Chapter 5

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Arthit was sitting with the children in the school of disability and was chatting with them. He was tired. Which was totally expected when someone did not sleep for more than three consecutive days. His eyes were burning. He needed to sleep. He was sure that he was soon going to drop dead because of lack of sleep. And this was what happened. He was leaning on his hand while looking at the children playing when he finally went into a deep sleep. 

Adrestia was sitting on a chair, his legs crossed. Arthit went to him. Adrestia said: "You planned to stay away from me for long?" He gave out a sarcastic laugh. "You cannot. You are mine. And mine alone. There is no running away from me." Arthit swallowed hard and replied: "I did not want to get away from you. I like you. I don't know how or why but I like you. Since the very first day." Adrestia then got up and placed Arthit's hands on his mask: "I am unknown to you. You have not seen my face yet and never will. How could you like me? What kind of like is this?" Arthit traced his fingers on the assassin's mask and then went even lower. He touched Adrestia's neck and said: "To me, you are real. I do not even care how you look like. All I know is that I like you."

Adrestia remained silent and arched his neck to let Arthit touch him more. Arthit whispered as he placed his fingers on Adrestia's pulse which was beating rapidly: "If you say I am yours, then come to make me yours for real, please." And he closed his eyes, resting his head on Adrestia's shoulder.

Then the scenery changed and Arthit felt it. He was so scared now to open his eyes to look around him. But everything was so silent as if everything and everyone were holding their breaths. He tentatively opened his eyes and saw himself in an alley. Seconds later, those men in white coats came and placed the little boy on the garbage. One said: "I can't believe he is now dead. He had survived almost all of our experiments. He was about to become our ultimate warrior. But now we have to start all over again." Arthit fell on his knees hearing this. The boy was dead. How cruel could they be? He wiped his tears and got up with difficulty. He went to the boy and looked at him. He was looking as if he was asleep. But then Arthit looked closely and realised that the little boy was indeed not breathing at all. 

Arthit felt as if a part of him was broken. A sweet boy like him could not be dead. He had a whole life in front of him. He was special to his parents. Those monsters did all those experiments to him and then left him for dead. "He was just a child, you monsters!!", he shouted.

Arthit opened his eyes as he felt someone shake him. Anastasia looked at him with tears in her eyes. "P, why are you shouting?", she said in her little voice which was full of worry. Arthit shook his head and caressed her hair with a trembling hand: "I am sorry, I had a nightmare. I'll be right back." He went to the restroom and locked the door. He threw cold water on his face and placed his hands on the sides of the sink. His hands were trembling, tears falling on his face. What was happening to him? Who was that little boy? And why was he affecting him so much? He was lost in his thoughts when he felt someone trap him against a hard body and cover his mouth with his hand. He immediately struggled, then realised who that was. 

He instantly turned into his arms and hugged him. "You came. You seriously came.", he whispered to Adrestia who was shocked as he felt the human prince hug him. When he listened to what the prince was saying, he was confused. The prince had been waiting for him? Why? But then all that did not matter right now for Adrestia. The person whom he kept dreaming for so many days was finally in his arms. He instinctively hugged him back and closed his eyes, savouring this moment. He did not know why he was dreaming about the prince but right now, with the prince in his arms, this moment felt so right. 

When Arthit felt that Adrestia was hugging him back, he tightened his hold too. He was feeling safe in Adrestia's arms. He seriously had not thought that Adrestia would really come back. But then Adrestia gently pushed him away and grabbed his hand. "We need to go.", he said. Arthit was confused: "Where to?" "I don't know. We'll find a place. But you are in danger right now. Zeus is coming for you. He wants you to be killed." Arthit looked at Adrestia and smiled: "So, you came to rescue me again?" The assassin rolled his eyes, not that Arthit could see him but still that prince was so naive. He said: "I have come to take you to stop Zeus from winning. I want him finished. And for some reason, he wants you dead right now. So, yes I am rescuing you from him."

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