Blood Battles and Big Secrets

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I walked back out to the courtyard still in shock over the proverbial ass handing Joe had administered and plopped back down on the bench next to Josh.

"Welcome back," Josh said with a smile that quickly faded when he saw my face. "I take it that you didn't get your phone back?" he questioned; I shook my head and pulled the phone from my sweater waving it in the air before tucking it back into my pocket. " want to tell me what's wrong?"

I shrugged my shoulders before letting out a sigh, "Joe basically just handed me my ass."

Josh cocked a brow. "Why? What did you do now?" he questioned jokingly. I brought my eyes up to see his expression change to that of concern.

"Nick has been letting me get away with a lot of bad behavior...most of which was directly related to blood sugar but not all of it." I explained, "He says he understands what I am going through and he is trying to be patient while I adjust, but he has been overlooking a lot and Joe does not agree with it. Joe thinks I am using diabetes as an excuse to misbehave."

Josh's face contorted with confusion, "You aren't the one blaming your behavior on diabetes, Nick is, it's hardly fair to be upset with you because Nick is letting you get away with stuff."

"They know that I snuck out on Friday," I admitted with a sigh, Josh's eyes grew wide

"Are you serious?"

"It's going to sound crazy but to me that's not even the worst part. The worst part is that they know I broke the rules and are just letting me get away with cheapens it in some way."

Josh nearly busted out laughing, "You're right, that does sound crazy." I scrunched my nose and nudged him with my shoulder. "Look, from the sounds of it you don't exactly get away with much when it comes to your brothers, just consider this a freebie, learn from your mistakes, and try not to repeat them."

I nodded pulling my meter from my bag with a sigh, "I hate this part." I complained plugging the strip into the meter and cocking the pricker.

" me too!" Josh said enthusiastically jutting his pointer in my direction.

"DO you?" I mocked with a smirk, "We have yet to even kiss Mr. you city boys sure are forward."

Josh smirked appreciating my teasing, "Test me too, we can see who wins."

Cocking a brow I brought my eyes up to meet his, "And If you win?"

"You kiss me." He said with a smirk.

"And if I win?"

"You kiss me" he repeated shooting me a Cheshire grin.

"OR we could test for bragging rights..." I offered up my alternative as Josh's lip jutted out in a pout.

"I like my idea better but whatever..." he said jutting his pointer in my direction again, cocking a brow I pressed the pricker to his finger before pushing the button and releasing the spring loaded lancet into his skin. "OWWWWIE" he yelled nearly causing me to jump off the bench, he immediately shot me a grin that got him slapped on the shoulder.

"NOT funny," I scolded feeding the blood onto the strip before the meter sounded and started its countdown before flashing a 117 on the screen. "Preeeeeety" I cood flashing the screen toward Josh who threw his arms up in mock celebration.

"You're going down Jonas!"

Ignoring him I plugged another test strip into the meter and cocked the pricker back before pressing it to the side of my pinkie finger and releasing the spring. Squeezing my tip slightly I fed the bead of blood into the test strip and held my breath as the countdown flashed slowly before revealing a number that caused me to grin. "Beat you Davis."

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