Special Chapter - Sleep

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Leaning against the shower stall, Arthit shook his sleep away as he weakly opened the door to go out. He could not believe it that he actually slept while showering. "Kong..", he called out softly across their telepathic path and his husband only "hmm" him back. That poor demon of his was even more tired than him. He lazily reached out for his briefs and dried his hair as he walked towards where his soulmate was. He kept praying that Kongpob had been able to make those little devils sleep. He was ready to sacrifice his entire being for some sleep. So, please let them be asleep already.  

Arthit smiled in relief as he walked into the nursery. He should have known. Those troublemakers had tired their father a lot because Kongpob was actually asleep along with them. They were so cute to look at with Kongpob lying on his back and his both hands cuddling his babies who were sleeping on him. Alyssa actually wriggled some more and rested her face just below her father's chin with her little hand resting on his cheek and went back to sleep. Ae apparently got the VIP place. Arthit's favourite place to lay his face when he was about to sleep. Ae's cute little face rested right on Kongpob's heart. 

Arthit sighed and covered them with a blanket. He would give his soulmate about an hour before he came to take him to bed with him. He wanted Kongpob's warmth too. He sat on the carpet, leaning his head against the crib while holding the tip of his soulmate's t-shirt in his fist. And this was how the king and queen of the demon planet found them. Diana covered her mouth with her hand as tears came to her eyes. Noah placed his hands on her shoulders and whispered: "We missed them, didn't we?" The queen nodded as she rubbed her tears away. They had been away from home for a week because of the summit that was organised for all the planets. Their presence was important since they were also representing the human planet too.

But Diana was bored during the summit. All she wanted was to come back to her babies. She bent down and touched Arthit's cheek lightly. "Darling.. You are going to get a pained neck in the morning..", she whispered tenderly. Arthit did not react at all. Noah chuckled and said: "Move aside, woman. It shows how tired he is." He bent down and picked his son-in-law up. He then carried him to the bed and covered him with the blanket. He smiled as he saw him sleeping with his mouth open. "Exactly what have been our prince and princess done to you two in our absence?" If Arthit was awake, his list of complaints would have been ever ready to be shared.

Still in the nursery, Kongpob swore he dreamt of his mother's voice. "Oh thank god mom is home.", he whispered in his sleep and Diana chuckled lightly. She kissed his forehead and said: "Sleep, sweetheart. Your dad will get you to your soulmate." She reached out and gently took Ae in her arms. He fussed a little and then went back to sleep. Diana kissed his cheeks and placed him in his crib. Then she turned towards the stubborn of the two twins. "You must be so happy to have a little you down here, aren't Alyssa?", she said to her bestie up in the sky. Because she was right. Alyssa might be a baby but she had that talent of persuading people around her to do exactly as she wished. And she then showed them her legendary toothless smile.

Instantly as Diana picked her up, she started to fuss. Stormee came forward and started to sing softly. A few minutes later, she kissed her granddaughter's forehead and let Diana place the sleeping Alyssa next to Ae. "It's been a while since you sang, Storm.", whispered the queen and her demon smiled. "She reminds me of Slate.", replied Stormee. They watched as Noah came and picked up his son to join his soulmate. "With this done, we better check on our daughter before we go back to our wing.", said Diana as she joined Noah. The king froze momentarily and then smiled at his queen. "Do we have to, darling?", he tried to cajole his wife. But Diana frowned at him. "Where is she?", she instantly asked.

Noah sighed and whispered: "She sent a letter to let me know that she needed some time alone. Away from everyone." Diana narrowed her eyes at her soulmate and retorted: "You mean away from her soulmate. What has Cho done again?" Noah stopped her tantrum and said: "They are grown ups. They can deal with their shit on their own." The queen sighed and walked silently to their suite. "Take the baby monitor with us. These two are dead to the world." And indeed, Arthit had cuddled close to his soulmate and both of them were sleeping deeply. They badly needed that sleep.

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