he could not bear to see Arthit's reassured smile when he knew that Kongpob would not honor this promise at all. In fact, not even Kongpob could bear it because he moved forward and hugged his soulmate tight to him. He felt bad for making a false promise to Arthit. But it was necessary. He would not accept to let his soulmate die if he could help it. And he would do his best to stay alive for his Arthit. He also knew that that fierce human of his would not let him die so easily. He smiled as he thought about how Arthit fought to keep him alive. He loved him. So much. He kissed his neck and whispered in Arthit's mind: "Tell me you love me too."

Arthit leaned back and smiled. His soulmate was being a bit too open tonight. He moved his hands through Kongpob's hair and traveling his hands down his back, reaching the seams of his t-shirt. He slipped his hands under the garment and leaned over to kiss his earlobe, nibbling on it. Kongpob groaned and he pushed Arthit away. "Hey!", protested Arthit but Kongpob merely removed his t-shirt and laid on the bed. He opened his arms and said telepathically: "Come to me." Arthit's eyes widened. Who was that guy? The want in Kongpob's eyes was different tonight. He looked like he wanted to savour the moment longer this time. Arthit straddled his stomach and skimmed his fingers on his stomach making Kongpob shiver. 

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