Ok, Maybe I am sick

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"You look like crap," Morgan observed as she walked up to her locker, "Are you alright?"

"I feel worse than I look," I said ignoring Morgan's blatant slam to my appearance. She rolled her eyes.

"So go home," she said simply before grabbing her books from her locker, "You are a complete grump when you are sick anyway, all you are going to do is end up mouthing off or something equally as disrespectful and get yourself into trouble."

"I can't go home," I retorted, "Joe agreed to let Matt come over tonight for a date at the house."

"Ah, so you don't want to miss school because then that means you lose your weekend." Morgan noted knowingly. I nodded.

"Exactly, I don't care how sick I am, I will survive till three then die on my own time," I said grabbing my stomach. "Ugh, I should not have eaten breakfast."

"Well, don't puke now, here comes Matt," Morgan said pointing over my shoulder, I turned to see Matt jogging toward me and smiled.

"Morning Ladies," He said coming to a stop at my locker and leaning over to kiss me, I quickly turned my head causing his kiss to fall on my cheek, his lip jutting out in response to the rejection.

"You don't want to kiss her trust me," Morgan said noting Matt's pouty lip, "She is sick." Matt turned to me and cocked a brow.

"It's a cold or something," I defended, "I'll be fine, but she is right, you shouldn't kiss me, I don't want to get you sick."

"I'm not scared," Matt said snaking an arm around my waist to pull me close and giving my lips a soft peck. I smiled against his lips before gently pushing him away.

"If you get sick I don't want to hear you complaining," I scolded, "You were warned." Matt smirked.

"Yes Ma'am," he said jokingly before stealing another kiss. "I have to go, I'll see you in class."

"Wait," I said stopping Matt in his tracks "Do you have plans for tonight?"

"Justin mentioned a party, figured I'd tag along...Why? Did your brothers change their mind? Can you go out?" He questioned his face lighting up. I shook my head and his face dropped.

"No, Joe agreed to you coming over though, thought maybe we could do a movie and get a pizza or something," I said laying my offer on the table. "but if you have plans..."

"Are you kidding?" Matt questioned, his face lighting up again, "I'd much rather spend time with you, It can be our first date...seeing as how the actual first one involved you kicking the shit out of Sam, the party getting busted, your brothers being called and you getting grounded, I think we deserve a mulligan." I giggled.

"Indeed!" I agreed, "Then it's a date."

"Sounds good babe, I gotta run, I'll see you in class." He said before taking off down the hall. Morgan turned to me and smiled.

"You two are too stinkin' cute...for real" Morgan cooed as she shut her locker. "You look like crap though, seriously, go home."

"I'll be fine, I'll see you at lunch." I said dismissing Morgan's instruction as I closed my locker and headed for class. I had not even made it half way before making a b-line for the bathroom, reaching it only moments before the breakfast I had been forced to eat came back up. Perhaps this was more than a cold. I stood there dry heaving for what felt like hours before the waves of nausea subsided leaving me feeling light headed. I walked to the sink and cupped some cold water into my mouth, swishing it around before spitting it out in an attempt to rinse the acidic bile away from my tongue. The bell rang as I slumped to the cold marble floor next to the sink; I knew I would probably catch hell from Joe about being late but at this point he would just have to deal. I didn't sit there long before the dizzy lightheaded feeling turned to a heavy pounding.



"See me after class," Joe said simply, his tone firm as I walked into class, I nodded and took my seat groaning internally, I was NOT in the mood to be reprimanded for truancy. I sat through class, completely oblivious to the discussion, unable to focus on anything other than the pounding in my head and the looming feeling that I could puke at any moment. I cupped my head in my hands, pressing my fingers to my temples until I heard Joe call my name, I looked up to find the classroom empty, Joe sitting at his desk grading papers. I stood and walked to his desk. "You were late." he stated simply.

"I was in the bathroom." I countered, knowing I wasn't doing my 'Im not sick' defense any good.

"I figured as much," Joe said with a smirk, "Are you ready to go home yet?"

"No," I sneered, not appreciating his condescending smirk, "Am I in trouble? If I'm not I need to get to class."

"No, You aren't in trouble," He said quickly writing me a slip and handing it to me. "You are however sick."

I rolled my eyes and walked out , it was going to take more than vomiting and a throbbing head to get me to willingly surrender my weekend.


"Babe, you CLEARLY are not feeling well," Matt noted as I pinched my nose at the corners of my eyes desperate to alleviate the pounding in my head, "Why don't you go home and get some rest?"

"If I go home sick I have to cancel all my plans for the weekend including our date...no way I am going home." I argued.

"You are going to get so sick that I won't be able to come over anyway," Matt countered as Kevin walked up behind him. "You should go home."

"She is going home," Kevin said quickly working the combination on my locker.

How the heck did he know my combination?

"Kevin I am fine, I am staying," I argued attempting to push my locker closed. Kevin grabbed my locker door and shot me a look that made it clear he was in no mood for arguing.

"Cecelia, you are sick and you are going home," He said handing me my backpack and shutting my locker. "Let's go."

I crossed my arms in defiance and planted my feet, he couldn't MAKE me leave.

Kevin cocked a brow at my defiance. "If you want to act like a toddler I can certainly treat you like one," He said his tone sharp. "ONE...."

Was he seriously counting at me? For real? He is bluffing.


Shit...maybe he wasn't bluffing. It's been a while, what comes after three? All signs point to it not being good.

"Cecelia Marie!" Kevin barked catching my attention.

Yup, time to go, When Kevin breaks out the full name you have pushed it as far as it can go before the punishment kicks in and I for one was not keen on the possibility of receiving said punishment in front of my boyfriend. I shot Matt an apologetic look before reluctantly slinging my backpack over my shoulder and walking toward Kevin.

Chapter End Notes:

Alright, I know its been forever, for those that follow me on twitter, you will have noticed that I have been MIA there as well, things have been insane around here and are just now getting back to normal, I have also been suffering from severe lack of writing inspiration, but I am back to feeling inspired and have big things coming in both this and TWILY so get ready!

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