Chapter 61

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Kongpob left the room to follow his favourite human but then he saw Bright walking by. He smiled gently and walked to him: "So, how are you feeling finally knowing who your parents are?" Bright winced at that and said: "Can I talk to you in private?" Kongpob instantly nodded. And as soon as they went for a walk in the royal garden, Bright exclaimed: "I am sorry." Kongpob quietly asked: "Why?" Bright placed his gloved hands in his pockets nervously. When Rome was not around him, he always wore his gloves. He currently hated his powers, knowing from whom he got them. He said: "When I left to get some answers about my parents, I met a retired scientist. He told me a lot of things. And one of the things was about a boy. A boy with silver eyes and a powerful being inside of him." 

Now, he certainly got the full attention of both Slate and Kongpob. Bright took a deep breath and told Kongpob everything what the man said. Kongpob now whispered emotionally: "Then I owe my life to this great man." Bright nodded and he said: "But he is just grateful that after all the experiments that he helped to perform on you, he could heal you and that you are alive. But my apologies are because of my mother and father. The scientist told me how Pring tried to make you stronger and stronger till she nearly killed you. And then my father tried to kill you when you came to this planet." He lowered his head in respect in front of Kongpob: "I am so sorry." Kongpob sighed, his hands slightly trembling as he made them rest on Bright's shoulders: "You don't owe me apologies, Bright. You are not them. I am going to tell you something. Your biological parents cannot be considered to be your parents as such. They were not here for you. They have nothing to do with you. They do not deserve you. Trust me. Your real parents are the elves who made a man out of you. Who loved you with all their hearts. Who accepted you as their own no matter what kind of powers and what species you were."

When Bright heard those words from the friend he always admired, he finally breathed out in relief. "And one more thing Bright, be proud of the powers you have.", added Kongpob. He fell silent for one moment and then he said: "I was like you once. I refused to count on Slate when I was younger. One, he was uncontrollable after my kidnapping. And two, he was my last link to my demon planet. My demon origin. I did everything. I trained so hard so that I did not have to rely on him at all. But in the end, Slate is the one who came to my help each and every time. You were there. You know about it. It is the same for your powers. No matter who gave it to you, it's YOUR powers. Don't be reluctant to use them." Bright swallowed hard. His past was not that painful like Kongpob's. But still, this demon was smiling and encouraging him. So, maybe he should do the same. He nodded to Kongpob and the demon winced because Slate was shouting in his head: "YOU!!!! I WAS UNCONTROLLABLE???!!! I AM SO GOING TO TELL THAT TO ARTHIT!!!!"

Kongpob rubbed his temple as he replied to his demon: "Stop shouting, SLATEY." Slate growled and exclaimed: "I am NOT shouting! I am expressing my displeasure!! I was NOT uncontrollable!!! You argggggghhhhh!! I am NEVER going to help you again!!!" Kongpob chuckled as he said: "Then Arthit will be angry with you for not helping his soulmate...." Slate frowned harder and he retorted: "He won't!!" Kongpob just smirked and Slate growled: "He won't!!!" Kongpob shrugged: "Now now, I have not said anything, SLATEY." Slate growled harder. He then whined: "Why can't I talk to Arthit like before??? I would have told him how you bully me, Kongpob!!" Kongpob shook his head as he replied: "I don't bully you." Slate scoffed: "You do too!! ARTHIT!!!!" His whine suddenly opened a telepathic path to Arthit and the human prince hear that "ARTHIT" very clearly in his head. And very surprised, he stumbled while walking. 

He frowned and immediately tried to reply to Slate but the telepathic path cut off within seconds. He turned back, looking for Kongpob. What could happen to make Slate shout his name like this? He ran back to the bedroom where they were but did not see him. Out of breath, he leaned against the wall for a few minutes and started his search again. He frowned when he saw Tew patting Oak's back in sympathy. He asked them: "Have you guys seen Kong?" Tew shook his head: "He was with you, right?" Arthit sighed and said: "Talk to him telepthically, will you? I can't find him." Tew nodded and called out: "Kongpob?" "Ohh it's the Oracle calling for me!", came the reply almost instantly. Tew was a bit surprised with this answer and asked: "Where are you?" Kongpob chuckled and whispered: "In food heaven." Tew lifted his eyebrow at that and he asked again: "With whom?" "My Oon's brother and his little brother and his mate."

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