You Don't Care

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"Let's go Cecelia," Joe barked as he and Kevin walked in the front door looking mad. I didn't bother with arguing, I quickly grabbed my backpack and started to load in my books.

"No, you two are staying for dinner," Dani instructed. "The pizza should be here any minute."

"Thanks but not tonight," Joe declined. "CeCe and I need to have a little talk." Ugh...anytime your parents say they need to have a 'little talk' with's usually code for you are in a heap of trouble.

"Yes, I am well aware of the little talk you need to have," Dani said. "She told me about it and it can wait, I've already ordered enough pizza for everyone. CeCe go get the paper plates out and put ice in glasses for everyone." I put my bag down and walked into the kitchen without a word and Joe sighed looking at Kevin.

Kevin chuckled. "Well, looks like you are staying for dinner." He said patting Joe on the shoulder before joining me in the kitchen. I stood at the counter filling glasses with ice as instructed as Kevin made his way to the fridge and grabbed a bag of lettuce. "I just had a meeting about you with the dean," He said, his tone disappointed.

"I know," I said, avoiding eye contact as I filled the last glass with ice.

"Did you know he put a mark on your record?" he questioned, pouring the lettuce into a large bowl.

My heart dropped, "No."

"I'm not happy," he said, his words quickly bringing tears to my eyes, I HATED when Kevin was disappointed. I brought my eyes to his as Dani walked into the kitchen.

"Why don't you stop making your sister cry and go tell your daughters hi," she instructed giving Kevin a kiss on the cheek, he nodded and walked out of the kitchen.


I walked in my room and dropped my bag before grabbing my 'mingo pajama pants and changing out of my uniform. Dinner had been severely uncomfortable; it consisted of me sitting at the table, my stomach so full of knots that I was unable to eat. It was almost a relief when Joe kissed Dani on the cheek and thanked her for dinner before ushering me out the door, at this point I just wanted to get our 'little talk' over with. It wasn't long before my door opened and Joe walked in, he grabbed my desk chair and set it in front of me before straddling it meeting me face to face.

"I'm not even sure where to begin," Joe said, crossing his arms and resting them on the back of the chair. I dropped my eyes waiting for the long list of my indiscretions to be listed off. "I'll start with your language," He said. "I thought I made myself clear last time, but apparently, you need a reminder. I am not naive Cecelia, I have no doubt that you use that type of language when we are not around. Otherwise, you wouldn't be slipping up so easily in front of me. It is unacceptable and ugly, and I do not want to hear it again, Find.Other.Words.For.Emphasis." He said, punctuating each word to make his point clear. I nodded my head in agreement. "We all got called into the dean's office today after school. He expressed his concern, to say the least, about your behavior lately. He had received report of you spending your lunch hour in the boys dorm, partying, drinking...and wanted to know why you seemed to be getting away with infractions of the conduct code. We let him know that you had attended one party with our permission but that you had not been drinking, and that we were unaware of you spending your time in the boy's dormitory."

"I didn't do anything," I defended. I still maintain this is a ridiculous rule. I mean, in all reality, if kids are going to have sex they certainly can think of other places to do it besides the dorms, just because I was in a boys room doesn't mean we were getting all naked.

Ok, so at times we were PARTIALLY getting naked, but that is beside the point...its dumb.

"YOU WERE THERE," Joe said, raising his voice in frustration over my attempt to defend my actions. "That is enough! You KNOW it is against the rules, and yet you did it anyway. Why are you so consistently driven to push your boundaries?

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