Compared to teenagers, babies are cake

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2 am

I woke with a start as my cell phone vibrated on the desk. I sat up peeling a study sheet from my face and wiping drool from my mouth with the back of my hand before peering around my room that was now pitch black save for the naked 40 watt light bulb that protruded from my desk lamp.

How long had I been asleep?

Grabbing at the buzzing phone I hit the answer button and brought it to my ear. "ello?"

"CeCelia? Oh thank God, where are you?" Cat's voice rang through the receiver thick with worry.

"I'm at home..." I confessed flipping off the light and shuffling over to my bed before practically face planting into the fluffy pillows.

I heard a sigh of relief on Cat's end of the line. "Well, you are least there is that...I will be over first thing in the morning ...if Nick finds out you took off he will kill us both...I don't think he is due back until around 9."

"Mmm...kay." I acknowledged clicking end on my phone and tossing it onto the bedside table before surrendering back to sleep.

8:30 am

"I have been knocking forever!" Cat ranted as she entered my room and successfully pulled me from sleep. "Why are you still in bed, I told you I would be here first thing, Nicholas is due back any time."

"How did you get in the house?" I questioned slinging my legs off the bed and pulling my body up with a long yawn.

Cat flew around my room like a manic butterfly grabbing an outfit from my closet and shoving it in my direction. "Well, after pounding on the door for over ten minutes with no response from you or Joe I picked the lock."

I cocked a brow at Cat's confession, "Joe isn't here, it's just me...and did you just say you picked the lock?"

"Joe isn't here?" She repeated, her irritation level clearly peaking. "What do you mean he isn't here?"

"I mean he didn't come home last night, he's probably still with Professor Davies."

"You mean to tell me that you stayed here last night, all by yourself, with no adult?" Cat nearly screeched.

I rolled my eyes dismissing her obvious irritation. "You all act like I'm a baby; I studied and went to adult supervision required."

I watched as a flare of anger...or maybe panic flashed in Cat's eyes. "Come on," she spat grabbing me by the arm and pulling me from the bed and toward the stairs, "we have to get out of here before Joe gets home and we have to get back to my house before Nicholas does...this stays our secret." The words had just barely fallen from her lips as we descended the last stair and the front door opened revealing my very surprised looking brother.

"Nicholas!" Cat squealed in surprise, "What are you doing here?"

I watched a smile spread across my brother's face, "I was about to ask you the same thing..."

"Oh...well" I watched Cat squirm as she tried to think of a reasonable explanation as to why we were both in the wrong house.

"How was your sleepover?" my youngest brother asked stepping toward Cat and sweeping her into a hug.

"Great," Cat offered immediately, a nervous smile plastered on her face as she pulled from the hug, "It was great, how was your trip?"

Half of me sighed in relief upon realizing that I was about to get away with my previous night's shenanigans, the other half however...had other plans. "She is lying!" I spat even surprising myself. I watched the smile drain from my brother's eyes as he looked at me, then to Cat, then back at me. "I took off last night."

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