Chapter 86

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Meanwhile, outside the door, during the fight between the sorcerer and our two sassy, precious, pregnant people...

Ming's voice was hoarse and desperate but still he continued to shout his mate's name as he banged on that damn door. His wolf was howling, sensing his babies to be in danger. Ming trembled at the thought of losing his mate and his babies. Why was Kit not answering him back?? Why the hell would that door not open??! Who was inside with Arthit and Kit?? He turned to Kongpob who was growling and kept on glaring at the door. His hands were trembling and he was so worried. One because his demon was not responding to his calls at all. Where was Slate for freaking sake?! Two, his soulmate was behind that fucking door along with Kit. Doing what? He had no clue. He was as afraid as Ming. It was that sudden fear of his that made him wake up and rush towards the place where his heart was telling him his soulmate was. He had felt Arthit's anger and sadness but could not communicate with him at all. 

Korn placed his hand on Ming's shoulder, trying to calm him down: "I can no longer feel distress from inside, Ming. It will be fine." Knock inclined his head and complained, frustrated as hell: "I still don't get it how it had not been destroyed with my dragon's claw or dragon's fire." Prem shook his head: "Same here. I tried the my strongest spell and it did not open." Beam sighed: "All your attacks are not useful, I get it. But why can't I teleport inside? Just who is inside that damn room?!" Pha glanced at him: "This is what we all want to know. Even my telekinesis refuses to work here. Whoever is inside knows us very well." Bright nodded as he moved his hand away from his mate. Pha was right. He needed to use his power to get the door open. Yo ran to them and said: "The employees refuse to come to our aid! Like it is not their business at all!!" Burning with anger, Kongpob turned to Bright. The last resort. "Touch me.", he exclaimed with determination. He was going to get the door destroyed!! It would open to reveal his soulmate safe and sound otherwise he swore he would burn that shit of a building down!! But when he was about to touch Bright's hand, it happened.

The door broke open under Ming's punch and at the same time, Slate shouted inside Kongpob's head: "Alyssa is freaking scary man!!!!" Kongpob ignored that and rushed inside the room to get to his soulmate. Kit waved at them and Kongpob blanched as he saw Arthit lying on the floor, eyes closed. He looked at Kit and pointed at Arthit as he stammered: "He.. He... He is-" Kit tried his best to reassure him even with Ming fussing around him: "He is fine. Just sleeping. Using the powers apparently tired him out." Kongpob knelt down and touched his soulmate's hand, sending healing energy to him. Slate whispered in his mind: "He is really fine. Alyssa made sure he is. Brave girl she is. And did I say hella scary too?" Kongpob cradled his soulmate in his arms and asked Slate: "What did she do?" Slate exclaimed: "Ask me what she did not do, man!! She called me to her dream! Wait was it my dream? Or hers? Or his? God.. I no longer know...." Kongpob pushed the confusing explanation of his demon aside, scanned the rest of the room and saw the others kneel down to examine something. He frowned and walked to them, Arthit still in his arms. 

Kit shouted: "Don't!" Both Ming and Kongpob turned to look at him in surprise and Kit leaned against his mate as he said: "Don't bring Arthit to him. He is not dead yet." Everyone in the room heard him loud and clear. They even moved away from the man on the floor. Slate sighed: "I'll say he is dead anyway." Pha stated as he examined the face of the man: "By him you mean the general of the Union?" Kit nodded and said: "He is also THE sorcerer. Eli's father. The one who tried to poison Kongpob's mother. He used scary spells. I don't know how he did that." Ming whispered something to him and Kit shook his head as he buried his face into Ming's neck. Ming rubbed his back and Kit finally said: "He wanted to get our babies for his army. His son as well." Kongpob and Pha shared a look. Kongpob said: "He was always our traitor in that case." Pha continued his thought: "And this is why he knew everything about us." Prem muttered: "Well it certainly explains about the enchanted door." Beam touched the unconscious man with his shoe and said: "Can we kill him already?"

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