THAT boy

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Walking back into the house I shut the door and leaned my forehead against the cold dark wood letting the residual effects of the kiss wash over my body making me smile.

"Did you just kiss him?" Kevin's voice came suddenly from the behind me making me jump.

"Huh?" I questioned turning on my heels still unable to wipe the ridiculous grin off my face.

"" he questioned again, this time putting emphasis on each word to ensure I heard them clearly.

"No," I spat irritated by his tone, "he kissed me." Again the ridiculous grin appeared.

"It's about time," Dani mumbled as she stood at the sink washing dishes. "DANI!" the look of shock on my brother's face was priceless as his head swung around to glare in her direction.

"What?" She spat defensively, "Oh come on Kevin, CeCelia is sixteen, you need to get used to the idea of her kissing boys!"

"I don't mind her kissing boys," Kevin argued as if I weren't standing right in front of him, "Just not THAT boy." I nearly tackled him on the spot. Grabbing my backpack I hastily threw my books inside. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going home!" I growled.

"CeCelia, it's nine o'clock at night..."                                             

I rolled my eyes and threw my backpack over my shoulder, "It's five houses down Kevin, but if it makes you feel better I'll be sure to text you and let you know I made it safely." I spat before throwing open the front door and slamming it behind me.

-Kevin's POV-

"I cannot believe you!"  Dani spat walking around the counter and snapping me with the dishtowel. 

"Me? What did I do?" I questioned rubbing the spot on my thigh where the towel had made contact.

"I don't mind her kissing boys, just not THAT boy," she mimicked in a voice not even remotely like mine. "She really likes him and they just kissed for the first time and you totally ruined it Kevin! She will not easily forgive you for that and I do not blame her one bit." 

My brows knit together in frustration, "Why are you suddenly on Josh's side...he is bad news Dani."

 Dani's eyes squinted into a glare, "If you would take the time to stop judging him by his transcripts and pay attention you would see that he is clearly smitten by her, he was polite and honest and he gave up his evening to help her so that she would not get into trouble."

"You are being such a girl right now," I spat defensively, "He came here to kiss her...the homework was a means to an end. You want to think his intentions are all innocent but I can assure you they are not...I'm a guy, I know how guys think."

"Well, ya wanna know what I think?"  Dani spat tossing the dishtowel down on the counter, "I THINK you should get comfy on that couch 'cause you're sleeping there until further notice."  With that she took off stomping up the stairs leaving me alone in my new temporary bedroom.

-CeCelia's POV-

Stomping down Kevin's front steps I pulled my cell phone from my pocket and quickly shot Josh a text 'Staying at my house tonight...walking home now, curfew not till 10...' before I could tuck the phone back into my pocket I was greeted with his response, 'want company?' Smiling I tried to ignore the butterflies that filled my stomach at the prospect of a second kiss. 'If you are interested...' I walked at a sluggish pace staring at the text screen waiting for his response before letting out a sigh and tucking the phone into my pocket. "Guess that's a no," I grumbled to myself as I turned to walk across our front lawn and opened the front pocket of my backpack to search for my key.

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