Chapter 52

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Still on that day, just when Kongpob finally collapsed after breaking the bond..

Slate growled with pain. He felt such an emptiness inside Kongpob. He sobbed and tried to take a deep breath despite the acute pain he was feeling. He needed to get his master back because he was already into a sort of coma. Slate had to bring him back. He had promised Arthit that he would protect Kongpob. He needed to keep this promise. But he closed his eyes with pain. He could not feel his powers anymore. His precious powers that used to make him so proud were now nearly non-existent. He started to lose hope. He did not want to die. He wanted to go back to his Arthit and see his smile. He wanted his master to wake up. How could their lives suddenly crumble down like this? They were so happy and everything was over. And he sobbed some more. 

He then heard a soft sigh. Intrigued, he opened his eyes with much difficulty. A soft golden light illuminated the destroyed ship. And a ghost-like, shimmering, shifting woman floated towards them. He squinted his eyes to look at her. Who was she? She looked quite familiar. He inclined his head curiously to stare at her as she advanced towards him gracefully. "Hi!", she said as she sat down in front of him. Who was she speaking to? Kongpob was unconscious. Slate got surprised when she said with her soft voice: "Ah yes my baby calls you Slatey, right?" Her baby? Who? Wait! She was talking to him! She smiled and reached out to touch his head. Slate gave out a sigh of relief. Her slender and translucent hand was somehow cooling the throbbing pain that was resonating in Slate's head. Her soft touch made Slate want to sleep. To surrender to the pain. 

He was about to close his eyes when he heard her say: "Slatey, you are not allowed to close your eyes yet." Slate frowned at her order. No one could order him to do anything except his master and his soulmate. Then why was this strange lady ordering him not to sleep? He glared at her, showing very clearly his displeasure. She chuckled: "Look at that fierce stare. Just like her, huh? Ah when I look at you, I miss her a lot. She needs to stop suffering you know. You need to convince your master that she loves him a lot and never stopped hoping that you guys would be back one day." Slate was now confused. Why was this lady having this deep conversation with him? He could not focus at all with that deep pain piercing his head. Who was waiting for whom exactly? Ugh, just let him sleep already. He felt too weak. 

"Oi! Don't sleep! At least not until they come for you. Slatey, are you listening?", pestered the lady in white. Slate sighed. Why was she so hyper? He re-opened his eyes again and simply stared at her. She grinned. "That's my good boy. Just bear with me and the pain for a while." She fell silent and stroked his head. She then added: "For the sake of Arthit?" Now Slate opened his eyes wide and tried his best to stay alert. She laughed. "Aw demons are so cute. You want hear stories about him to pass time?" Slate nodded eagerly and she smiled as she started to narrate a funny story: "My baby was a very mischievous one. He usually loved to play with butter. Don't even ask me why. I don't even know how he found the butter first of all. And he played with it only behind my back, of course. I once found him in his nappies only sitting on the table with the butter jar between his little plump thighs. He was completely covered with butter. 

One hand in his mouth which I am sure was filled of butter too. His little body was shining with all that butter. It was a real nightmare to wash him up. And you know what was more cute? His face when he was discovered. He lowered his gaze in shame and would not look at me in the eyes at all. His little cheeks were all red. Not that you could see it clearly with all the butter on his face. But he was very ashamed. I could not bear to scold him at all. I just took him to the bathroom and did my best to take all that butter off him. The funniest fact about this cute incident though?" She chuckled as she exclaimed: "His very buttery poop!" And she laughed out loud. Slate watched her hands fly and her eyes twinkle with love as she told the anecdote. Slate smiled. He could look at her forever. She then raised her head and sighed in relief: "Here they come."

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