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"Are you staying for dinner Joshua?" Dani chimed suddenly almost making me jump.

Josh smiled sweetly at Dani, "I would love to."

"Fantastic," she said grabbing some items from the fridge, "you can help make the salad."

Josh chuckled and stood from his chair, "Yes Ma'am."

"So, how is the homework coming along?" she asked handing Josh a large bowl and a bag of fresh spinach.

"I just have this rough draft to do and I am done."

"Is that so?" Kevin asked entering the kitchen and causing me to jump again.

"Would you two stop doing that...sneaking around here and popping into the room all loud."

Kevin cocked a brow in disbelief before taking a seat in Josh's chair and picking up my history packet. "You know if you just rushed through this and wrote down random answers I am going to trash it and make you do the whole packet again."

"It's correct," Josh declared causing my brother's head to pop up, "I checked it."

"Well, I'm her professor, I will be the judge of that." Kevin said sharply before turning his eyes back to the packet. Skimming the pages quickly he looked up at me in amazement and I was sure he knew it wasn't my work.


"It's correct." Kevin gushed, "good job kid."

"Josh is a very good tutor," I said giving my eldest brother a smile, "maybe you should hire him."

"Mmmmmhmm..." Kevin sneered, "I have a feeling he would be willing to do it for free." Josh quietly nodded his head in agreement and continued to make the salad as Kevin turned his attention to my math packet. "Speaking of history...let's talk about yours were kicked out of multiple schools for fighting, destruction of property and drugs, is that right?"

"Kevin, enough." Dani scolded shooting my eldest brother eye daggers.

"That is NONE of your business," I snapped appalled.

"YOU are my business," Kevin said holding his ground, "If he plans to hang around you, I want answers."

"My mom left when I was Ellie's age," Josh said seemingly unscathed by the uncomfortable situation. "When I was about ten my dad started drinking...a lot."

"You don't have to tell him anything Josh," I spat interrupting.

"He started knocking me around. I couldn't stand up to him so I started fighting everyone got me kicked out of four schools," he said finishing the salad and passing the bowl to Dani who stood there looking shocked. "I was at the next school for about two weeks before the guidance counselor confronted me and I told him about my dad, he said I was lying that only poor people beat their kids and he called my dad...needless to say my dad wasn't too pleased with me running my mouth so the next day I took a bat to the counselors car."

"Good!" Dani spat, now clearly on Josh's side.

"Dani!" Kevin scolded.

"What? The man deserved it...if it were me I would have taken the bat to him...what a jerk breaking a student's trust like that...only poor people beat their kids...stereotypical ass." I struggled to hide my giggle at Dani's hormonal outburst.

"And the drugs?" Kevin continued on with his interrogation as if he had not heard Josh confess the horrible things his father had done.

"After that I started hanging out with other privileged kids with issues...unlimited money and parents that didn't care enough to supervise led to lots of drugs."

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