Training Wheels

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I slammed the door behind me and buried my face in my comforter ranting obscenities into the mattress. I knew the boys hated Josh but at some point they were going to have to lay off a bit, this overprotective thing was really starting to piss me off.

There was a soft knock on the door before it cracked open and Nick's head peaked in. "Can I come in?"

"Sure." I shrugged, pushing myself up to sit as he closed the door behind him and took a seat beside me on the bed.

"I'm sorry we made you angry." Nick said patting my knee.

"You guys don't get to choose my friends." I said boldly earning me a cocked brow from my youngest brother.

"You wanna lose the 'tude before it gets you in trouble?" Nick warned his tone no longer soft, it only managed to irritate me more.

"I don't have an attitude, I am just sick of you guys being so judgmental about Josh, we are FRIENDS and I am not going to stop being friends with him just because you guys have some sort of personal grudge against him." I spat.

"We don't get to choose your friends but we do decide who is allowed in this house and whether or not you are allowed out of it so I would watch your tone if I were you, I came in here in peace not to start a fight." Nick retorted. "Have you checked your sugar lately?"

Rolling my eyes, I gave him a glare. "I assure you it isn't my sugar affecting my attitude as much as my annoying overprotective brothers..." I paused. "I need some time away from you guys. Actually, I was thinking of going out to lunch with Morgan tomorrow."

"Sorry but I don't think that is a good idea just yet, you are still sporting your diabetes training wheels, it's hard to know how calculate and bolus for fast food until you have a good handle on it. I'd rather you stick to stuff we have here at the house until you're better at managing." Nick stated as I sighed.

"Isn't that how you learn? Take off the training wheels and hope for the best?"

Shaking his head, Nick smiled. "Having diabetes isn't like riding a bike's more like riding a rollercoaster with no seatbelt. You can't just go out for lunch or grab a soda anymore, everything you eat and don't eat for that matter will affect your levels. You need to learn to listen to your body and know how you react to certain foods. It's a learning process but I promise it does get easier, it just takes patience and time. We will go out this weekend and play around with foods on the fly, until then just stay at home, get used to a routine, use your time at home to rest, and maybe catch up on some of your homework."

"What if I don't eat lunch with her, what if I just come hang out." I bargained.

Nick shook his head, "You are off school for medical reasons, and you do not need to be gallivanting around town or hanging out on campus, stay put."

"When have I ever gallivanted? What If I promise not to gallivant?" I teased.

Nick shook his head, unamused. "No leaving this house."

"But Nick...Ive been cooped up in a hospital and the house for days, surely a little gallivanting can't hurt," I batted my eyes innocently.

Nick's eyes warned of potential danger and I held up my hands in surrender. "Cat will be coming by to check on you; I pray you have enough sense to be here when she comes." I let out a sigh of defeat and nodded as Nick handed me a small black case from my bedside table. "Check yourself."

Rolling my eyes I grabbed the case feeding a strip into the meter before cocking the pricker and examining my fingers. "I'm running out of places to fingers are sore."

"Dial the pricker down, you might have it too high and it helps if you prick the side of your finger...not the pad," He instructed grabbing the pricker and dialing it down before handing it back to me. I pricked the side of my pointer before feeding a bead of blood onto the strip and watching the numbers count down to one before flashing a 389.

Rolling my eyes at the number, I sighed. "Hello 389 . . . haven't seen you in a while."

"I knew you were acting rather're going to have to give yourself a correction shot and drink some water." Nick said giving me a look. Leaning up, he kissed my forehead. "Go ahead, get your shot ready."

Grabbing my corrective pen, I screwed on a needle and dialed up the units before swabbing a site with an alcohol pad and pressing it into my stomach. "Do you ever get used to giving yourself shots?"

"Eventually, yes . . . but once you have gotten used to managing your levels a bit, maybe we'll see about getting you a pod." Nick said patting my shoulder. "Don't worry, eventually, you'll be an old pro at this."

"Awesome," I mused before pulling the pen out and swabbing the site again with the alcohol pad. "Why didn't the bolus I took before we ate work?"

"You may have miscalculated and not given yourself enough...or maybe your body just reacts differently to certain carbs...Pasta is a hard might be your kryptonite...mine is fries." Nick explained, "This is the reason I want you sticking around home till we get a better handle on your levels, the only thing predictable about diabetes is that it is completely unpredictable. Some days you do everything right and the numbers just don't make sense."

I gave Nick a small smile trying not to seem discouraged, "I changed my mind, I don't want diabetes anymore."

"Sorry Baby Girl..." Nick said standing from the bed, "Keep your head up, it will get easier, I will go grab you some water, you should get started on some of that homework."

I nodded in agreement grabbing a book, as my door closed I tossed the book down and grabbed my phone quickly texting Josh. 'Lunch tomorrow, cemetery' pressing send I tucked my phone away just as Nick walked back in.

Chapter End Notes:

Holy crap its been way too long since I updated this story...expect more updates very soon...possibly tonight. WRITE ME SOME LOVE UBERS!

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