Chapter 70

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In a mysterious bar on the sorcerers' planet...

Korn frowned as he watched Knock walk to the female sorcerer. The dragon shifter turned slightly to him and winked at him before he acted like he was to slip right in front of the woman. The latter gasped and instantly raised her hands to try to keep the shifter upright. Knock blushed hard and looked at his saviour. He innocently accepted the woman's help and pretended that he was very dizzy. Perhaps because he drunk too much. Korn rolled his eyes. So, Knock had adopted another way to scam the people around him for information. He sat down and turned his back to Knock as he sipped his drink. He knew Knock would come back with information in the morning. You would not believe how much you could find during pillow talk. However, he was not interested to look at him flirting at that woman and getting her away from the bar to have his way with her. 

This was what they both used to do in their missions before. They would separate in front of the bar and find someone to get the information. Usually, Korn would take someone whom he could easily read their emotions. Easier to manipulate. And of course, Knock would take any woman who would fall for his looks. The dragon planet was even more secretive than the sorcerers, so in the end no one ever recognised that Knock was the dragon prince. Which made it easy for him to do his job. "Be careful. And do not engage with him. Just confirm our suspicions and get out of there. You got it?" Korn ignored him. "Korn!!!", exclaimed the dragon shifter in his head. And he was ignored again. Korn stared at his glass for a long time. And when he sensed that Knock was finally gone with the woman, he stood up and stretched lazily. Time to get to work. 

He had already done his homework while sitting and waiting for his partner to be gone. He walked straight to the man who was at the very back of the bar. He was wearing a black cloak hiding his face under the hood. Korn clenched his fists and then sat down right in front of him. He then leaned back  and waited for the man to look at him. The latter slowly raised his face and smiled evilly at Korn who stopped his shudder in time. He did not want that son of a bitch in front of him to know how much he wanted to run away from him right now. That stench that this man was spreading was so bad that Korn wanted to throw up. He tried not to breathe in and said: "You have been following me." The man inclined his head and waited for Korn to continue. 

"Why?", finally asked Korn. The man gave out a chuckle and said, spreading his hands: "You are in my territory, young man. I know everything that happens here." He leaned in and said: "And of course I know that you are searching for me." He then gave out a tired sigh as he whispered: "That little runt of mine knows too much. Even though he has great potential. A pity that I now have to get rid of my boy." Korn nodded. He guessed that much when he smelled that stench from him. Only a very evil man could smell like this. He stared at the man and thought about little scared and yet sweet Elijah. He could see that resemblance. Because it was clear that the sorcerer sitting in front of him was Elijah's father. He sighed, rubbing his pressure point to try to calm down his nausea. He had confirmed the information and now there remained only one thing to be checked. And he looked at the sorcerer who said smugly: "Why did you chase your dragon away? You thought to make him safe?" 

Korn blinked. His dragon? Since when? He pushed those thoughts away and said: "Who is she to you?" Elijah's father laughed: "Who do you think that woman can be to me?" Korn shrugged: "You tell me." The man cackled, creating a cold atmosphere in the bar. He waved his hand and said: "She is nobody to me." And Korn had absolutely no problem in believing him. So, he nodded. "Why are you working for her then?" Now the man hitched his eyebrow up: "Me? Working for her? You are kidding?? I despise her!! She is just a simple metamorph. A species that needs to be exterminated from this universe! Of course not, I am not working for her!!!" Korn swallowed, the stench becoming denser as the sorcerer got angry. He was going to lose his dinner soon. He tapped on his thigh. 

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