Chapter 81

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Diana hissed in pain as she opened her eyes and tried to move. A gentle voice whispered: "Don't try to move, mom. It will hurt you more." Diana's mouth fell open in surprise. Okay. So....... Who just spoke to her? She squinted her eyes and tried to figure out who was there. As far as she knew, her baby was currently mad at her. And Yihwa usually called her "mother". Oh but it could not be her anyway since it was a tiny male voice that spoke. Intriguing. Maybe it was Arthit? She blinked several times to get that fog off her eyes so that she could see. However, suddenly two strong arms came around her before she could even see and she heard sobs. Bitter sobs and whispers like "mom, I am so sorry." "Really sorry." "Thanks goodness, you are back." "Ohh god, I love you, mom. I really do. Always did." Diana felt tears come to her eyes whether because of those desperate whispers or because that hug was physically hurting her, she did not know.

And then her vision finally cleared as she heard Arthit say gently: "Babe, let go. You are hurting her." Kongpob sniffed and reluctantly let her mother go. Slate moved restlessly inside Kongpob, never wanting to end that hug. He had been so worried about her. And what did Arthit mean she was hurting? He stared at his mother worriedly. Diana's eyes widened in shock and she croaked out: "Kong...." It was indeed her baby who was calling her mom?? But.. but wasn't he mad at her?! Kongpob gave her a weak, yet tender smile and it was clear that her son was no longer mad at her. How did that miracle happen? She smiled back, tears flooding on her face as she raised her arms and tried to reach for him. However, her limbs being still very weak due to the poison, she would have fell if Kongpob had not moved forward and caught her in his arms. "There, there.", whispered Slate to his mother. "We'll always protect you now." It was quite an emotional scene to see them finally reunited after so many years. Their tears, whispers and kisses made everyone there tear up. Until Noah cleared his throat. Diana instantly froze in Kongpob's arms. 

She peered at her soulmate from her son's shoulder and winced as she saw her soulmate's murderous eyes looking back at her. Yihwa hugged her father sobbing: "Oh god you are awake too!!" Noah smiled and hugged her back. "It's fine. It's fine. Stop crying, babygirl." But his eyes were still glaring at Diana who instantly hid her face in Kongpob's chest. Not that this was going to help her because she soon heard a cold "Leave us." She held her son's shirt tighter and shook her head, whispering: "No.. don't leave.." Kongpob patted her back in comfort. "I said leave us.", Noah said again. Arthit pulled on the hem of Kongpob's shirt. "Let's go, Kong." Kongpob shook his head like a petulant child and cradled his mother's head to his chest. Slate nodded like a wise old man: "Never let go, Kongpob." And indeed, Kongpob said out loud: "I won't." Arthit gaped at him. He pulled harder and said: "Let them talk, Kong. Let's go." And Kongpob shook his head vigorously, this time frowning at his father. 

"She just came from a severe poison attack, dad. You don't have to scold her. She did not mean it." Noah simply lifted his eyebrow at his son and remained firm on his decision as he said quietly: "This is none of your business, Kong. Just leave us for now." Slate bared his teeth. No one would ever hurt his mother again. Kongpob glared at his father and opened his mouth to retort something back to him when Arthit just covered his mouth with his hand. He muttered to his soulmate: "What are you two doing!? Let's just go!" Kongpob whispered: "But mom.." Slate too bristled. But Arthit just started to drag the very reluctant Kongpob away and simply gave a smile of apology to Noah. Yihwa wisely moved to leave the room too. Reaching the threshold of the door, Kongpob looked back and said: "Mom, just call me if you need help." Yihwa, Arthit and Noah stared at him in surprise. How exactly was he going to help Diana in this? Yihwa and Arthit just started laughing and Arthit pulled Kongpob with him: "For freaking sake, you big baby, just come!!"

Now standing outside the door, Arthit tried to hide his laughter but Yihwa was blatantly laughing in Kongpob's face. "Exactly what are you worried about? They are soulmates, silly. Noah would never hurt her.", explained Arthit to his soulmate who blushed in embarrassment. He knew that. It was just that he knew that if it was Arthit instead of Diana who had been poisoned, he knew what kind of anger he would be holding in too. Slate growled as the thought of Arthit being hurt came to his mind. He shook his head. He would never let this happen. Never ever. Ohh but then, Arthit was right. Noah would never hurt his queen. Kongpob brushed his hair from his forehead and leaned on his soulmate, whispering: "I am tired." Yihwa too yawned. Both siblings, now that their parents were thankfully awake, were finally feeling the fatigue of this whole ordeal. Arthit smiled at his demon. "Come, let's go to our suite.", he said. But Kongpob turned to look at the closed door, still worried. 

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